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Cindy would’ve thought there’d be more screaming at the end of the world.

There wasn’t, though. Maybe because it wasn’t ending. Just stopping. It could be that made enough of a difference for people not to panic. Cindy panicked, though. On the inside.

She knew there were other universes, even other multiverses. Countless Cindy Moons who would happily go on, never knowing about her circumstances. But this multiverse, these fifty-three worlds… such a random number… would be lost. A multitude of Reed Richards had said that though the cataclysm was unavoidable, their Galactuses would be merging—creating a new universe out of the ashes of the old—and thanks to the efforts of the Starks and Dooms and Banners of the universes, many would live. Reincarnated in that single, recycled world. It was all they could do to insist on life instead of the void, but it seemed like not nearly enough.

Would Cindy make it to the promised land? Would her family? Her friends? Anyone she loved?

It was ending now. The light was getting brighter. Cindy would have to close her eyes soon, but right now she didn’t want to. She wanted to see as much as she could, get every last drop out of the dwindling bottle. Maybe it’d be better if she didn’t get there. If she, and everyone else she knew, went dark, then at least they’d be together.

But if she did make it through…it was selfish and petty and ridiculous, but she hoped Peter was there too. Very few people had made Cindy happy in her life—few had even tried—but in this new world, no matter how many were lost, maybe she and him would have a

Cindy’s pulse was racing. She felt a damp sheen between her thighs, slicking the little quivers of her pussy. Her cunt felt like it was inviting a touch, ready to open and let in the gentlest probe. Cindy knew that feeling: Peter.

She walked around, going where her body dictated. The world was different. Cindy felt like she’d stepped out of a dark movie theater and into the light of day. This was a kind of light she’d never seen before. She couldn’t tell how it was different… it was like tap water in another state… just not the same as the sun she’d lived under all her life.

Cindy looked up, stupidly trying to see if something were visibly different with the sun, and saw islands floating in the air, horizons growing sideways, buildings stretching in directions not upward. It was a kaleidoscope view of the world, but Cindy couldn’t care about that now.

She followed her nose into a building lobby, immediately focused on the elevator bank. There, somewhere in there… she paced angrily up and down between the elevators. They didn’t match. Some were the old-fashioned kind, behind accordion-gates, while some were glass and some had operators. Different worlds, all mashed together, and Cindy had been thrown into the mix along with everything else. She’d been lucky enough to come through whole, and Peter had too. How could she care about anything else when he was here with her, just as she’d wanted?

At a freight elevator, the door hauled up like a garage door. Cindy saw Peter there, guiding the door upward. He looked… young. Well, he’d been young, but now he was college-age. Could he still be her Peter, regressed in age, maybe from an earlier point in the timeline? Didn’t matter. If he was hers, he was destined to be with her, no matter when they met.

She ran up to him, pushing him back into the freight and throwing the door closed behind them. “Hey!” Peter cried. “What are you doing? I need to get out there, someone could be hurt—“

Cindy grinned. Same old Peter. “It’s me, Peter. It’s Cindy.”

Peter shook his head. “Who’s…” Then his gaze went to the buttons on her blouse, eying them as if he’d like to slowly unfasten each one. “Who are you?”

“I think… maybe you don’t know me yet.”

“There are a lot of people I don’t know yet,” Peter reasoned, though his eyes stayed on her swelling breasts. “But you know me?”

“Yes, I do,” Cindy said, trying to seem demure, which wasn’t easy when she could feel her cunt just… trembling. “We haven’t met yet… for you… when the universes came together, you must’ve been deaged.”

With an effort, Peter looked down at himself. “I don’t… feel deaged.” He picked at the blue suit he wore. “I can promise you, I’ve pretty much always dressed this lame.”

That dumb sense of humor… how could it arouse Cindy so much that her knees were weak? Her pulse hammered in her throat. She heard footsteps outside in the lobby—they needed privacy—she hammered a button on the control panel at random and the elevator jolted into motion.

“I guess there’s been a bit of a mismatch,” Cindy said. “But in the future—your future—the two of us are going to meet. We’re going to fall in love. Can you feel it? I feel it too…”

“Feel it?” Peter asked, at the same time his eyes caressed her body. He wasn’t looking at her crudely, but only like he couldn’t not look at her without his eyes saying how much he wanted to hold her, kiss her, have her.

“We’re meant to be together, Peter. Our bodies were made for each other. We’re the same.”

“Okay… I suppose it’s pretty convenient to have someone come up to me on the street and tell me that… I don’t have the easiest time getting dates.”

