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It wouldn't be fair to say Din didn't miss Grogu now that the kid was gone. But he was helpless not to take a physical satisfaction in the new-old state of things, being able to take off his armor inside his new ship, secure in the knowledge that no one would see him. He took an irresistibly long time in the fresher, letting the hot water soothe his tired muscles, knowing he didn’t have to worry what the kid was up to. It was a flinty consolation, but his body embraced it.

But he could only spend so long on that satisfaction before it depressed him, the notion of enjoying himself without Grogu, filling that void with nothing more than hot water. He shut off the fresher, toweled himself off, and padded out wearing only the towel around his midsection to see Bo-Katan waiting for him.

Normally, he would’ve taken an ambush like this as an instant interjection into life or death struggle. He’d have gone for one of the weapons he had nearby, or sped towards the intruder to overwhelm her bodily, despite his nakedness. The only reason he didn’t was because of what Bo-Katan was wearing. Or rather, what she wasn’t wearing.

Bo-Katan wore absolutely nothing. Her naked body gleamed in the low light, her red hair as brilliant as a flame, her every muscle rippling on her exposed physique as she stood for him, holding herself still, letting him see her and judge her naked appeal. Din found himself a bit short of breath, seeing her firm breasts, the luscious curve of her hip, and the red pubic thatch nestled between her supple thighs.

Bo-Katan drank him in as eagerly. She actually licked her lips, seeing the chiseled musculature that usually lay under his armor. Scars marred his flesh in a few places, giving it texture, like increasing vistas on a map. His hair was cut short, his beard neatly groomed, lending him a suave air, despite his sect demanding he spent virtually his entire life within his armor.

It made Bo-Katan appreciate his fastidiousness more—a man who took pleasure in the little things he allowed himself within the life of a bounty hunter. And the Mandalorian in her relished the fading bruises that lined his face, the hints of blaster burns and bacta that had almost left his chest.

“So what’s the play?” Din asked her. “You toss me back the Darksaber, then you kill me and take it off my carcass so it’s really yours?”

“In my youth, I might’ve,” Bo-Katan confessed—though it seemed absurd for such a well-aged woman to talk about her youth as if it weren’t last week. “But I try to see other ways than violence of getting to what I want.”

“Such as being naked.”

Bo-Katan took a step toward him. She knew how men looked at her. She saw how Din Djarin looked at her. Appreciating the toned muscle as much as the supple curves. Appreciating especially the willing tilt of her pelvis, the way her breasts rose and fell with excitement. “I wanted to convince you of my intentions.”

“Which are?” Din grilled, as if it weren’t obvious. Especially for a Mandalorian. There was only one way they took off all of their armor.

“The Lord Mandalore wields a great deal of power. But his Queen Consort has almost as much. Especially once he’s bred her. If you were to give me your heir, ‘Lord Mandalore’…”

“She’d be Regent,” Koska concluded, stepping out of the shadows.

Din whirled. The shock of Bo-Katan’s appearance had gotten to him. He hadn’t noticed Koska’s approach. He noticed her now. She was as naked as Bo-Katan, all of her tanned flesh on display, even her dark hair unbound. Din felt a growl well up in him, not just at her having violated his sanctity as well, but the very sight of her: the lean, luscious body—the striking profile of her handsome face—the potent curves of her flesh swelling out from her slender musculature.

“What are you doing here?” Bo-Katan demanded, beating Din to the punch.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Koska trilled back to her. “Sheath your pride. Double the consorts means double the chance at a heir.”

“And the chance that you could be Regent yourself,” Bo-Katan said laconically. Her sarcasm mounted: “You’re a real Mandalorian, Koska Reeves.”

“Says the woman who spent how long feuding with her own sister?”

Enough!” Din barked, making both women jump slightly. Maybe if they’d been in their armor, he wouldn’t have been able to see the tiny gesture. “The way I see it, you’ve got a job for me. The payment is I can stop worrying about this Darksaber nonsense.”

“And?” Bo-Katan prompted.

“You have a few things I want,” Din conceded. “But I drive a hard bargain when I hold all the cards. I won’t just settle for one of you. I want it all.”

The two Mandalorian women blinked in near-identical expressions of repressed shock. Then they looked at each other. Forced to concede the charms of the other’s naked body.

Koska dropped her head, hiding a grin. “Fine by me.”

Bo-Katan was less amused. She planted her hands on her hips. “Any other conditions?”

“Yes,” Din said simply.

“Here it comes,” Bo-Katan muttered. “Anytime I deal with a Watch child, I always end up taking it up the ass…”

“Maybe,” Din said. “But since the job is to give you my heir, all I’m stipulating is that you take it all.”

“All?” Bo-Katan repeated.

Din dropped his towel. The moment the two women saw his seething erection, they gasped, amazed at its length and thickness.

“Every inch,” Din reiterated.

“Sithspit,” Koska muttered.

“We can try,” Bo-Katan said.

Din was no stranger to sating his urges. When he had some extra credits and some extra energy to work off, he found a willing Twi’lek, paid her what she was worth, and got his money’s worth.

