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Divine moved through her counterpart’s very workspace, holding back her sniffs of disdain at how ordinary Karen’s bid at respectability was. She walked over to a bookcase and snapped on a little lamp, then turned on another light on the opposite wall’s shelving. Soft light filled the room, making it bright as day even as the mirrored window slid shut, leaving them alone together and totally unobserved.

“Sit,” Divine told him, gesturing to the chair in front of the desk. “Remember you do as I say. You belong to me. And I’m gonna use you however I want.”

“Oh fuck,” Kon muttered under his breath, sinking into the heavy cushion of the chair. He was pretty sure the track of his fly was bending far enough to derail a train.

“Let me slip into something more comfortable,” Divine said, inwardly squealing with joy as she stepped into her nemesis’s private space behind a dressing screen, entirely unchallenged. “It’s time for you to meet Karen Starr… and for Karen Starr to meet her new employee.”

Divine came out in a gray suit. Single-breasted jacket over a black shirt, with a thigh-length skirt hanging down over her stockinged legs. She sat on top of the desk, right in front of Kon, where he couldn’t help but look.

What he saw made his eyes bulge. Her creamy thighs were parted and he could see right up her skirt to her bright blonde pubic hair. She wasn’t wearing any panties. He could see her cunt. Kon was only able to tear his eyes away from the luscious sight because the rest of her was so delicious too.

Divine smiled and wiggled her ass against the desktop—Kon had no idea she was enjoying disrespecting Karen’s property as much as showing off. The movement pulled the hem of her skirt higher. She knew her sex was already visible, but she wanted to make it impossible for Kon not to look. She almost laughed to see him struggling with himself; all he wanted to do was look at her bare pussy until it came time to actually fuck it.

“So you’re, ah, into roleplay?” Kon finally stammered, trying to get his mind onto a safe subject. Maybe if he could get Karen talking, she wouldn’t notice what she was displaying and he was looking at. Beads of sweat had broken out on his neck, tickling his flushed skin.

“Oh yes,” Divine laughed. “And this is the perfect place for it, in my office, with the door closed. And all of my little employees all the way down at the end of the hall… where they won’t be able to hear.”

“Wha… what won’t they be able to hear?” Kon managed.

If he’d thought Karen’s tits were good to look at, her pussy was something else entirely. He’d just felt it wrapped around his cock and now, he could so easily see what had given him so much pleasure, what was about to pleasure him again. It made for a hard time keeping his thoughts clear enough to speak.

“Enough with the stammering!” Divine snapped. “Look at my cunt as much as you want, but when I’m talking, I expect you to have an answer ready to go for whatever I ask!”

“Yeah, okay!” Kon answered quickly, his eyes flicking up to her face to take in her angry expression, then slotting back down to her womanhood. In the white gold of her pubic hair, he could make out the pink slit of her pussy.

Her skirt edged even further back and he thought he saw a soft glint of moisture.

Divine pleasantly settled into character, sure she had Kon now. She’d given him both the carrot and the stick—between the two of them, he was hers. “I’m happy to have you working for me, Kon. All of us at Starrware are. But I’m especially glad to have you under me, because I’m the reason you got this job. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t be here.”

“What do you mean?” Kon asked, glancing up again. Somehow, now that he had permission to look at her cunt, it became easier not to. He just hoped he was keeping up his end of the roleplay, pretending to be someone who… asked questions.

Divine laughed, rolling her ass on the desk until her skirt lifted clear into her lap. She opened her legs, forcing the skirt up her thighs. Her ass was on the edge of her seat, bare skin sitting directly on the wooden desktop, and Kon could see everything.

“I mean I gave you this job and I expect you to appreciate it, you little fuck.” Divine fumed, her dominance of the situation scorching the air like the rising temperature in an oven. “Look at you: barely any experience and already earning enough to make a living. Why do you think I did that for you when there are a million other people more qualified?”

Kon felt absurdly defensive of himself in whatever scenario Karen was living out with him. He didn’t want to be playacting a loser! “I’m a quick learner?” he tried desperately.

“You’d better be,” Divine laughed sardonically. “Only you’re not here to learn the job. Any monkey can do that. You’re here because you’ve got a nice cock and you’re willing to eat pussy. Outside of that, what qualifications do you really have? None. I gave you this job so I’d have a warm body to order around and a big dick close at hand. And because you have a hot wife.”

“My wife?” Kon said, feeling totally lost. Maybe they should’ve talked out this game of pretend beforehand. He wasn’t a Bat, he didn’t live in Gotham, he didn’t know how all this kinky stuff was supposed to work! All he knew was that big tits were awesome!

“Harley! You two are a package deal. After all, the money you make is feeding her, clothing her, keeping her in that nice house. You’d better believe I expect her to be available to me to do what she does best!”

“Oh yeah!” Kon cried, loving the thought. Then realizing that, if he was pretending to be someone else, then someone other than him probably wouldn’t like the idea. “Oh no!” Then again, it seemed obvious what Karen was getting off on. “I mean… if that’s what you think is best…”

“Shut up!” Divine snarled. “I don’t want that goddamn mouth open unless you’re sticking your tongue in my pussy. And as it happens, that’s what I want right now!”