Cindy reached out to the wall, sticking her hand to it, nearly gasping as her power exerted itself. The display had a ripple effect through her yearning, straining body, like an ice cube going down her spine. She picked herself up by her open palm, holding herself up in the air the same way Peter would stick to a wall by his feet.

“Jesus,” Peter breathed.

With impossible muscle control for anyone without their strength, Cindy brought herself forward by her hold on the wall, like gravity was pulling toward Peter and she was holding onto the wall to keep herself from falling. She let go of it, coming closer to him, and he responded like she was a threat, grabbing her by the shoulders and whirling her against the wall. Cindy didn’t mind having him back her into that position. She looked up at him expectantly as his face came down to hers.

“You’ve never met anyone like you before, have you?” Cindy asked.

“No. Is that why I’m…” Peter blinked. His voice grew husky: “I can barely control myself…”

“You don’t have to. We’re supposed to be here. Why else would the two of us have found each other this way?”

Peter’s mouth met hers and their tongues fought heatedly. His hands came to her pert breasts, squeezing them for all they were worth through the fabric of her blouse and bra. Cindy felt faint.

“Oh shit,” she sighed.

Peter’s lips were on her neck. He unbuttoned the top of her blouse. Cindy whimpered softly.

“Peter, wait, what if the elevator stops?” she asked in a small voice.

“I’ll take care of it,” Peter assured her.

Stretching out his arm, he hit the emergency stop button on the control panel. The elevator froze in place. Without its tortured motor going, the only noise was that of their excited panting. They both watched Peter’s fingers go to the second button on Cindy’s blouse.

“What are you waiting for?” Cindy asked.

“If this is all a prank, you’d better tell me now, because I won’t be able to stop myself in a minute.”

“Peter, there’s nothing you could do to me I wouldn’t enjoy. Stop worrying. Just fuck me.”

Peter quickly undid three more of her buttons. Underneath was only her bra, clasped in front between her two luscious little breasts, svelte and pert. Cindy’s almond eyes were smoky with lust as she looked into Peter’s gaze and undid the clasp herself.

Peter slid his hands into the cups of her bra, filling his palms with firm flesh. Cindy swooned with sexual need. But now that she had what she wanted, she found her single-minded determination waning, replaced with a certain amount of the discretion that she’d thrown off when all she wanted was Peter.

“Do you think someone’s going to check what stopped the elevator?” she whispered.

But Peter was too enthralled by the perfection of her delicately sloping breasts to answer. He bent his head and sucked a softly swollen nipple into his mouth. His tongue lavished over it, making Cindy moan through a quivering little seizure. She couldn’t believe this was happening.

Her body shook again, this time in yearning. She wanted more, more of the feeling of her nipple in Peter’s sucking mouth, growing stiff under the pressure he put on it. Peter released it and took the other one between his lips. It throbbed into the delicious suction he gave it.

Ohhhh! Oh God! Peter! It feels so good!” Cindy trilled in ecstasy.

Her body was wonderfully unprepared, its only possible reaction to become pliant and yielding to Peter’s advances. She wanted to get down on the floor, pull Peter on top of her and get fucked.

Then she remembered where they were. But even knowing that, Cindy couldn’t stop herself from dropping her hand to his crotch and squeezing the hard bulge of his erection. God, she wanted it inside her. But even more, once it was inside her, she didn’t want it to stop fucking her for a long time. And they could only treat an elevator as their love nest for so long.

“Peter, we can’t do this here,” she sighed. “They’ll override the elevator… they’ll come in!”

“I need you, Cindy,” Peter groaned.

He sucked on her nipple even harder; Cindy jolted with pleasure. She reached down to his fly, getting it open, getting a hand inside his pants. She pulled aside the seam of his briefs and was just about to get her hand on his hot prick when the telephone in the elevator rang.

Peter lashed out with his foot, kicking the phone into pieces, but disturbing Cindy’s grip. She lost her hold on his cock, though she managed to bring it out through his open zipper. And at the sight of it, Cindy became totally lost in lust.

She dropped to her knees and ducked her head down to Peter’s crotch—curling her fingers around his throbbing erection—moaning up to the second she slipped his burgeoning cockhead into her pursed lips.

“Here!” Peter grunted, picking Cindy up and planting her feet against the wall. “Keep that ass up in the air. I want a good feel of your cunt while you suck me.”

Cindy eagerly obeyed. Maybe their relationship hadn’t happened yet for Peter, but it had for her, and she’d learned how rewarding it was to obey Peter. It reminded her how lucky she was to have found him again. This time, she didn’t dare risk missing out on all he had to offer. She would get him as her man, even if she had to become his personal whore to do it. The pleasure was more than worth it. The pleasure was worth anything.



Oh, I'd forgotten this was in the works!