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The moment Zophie became an angel again, she knew what she wanted. To be Alex Elder’s guardian. She didn’t think it through or question the urge; she simply knew she had to be his guardian angel.

She didn’t think of what it would mean for her to be watching, day in and day out, as his relationship with Scarlet Thimbauld deepened and grew intimate. She had seen thousands of humans fall in love. But, she’d never been as close to any of them as she’d been to Alex. And now that she’d been human, she wasn’t just watching—she knew how it felt, what they were doing. Or at least, she knew how it was supposed to feel. Even as a mortal, there were some things she’d never done. Seeing Scarlet and Alex together, she regretted that.

Slowly, surely, her regrets turned into plans. Scarlet and Alex had found the Holy Grail. They would live forever. That meant Zophie could either spend that time lamenting what hadn’t happened—or she could make it happen.

At the moment, Scarlet and Alex were sprawled out on the floor together, their chins propped up on their hands, watching television. Alex’s back muscles twitched. Scarlet squirmed. They seemed nervous, like they knew Zophie was watching them, but of course that was impossible.

Scarlet’s legs were apart, encased in the dark fishnets that was just about her only covering below the waist, as she’d taken off her thigh-high boots. Her cape was still on, but it’d ridden up, pulled by the breeze as she lay on her stomach with Alex. Zophie could see her panties—the swath of red that covered her crotch, its waistband hidden under her belt.

Suspenders attached to the belt, went up to cover her nipples, with another band of red leather strapped across her breasts, covering them as well. As did a layer of fishnets that continued the stockings below her waist, running up to the belted leather across her breasts. It seemed like some cosmic joke, all those ‘layers’ concealing her tits, and yet really hiding nothing at all.

Thinking of what Scarlet wore and seeing up to her groin, Zophie felt a pulse start between her own slender legs. She swallowed nervously. The angel knew how important Scarlet was to Alex and was as determined to protect her as him, knowing the happiness that Scarlet gave to her beloved charge. But it was not just that… there was more that Zophie got from them than contentment at their shared happiness and satisfaction at godly duty well-done.

Normally, she’d take no more interest in the couplings of two mortals than they would in seeing termites reproduce. But now… she replayed their mating in her head, seeing Alex’s cock entering Scarlet’s pussy. She remembered it gushing its pungent cum onto Scarlet’s groin and thighs.

Zophie was unaware that she was running her palm up and down her thigh, that her knees opened as she hovered there, watching the show Scarlet and Alex were unknowingly putting on. Sometimes, she had shamefully left the room as they made love, leaving them unprotected, but she could not take how sensual their coupling was, the sight of it blotting out everything but the sensations from her throbbing, hungry sex.

Other times… telling herself that it was more shameful to let such things affect her and impede her duty… Zophie forced herself to stay and watch. Then the feelings between her thighs got stronger and stronger, until it was like she was testing herself, seeing if she could withstand them.

The way Alex fucked his woman—why’d he have to be so good at it?—why’d Scarlet have to come so hard, screaming gutter French like a Parisian whore but meaning every filthy word? How could anyone, mortal or eternal, not envy that woman as she took Alex Elder’s love?

Gravity had no hold on Zophie—she leaned back, her legs wide. The clothes she wore had no leggings, just a crotch. Zophie threw her head back and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as her hand caressed the naked flesh leading up to her barely covered groin.

She was unaware that Alex had turned to look at her. He stared between her thighs, seeing the tight crotch of her costume, the shadow of her pubic hair, the way she writhed her ass and fondled her thighs.

When Zophie opened her eyes, she saw Alex facing her. For a moment, she didn’t understand why his eyes were shining so brightly. It felt so much like he could see her, as impossible as that was, that she clamped her legs together. And yet, having Alex stare at her pubis as if he was penetrating through the covering to see her bare flesh—it was such a beautiful feeling, she couldn’t stand to give it up so immediately.

Alex had looked away now, returning his attention to the television. A wicked grin crossed Zophie’s face as an idea came to her. Her eyes smoldering, she walked past the prostrate bodies of the two and hopped up weightlessly onto the TV. Now, her ass perched on top of it, it was like Alex and Scarlet were staring at her.

Zophie traced her fingers along the inside of one thigh, reveling in how suggestive the gesture was. Scarlet’s pretty face was split in a smile, while Alex’s eyes were as inquiring as ever. Zophie somehow found the fantasy of imagining they were watching her more arousing even than seeing how they fucked each other.

Feeling bold, and even bolder knowing that she was safely hidden by dint of being invisible, intangible, Zophie moved her hand higher on her thigh. She brushed the crotch of her costume with a fingertip, sliding it along the very edge, drawing the eye to what she was doing. Her other hand rose to the golden chestpiece covering her breasts. She reached underneath it, fingers curling about a luscious breast, squeezing it very gently.

Zophie dropped her eyes to Alex and imagined his cock was bulging in his pants. She had seen it as he changed clothes, as he got out of the shower, even when he pissed. In fact, Zophie took seemingly every opportunity to see his prick. It made her feel warm, like she felt now, being exposed—if only he were naked—Zophie imagined herself taking off her clothes and, unseen, climbing into the shower with him, or into his bed—his and Scarlet’s bed—oh, even if they couldn’t really see her, couldn’t touch her, the thought of it was simply rapturous.

Scarlet turned unthinkingly onto her side, her cape falling away to the ground, no longer hiding her body at all except for a swath of skin at her shoulders. The tight band of her panties stretched over her pubic mound. Zophie stared at it, her lips quivering. She’d never felt so wickedly bold in all of eternity.

Hooking a finger on the tight crotch of her armor, she pulled it aside, exposing herself to Alex and Scarlet’s unseeing eyes. Alex’s gaze seemed to burn hotly—Zophie could’ve sworn she felt it. And, for some reason, Scarlet giggled naughtily. It must’ve been something on the television, but Zophie didn’t care what. She didn’t want to break the illusion. If only they could see her…!

Zophie smiled, pretending they could, moving her hand from her breasts down between her legs. She ran a fingertip along the edge of her slit, then drew it up to her engorged clit. Her ass twisted on the television; her knees went even wider. She scooted her ass to the edge of her makeshift chair, thrust a finger inside herself and withdrew it just as quickly.

Without moving his eyes, Alex oriented his face to Scarlet. “Think we’ve seen enough?”

Scarlet twisted her head to the side, brushing her cheek against Alex’s. She kept looking forward too. “I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet,” she said in her heavy French accent. “Zophie has so much to show us.”



Oooh, yeah. Just what I was hoping for!