She leaned back, resting her weight on one elbow while her other hand tugged her skirt up around her waist. Kon had been looking at her pussy for a while, but now Divine might as well not be wearing anything below the waist.

She ran a finger over her slit, her thighs spread wide and her pussy flowing open at her touch. Inside her splayed lips, hot pink flesh gaped, slickened with juices, roiling and contracting in readiness to take Kon’s tongue.

“Now,” she told Kon, circling her finger lovingly on her oversized clit. “You eat my pussy right now or you get out of my office and start looking for a new job!”

Kon held himself still, trying to get into character—he knew enough to know that people dumber than him, like Tim, would probably be hesitating right now. They’d be thinking of his beautiful wife, Harley, who probably wouldn’t be such a crazy bitch in this scenario. He wouldn’t want to do anything to betray her, even if it was just oral sex.

But Karen was blackmailing him and who had a roleplaying fetish kink thing where someone got blackmailed and didn’t give into it? Roleplaying him being a faithful husband refusing to cuck his wife? That was some sick shit. Twisted, vile stuff.

Anyway, so long as Kon was playing… Other Kon… he decided to play him with the huge, throbbing erection he really did have in his pants. As he sat there staring at Karen’s juicy cunt, his prick seethed and raged, his balls boiling like lava. He wanted to dive right between Karen’s legs and lick every inch of her pussy. Then, once he’d licked it clean, he’d ram his cock in and dirty it again.

That sexual excitement moved Kon out of his chair. He decided that just like Karen didn’t want him to roleplay being a faithful husband, she didn’t want to roleplay him dominating her either. She wanted him to go along with this little game she’d cooked up. So he got down on his knees submissively.

Karen stayed where she was, sitting on the edge of the desk, her wet pussy demanding his attention. Kon leaned in, surging his tongue out, and he licked Karen just like she’d told him to.

“YES!” Divine gasped as his tongue washed over her slit.

She tore her belt from around her waist and looped it around Kon’s neck, pulling him against her groin like a dog on a leash. Her warm folds smothered his mouth and his nose was lost in her pubic hair.

Divine laughed triumphantly, knowing she’d one-upped Karen. She’d only managed to get Kon to fuck her, but Divine had put him on his knees and made him worship her pussy. And as if to prove it, her cunt exploded with passion, covering Kon’s waiting face with her juices. It felt that good to know she’d overcome Power Girl.

“Swallow it, you little bitch!” she roared savagely. “I want your tongue all over my pussy, on every dripping inch!”

Kon swallowed in surprise. He hadn’t really eaten that much pussy—although now he was doing it to Karen twice in one day. But she definitely hadn’t done this before. Her cunt was as hot as an open flame, gushing wetly, her cream splashing into his mouth to jolt his tongue with its bittersweet taste. He slowed down in surprise, but she jerked on the belt around his neck, cutting off his breath. Kon figured out what he was supposed to do and redoubled his efforts.

Divine’s laugh filled the room. She was the cat that’d eaten the canary, the cat that’s gotten the cream—only Kon was eating her and getting her cream. She’d gotten him down on his knees and made him lick out her cunt.

Divine loved having that mastery over him—both a young, virile male and a powerful superhero. It was no wonder she’d come already and Divine was quickly building to another roaring climax. Her cunt knew how to appreciate a slavish tongue inside and she saw no need to hold herself back.

“Yes, tongue-fuck that pussy!” she demanded lustfully. “Fuck me with that tongue like it’s a goddamn cock!”

Kon lowered his face, his nose brushing against her swollen clit. He wrapped his lips around part of her labia and sucked on it, then rammed his tongue into her as stiffly as he could. The tip pushed to her clenched inner folds and her juices slithered over it, running into his mouth where he gulped them down. He prodded his tongue as far as it would go and an answering wave of Divine’s cream practically filled his mouth.

“Yes, fuck it, you bastard!” Divine cried to him. His tongue licked frantically inside of her opening. She tightened the belt around his neck anyway, not stopping until his breaths came thin and raggedly. “Ream my pussy with your tongue! Taste how you’re making me come!”

She growled as her sex burst, a tremendous orgasm surging inside of her body. Her juices sprayed out from her, washing over Kon’s face. His shirt stained darkly as it soaked up her cream. It was saturated before her lusty pleasure died down.

Kon couldn’t believe it. He was drenched. Divine had virtually covered him with the juices of her orgasm. She loosed the belt from around his neck and he rocked back. The strong scent of Divine’s arousal clung to him; he knew he smelled of pussy.

“Now you’re getting it,” Divine cooed as she straightened up. Her lips were parted, her teeth glinting. She’d been well-fucked, but she looked and felt hungrier than ever. “Now I want you out of those clothes. You’re going to be rewarded for being such a good pussy slave for me.”

