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Ranna led Myrcella to the baths to make them sisters. It seemed destined to happen—not least of which because Myrcella was still sweaty and grimy from combatting the Flesh Raiders. That did nothing to diminish her beauty, even somewhat enhancing it, but Ranna felt like after they’d bathed together, she would look as reborn as Ranna knew she would feel.

She looked back at her blue-eyed blonde with a hotly rising excitement she found increasingly hard to repress. A Jedi Padawan—a human—was to be her sister. Ranna couldn’t believe it. She wanted to throw herself wholeheartedly into this quirk of fate, to thank the Gods for bringing it about.

“I can’t wait to be sisters with you, Myrcella,” Ranna said.

“Or I you,” Myrcella replied. “I just wish I knew what this ritual entailed. I already feel so close to you… I don’t know what more we can share.”

“You’ll see,” Ranna promised her with playful secretiveness. “And don’t worry, I know you’ll be able to handle yourself. Just play along.”

She led Myrcella through the door, glad now she’d sent a droid to prepare the baths. She’d already half thought of Myrcella as a sister, was unspeakably relieved that the Jedi had consented to make it official, at least in Twi’lek circles. She knew her fellow Jedi might see it differently, but they weren’t here. When so few could be relied on, Myrcella had proven she was beyond trustworthy.

“This place is lovely,” Myrcella exclaimed. “I hope your sisterhood ritual involves a long, hot soak in that tub.”

You hope? Jedi, you know nothing of hoping, Ranna thought. Her skin felt fiery with reckless haste. She wanted to rush into Myrcella’s arms, but the rite had to be done properly.

“Among other things,” she said with a leading look—sending Myrcella insinuations she could see the Jedi acknowledge only haltingly. This was why the ritual was needed, to make clear what they meant to each other and how important their bond was. “Strip. You can soak for as long as you like. I’ll bring you food and drink, even, if you wish it.”

Myrcella’s lips quirked in a warm, grateful smile, but it shook with uncertainty as Ranna undressed herself.

As a Jedi, she wasn’t used to being addressed so affectionately, or being on the receiving end of such warmth and kindness, but she found she liked it, as she had since first meeting Ranna. But like most Humans, she still retained a bit of a taboo against shared nudity, even when it made little sense. Many sentients around the galaxy went naked; Ranna was no more Human than a Wookie. And anyway, they were both women.

The reserved demeanor that the Jedi Order seemed to prescribe couldn’t quite handle the surging adrenaline and madcap bonding of the past few days. She felt completely relaxed and trusting with Ranna—maybe more than she should—but as much as the Order warned against possessiveness, it also warned against fear. She would not let fear starve her of the love and affection Ranna had to share with her.

Myrcella undressed, surprisingly feeling little self-consciousness as she worked her clothes off until she was naked. Ranna regarded her, but even though the woman was as sensual as any Twi’lek, Myrcella did not feel wanting in comparison. Together, they slipped down into the massive tub that was the centerpiece of the chamber, a pool big enough to swim it, filled with bubbling water and soothing oils that immediately tingled on Myrcella’s bare skin.

“Is it too hot for you?” Ranna asked hoarsely. Seeing Myrcella naked, it took a fierce will to stop her greedy fingers and hungry lips from going to her body.

Looking at Myrcella’s bare, nubile flesh made Ranna’s mouth water. Everywhere she looked, Myrcella was toned and creamy, her skin flawless except for a few scratches from the battle—and the reminder of Myrcella’s bravery only increased her appeal. Her breasts were delicately sized, lusciously budding from her taut belly and slender chest, all of her feminine and tawny. Surpassing any amount of Jedi reserve with vitality and youth.

“The water’s just fine,” Myrcella said, dropping her head down under the surface and then coming back up with her hair darkened and flattened to her scalp. She sighed with pleasure to have the water covering her, seeping into every inch of her body. She lay back, relaxing further, letting the water take her weight instead of holding herself up.

Ranna wanted to kneel down before her and suck at her sweet little cunt for hours on end, then spend more hours plunging her tongue inside the woman and tasting the depths of her pussy. Fucking it with her tongue and mouthing her clit and feeling all of Myrcella’s pert, golden-skinned body with her hands. See those blue eyes flare with sensation and test the softness of that yellow hair.

“It certainly is,” she said instead.

With the flesh raiders dealt with for now and Ranna sharing this delicious moment with her, Myrcella felt a tangible sense of relief. The pressure she’d been under since the attack on the Jedi Temple was immense, but now she felt like an escaped prisoner who had finally eluded pursuit and could safely relent at last. For that feeling alone, she felt extraordinarily grateful to the Twi’lek woman. And strongly tempted to try and make Ranna feel the same way, though she didn’t know how, and memories of Jedi teachings told her it was wrong.

“Mind if I smoke?” Ranna asked.

“Go right ahead,” Myrcella said to her with a disarming smile, as if she were seducing Ranna and not the other way around. “After the number of blaster bolts I’ve faced today, I’d be crazy to still be worried about a little ribanna smoke.”

“Thanks,” Ranna said, wading over to the waterproof receptacle at the side of the tub, which lifted up out of the floor to allow access to its accoutrements. She rummaged through it for a ribanna tube and blow-light.

Ranna was trembling with excitement, almost on the verge of fleeing to get away from the temptation to hurl herself at Myrcella with her love. Passionately kissing her and fondling her in the hot foaming water. But no, she cautioned herself. Although she was well familiar with Twi’lek candor when it came to mating—not personally, though, not as the Matriarch’s daughter—she knew this was no casual fling or a savvy lover she was dealing with.

Myrcella was young, sensitive, inexperienced. As was Ranna, of course… she certainly felt like it, at the moment. Myrcella had to be eased into sex, just as Ranna was exploring it herself. No matter how that slow, cautious process made Ranna want to leave the room and touch herself until she’d relieved the pressure in her sex.

