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Kitty saw the eagerly clasping hole of Rogue’s womanhood, clenching and relaxing, as if trying to suck in whatever could be fed to it to fill her desperate void. The outer lips were swollen, sensitive to the slightest touch, and the reddened tip of her clit quivered with hardness, highlighted by the white stripe in Rogue’s dark pubic hair.

Kurt took his long, girthy cock in hand and moved it towards that enticing miasma of pink and red, running the thickly burgeoning knob deftly along Rogue’s slit, wetting it with Rogue’s flowing juices while she cried out piteously.

“Please Kurt, give it to me… don’t leave your sister hanging now… let me have it right…”

Her lewd words struck Kurt, spurring him into action past his enjoyment of teasing her. All of a sudden he rammed forward, thrusting himself into her tiny opening with an explosive groan at the pressure suddenly surrounding him.

Aaaaahhhh!” Rogue gasped at the same time. “Think Ah could get used to feelin’ blue…”

Kitty felt the first lashings of anger, hearing Kurt’s pervert ‘sister’ express that much pleasure. At her, her lewd interest in seeing them together had kept her from getting angry, but now she felt resentment boiling inside her. As if it wasn’t bad enough that Jean had gotten in on her act, now Rogue was joining in. And her his sister, Kitty bridled. To think that she had cheated on Piotr with this lousy, family-fucking bastard.

Yet still she watched, her rage simmering like a furnace inside her, as Kurt kept plowing into Rogue, sinking his lengthy manhood all the way into Rogue’s splayed sex.

Hhhhnnnggghh!” Rogue cried out as Kurt’s lust-swollen prick pressed into the furthest reaches of her cunt, his furry balls slapping against the soft silk of her upturned buttocks, her feet jiggling up around his pointed ears in a continuous reminder that he had bent her in half just to fuck her.

Kitty squinted her eyes, not wanting to miss a second of how Kurt was frenziedly fucking this incestuous bitch. Her anger was receding as quickly as it began, evolving now into jealousy. Jealousy and a vicarious excitement. As good as she knew it was to feel Kurt’s member, there was something hypnotic about watching it instead—seeing its long, smooth rides into Rogue’s pussy and then being pulled out again, short and sharp, only to be fed back into her. Kitty felt the same rhythm in her own cunt.

She crept closer, focusing absently on her mutant power, so that when she padded on all fours into the space of Kurt’s switching tail and the lovers’ tangled legs, she intangibly drifted right through them. She shoved her face through Kurt’s wagging pelvis, seeing up close, ghostlike, how his manhood was pumping inside of Rogue, swelling out her pussy, filling her to her absolute limit.

The sight was more immersive than ever, and it drew her into its lascivious spell. Kitty no longer felt shock or anger or envy, only the obscene magnetism of the two fucking, sensual enough to include her without touching her. She’d been caught up in the luridness of what they were doing and she had to see it through to the end, until the swarming white cream in Kurt’s balls was stuffing Rogue’s cunt instead.



So wrong, yet so hot!