“But what if someone comes in here?” Kon asked, only a little in-character. After Karen’s explosive climaxes, it seemed like only a matter of time before someone would investigate what was going on in the boss’s office.

“Then you’d better pace yourself,” Divine offered with a sadistic laugh. “If it’s a woman, you’ll be fucking her too.”

“And if it’s a man?” Kon gulped.

“You’ll be making him your woman,” Divine teased. “Guess you better fuck me fast before we’re interrupted.”

Kon swallowed and got to his feet. Things seemed real out of hand now, even by the standards of his relationships. This didn’t seem like a game; Karen really seemed serious. And he knew you had to be a good actor to keep up this secret identity stuff, but there was something in her eyes now that seemed utterly sincere. Crazily sincere, like Harley had been. Maybe there was a reason the two of them were hanging out together now.

But there was no way Kon was going to kiss off being Power Girl’s boy toy after a single day. He peeled off his damp shirt, then unbuckled his jeans. He kicked off his shoes and shoved down his pants, underwear and all. His hard cock shot free, its thick length snapping up against his belly.

“Well, look what a cock my new slave has,” Divine said drolly. “Acting so shy while he’s eating my pussy, and now here his prick is, hard as a rock. What got you so turned on: tasting my cunt or being my bitch?”

Divine pushed herself off the desk, her skirt dropping back down over her hips. She wrapped the belt around Kon’s rigid girth like a noose, then drew it tight. Kon was drawn up to his toes, trying to reduce the pressure she put on his erection.

Kon grimaced, now hovering up into the air, going along with Karen’s pull on the belt in hopes of relieving the pressure her cinching it was putting on his cock. “Okay, that’s a little much, a little—“

“Really? It looks like a lot to me,” Divine said innocently, grabbing the buckle in her other hand and skinning it down the length of the leather until it rode against his endowment. Now it didn’t matter whether Kon went along with her tugging or not; her two hands coiled the strap so tight around his manhood that he almost passed out in staggering pain.

With Kon weightlessly floating in the air, Divine easily had the leverage to spin him around by her hold on the belt and seat him down on top of the desk. She loosened the pressure somewhat and Kon dropped down, so relieved with the lowering of his agony that he couldn’t think to keep flying. Now his bare ass settled down on the wood while his legs dangled over the side. Divine backed up, tugging on Kon’s prick against the pull of his own weight.

Gaaahh!” Kon exclaimed. His balls ached. His cock throbbed incredibly. One more pull on the leather belt and he feared his manhood would be just torn off.

“Now you listen to me,” Divine sneered, pulling herself along the length of the belt so she kept the pressure up even while she eased closer to him. “Tomorrow night you’re going to be right back here at eight o’clock and you’re bringing pretty little Harley with you. If you’re so much as a minute late, you can kiss being my boy toy goodbye.”

“You want me to bring Harley along?” Kon asked through his painfully clenched teeth. “Why?”

“Why do you think, you little asshole?” Divine spat in his face. “Just bring her. And see to it she knows what’s expected of her. I don’t want to put up with her stupid questions the way I have yours. That bitch better be dressed like a slut and ready to fuck from the second she walks in.”

The thought of Karen being this domineering and sadomasochistic with Harley made Kon’s erection throb. It pounded against the constriction of Divine’s belt and he winced in pain. Divine unwound the belt some more; Kon gasped in air. As harrowing as all that had been, he didn’t think he’d ever been so aroused.

“And I want you hard, but now this hard. Allow me to let out some of that tension for you. Just because you have to wait until tomorrow doesn’t mean you have to wait for your release…

Divine wrapped her lips around Kon’s shaft, gliding her mouth up and down his length. She was fucking his cock with her face, her mouth as tight as a pussy, wanting his cum all the way down her throat. Letting go of the belt with one hand, Divine brought her hand to Kon’s balls and squeezed them.

His hard, virile prick swelled in her mouth, the cockhead engorged bigger than ever. Divine ferociously suckled him while her fingers kneaded his scrotum. It only took another two minutes before Kon gave in, rewarding her efforts with a hot explosion of his seed splattering the back of her throat.

“Oh fuck, I’m coming!” Kon yowled, ramming himself into Divine’s cocksucking mouth and blasting rope after rope of his ejaculate into the wet heat her throat offered.

He’d already come hard that day with Power Girl licking his balls, but that was nothing compared to how good it felt feeding his cum right into someone’s mouth, being tasted and swallowed, seeing Divine’s eyelids flutter as she felt herself gorging on his seed.

It drove Kon wild, heightening his orgasm until he felt like he was having another climax right on the heels of the first. He didn’t care anymore who he was fucking or what games they were playing, only that a beautiful woman was swallowing his semen.

“Tomorrow night, eight o’clock!” Kon gasped. Looking up at him, her cheeks stuffed with cum, Divine nodded. “We’ll be there.”



Glorious! But, ah, one nitpick; owing to her Max Lord DNA, Divine is a brunette, so...huh did she die her pubic hair?