Myrcella yawned luxuriantly, stretching herself as if entirely innocent of how she was displaying her wet, naked body. “I might try some myself—I hear it’s better than caf. After all the exertion today, I’m bushed.”

“If you’re tired, don’t let me keep you up,” Ranna said, lighting her ribanna tube. She sat down on the steps into the tub, crossing her long legs and flashing her creamy green thighs before one was hidden under the other. “Some of the best sleeps I’ve had have been in the bath.”

“It seems disrespectful, when we’re becoming sisters,” Myrcella said.

“Nonsense. Sisters often sleep together. Although not, I suppose, Jedi.”

“No. We call ourselves a brotherhood, but there’s no mistaking that for a family.”

Ranna caught the bitterness in her tone. “You would like to be… closer… with your fellow Jedi?” she asked, picking up a cake of soap from the container.

“I… think I’m about as close to them as any of us are comfortable with. But the outside world… all the people who don’t think and feel the same way as everyone I grew up… them I’d like to know better.”

“Here. Let me wash your back for you, sister.”

“Okay,” Myrcella said, turning around and sweeping her wet hair in front of her body, out of the way of Ranna’s stroking hand. The Twi’lek lathered the soap up and massaged it into Myrcella’s aching muscles. “Oh… now I’m getting really tired.”

“Perhaps you just feel safe,” Ranna suggested. “Come.”

She ushered Myrcella over to the side of the pool. Myrcella put her arms up on the edge and rested her head on them, comfortably staying in place while Ranna washed her back.

“I’m surprised to hear you say you want more from your life than just being a Jedi,” Ranna went on. “I thought all of you had the same idea of a good time: standing around your temples and meditating about the mysteries of life.” Her trembling hands slid around Myrcella’s flanks and she casually started lathering the blonde’s chest, above her breasts. “Feel alright?”

“Mm! Just wonderful,” Myrcella sighed in seeming rapture, her eyes closed.

If you think that feels good, I can’t wait to show you what my mouth can do, Ranna thought to herself with rapidly mounting passion. It already feels so good to me, I don’t know if I can stop! Much less carry on this conversation…

“My master’s said that the Jedi Way is the beginning of wisdom, not the end of it,” Myrcella told her. “That’s why we go out into the universe. We’re not just helping people, we’re trying to discover things. About the Force… ourselves… each other… I’ve learned a lot about myself just meeting you.”

“Oh?” Ranna asked, moving her hand down to spread suds over Myrcella’s breasts. She could barely restrain herself, but the torment of holding herself back was nearly an ecstasy of its own.

Only a scant few inches separated her sex from Myrcella’s delicious ass. She so badly wanted to rub their bodies together and find out what feeling was summoned up by their rutting…

Myrcella could’ve simply parroted what had been drilled into her about the Force and the Jedi for all her childhood, but right now, for some reason, she had an irresistible urge to blurt out what was simmering under the surface, just for the relief of getting it out in the open. “Can I be really honest with you, Ranna?”

Ranna was fingering Myrcella’s taut nipples through the soapy lather now, so hot that she was quaking with anticipation. She felt that Myrcella was just as heated. “Of course. What are sisters for?”

“I think I want to be more than friends with you. I think I want to do things that even family doesn’t do.”

“Oh.” Ranna smiled sheepishly. “I suppose the concept doesn’t come across as well in Basic… but on Ryloth, we have family that’s related by blood and family that’s related by love. My mother is my blood, and I love her dearly, but I would never want to do with her… what I want to do with you.”

Myrcella smiled back at her, a bit unsure and a bit relieved. “Then you feel the same way?”

“Let me show you how I feel, Myrcella. I think you’ll realize just what it is you’re feeling by the time I’m done. There’s something Twi’leks do with their second family that they don’t do with just any lovers.” She petted Myrcella’s face, finally getting a feel of her smooth wet hair. “No matter how pretty. Bend over the side. I know I must be the first, but I swear, I’ll only touch you to please you.”

Moving like she was unsure of everything, most of all her own body, Myrcella awkwardly pulled herself up out of the water, all but her legs, and laid down bent at the waist over the poolside, so that her ass was in the air, waiting for Ranna’s delighted inspection.

The Twi’lek gently kissed the luscious cheeks and the split that separated them, running her tongue through the cleft between, its tip tickling the sphincter protecting Myrcella’s vulnerable anal passage. Ranna pushed her tongue deeper, laving its blunt flatness over Ranna’s anus, while her fingers groped Myrcella’s buttocks, spreading them as well as fondling them, loving the display this made of Myrcella’s lovely little asshole.

Ranna flicked her tongue up and down it, up and down in, then took a break to rub her face and swollen lekku against Myrcella’s curvaceous ass so that she was shuddering in pleasure herself. She squeezed her thighs together so hard the vibrations quivered into her cunt, almost getting her off.

She would’ve loved to dip a hand down and play with herself, as she’d been tempted to earlier—although comparing the temptation then to the temptation now was like weighing a snubfighter against a capital ship. Ranna was only able to even remotely control herself because she was so thoroughly seduced by the prospect of making Myrcella her second sister.

No more waiting. Ranna refused to contemplate the situation a second further. Her red tongue shot out, stabbing into Myrcella’s tiny orifice. As soon as the tip pressed inside Myrcella’s grommet, the tight pucker seemed to relax in gratitude. Ranna was able to easily dart her tongue in further. The muscle lazily relaxed around it, letting Ranna feed her tongue in deeper, increasing the side of the opening until Myrcella felt she could probe a lekku inside of Myrcella’s ass.

Although not, she decided, on a first date.



Good story, looking forward to commissioning more.