With Grogu onboard the Razor’s Crest, that had been impossible. Din’d had no relief for quite some time. Having two Mandalorians to vent all his lusts on sounded about right for the arousal he felt after this long without.

Inside Din, a coldly detached part of him saw the proceedings dispassionately, analytically. It categorized the two women like he would any target, calling up all that he had already learned from other women. Bo-Katan, he could see, had a low boiling point. Once he got her started—and she was already half-started—she would keep going until she was completely burnt out.

Koska would take a little longer to come to a simmer, but once she did, she would be no less passionate than her sister Mandalorian. So he might as well start with Bo-Katan. By the time he finished with her, Koska would be ready. More than ready; she’d be desperate.

Din reached out to grab Bo-Katan’s naked body, pulling her hard against his own flesh, letting his upthrust cock press against her flat, hard belly. He picked her up off the floor and kissed her to let her know what she was in for, that he would be giving her what she deserved. His precum seeped out of his engorged cockhead and rubbed into Bo-Katan’s abs. Strong arms crushed her to his body, flattening her breasts against his hairy chest.

Bo-Katan wouldn’t have invited herself to this party if she didn’t think she’d enjoy herself. Din had struck her as a man with experience, an intriguing man. She’d thought being bred by him would be a painless interlude—maybe pleasant—certainly, she’d find out what he was made of.

Now she felt like she was going to heaven, or loving being in hell. Flames erupted inside her, spreading to the tips of her breasts and the lips of her cunt. Her long arms twined about Din’s neck, her tongue exploring his mouth as avidly as his lashed against hers. She gave as good as she got, rolling her stomach, making it roil like she was doing a bellydance, massaging his virile cock where it was trapped between their bodies. She could smell sweat replacing the clean, antiseptic smell of the body freshly washed and it only made her more aroused.

Koska’d had much the same thought process as Bo-Katan before letting herself in to Din’s ship. Now she was seeing just how much more than a pleasant diversion it was for Bo-Katan. She didn’t want to be left out, either from the pleasure Bo-Katan was feeling or from the power that would come from being seeded with Din’s heir.

She fell to her knees behind Din—before he’s quite realized it, she’d slipped between his legs, nestling herself within his powerful thighs. While Bo-Katan’s body gave friction to Din’s cock, Koska’s tongue licked his balls. The reaction was immediate, Din’s scrotum tightening against his body. Din felt her moist, tickling laps work their way over his testes and onto the underside of his cock. It was enough to make a man feel outnumbered.

Din decided to even the odds.

Cupping one hand under Bo-Katan’s juicy ass, he hoisted her up, holding her against his chest. His other hand grasped Koska by her long hair and pulled her along. He hauled both the women to his bunk, tossing Bo-Katan down onto the mattress and covering her exposed flesh with his hard body. He figured he might as well finish with her before he started a new project. Judging from how devoted Koska was, pressing her mouth to his ass in a seemingly endless sequence of sucking kisses, there was no rush to seduce her.

Din ran his tongue over one of Bo-Katan’s dark, solid nipples. He licked it, liked the taste, then sucked it into his mouth. Koska was kissing at his lower back now, nipping at the dimples there. He felt the insistent urgency of her lips flow right through him, making him mouth Bo-Katan’s nipple even harder. His teeth closed lightly on the turgid bud and he used them to pull on her nipple, half dragging it, half scraping his teeth along it. Then he surrounded her entire areola with his mouth, swallowing her nipple along with it. He let his tongue lash the sensitive button while his hand caressed the nipple on her other breast.

Bo-Katan writhed all the more, feeling him turn all of her cleavage into an erogenous zone. The feeling started in her nipple and flowed to the rest of her ample chest. Little by little Bo-Katan was starting to understand she’d underestimated Din Djarin. He wasn’t simply teasing and toying with the easily aroused parts of her body. He was fucking all of her, making every bit of her his cock holster.

His other hand was already stroking her arm, giving it the arousal she already felt in her breasts. And though his mouth was only suckling at one breast, his knowing hand on the other one was making it just as sensitive. Both her breasts were being fondled at the same intensity, but there was such a sweet, tempestuous difference between his mouth and his fingers—it was like being fucked by two different men at once!

Din let her heaving breast out of his mouth and swallowed the other one. His left hand stirred the saliva he’d left, sucking on her breast, while his right hand played over her thigh. Bo-Katan thrashed, working out the frenzied lasciviousness he filled her with.

Koska kissed her way up Din’s spine, her right hand on his balls now, cupping and caressing them. She could feel the immensity of the load inside them and wondered how much Bo-Katan would get. How much would be left for her?

“If you put that cock in me, you’ll split me open,” Bo-Katan moaned. “I’ve never had something that big inside me before.”

Din released her breast, moving up to kiss her once more. Bo-Katan was panting so heavily she was out of breath, expecting his enormous member to enter her like it was taking her virginity all over again. And yet, that was exactly what she wanted.



Please continue with this one!