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Barbara was having another crying fit. She was torn between wanting to control her emotions and not wanting to be like Batman, wanting to give her feelings free rein no matter how much it hurt, and anyway didn’t she have a right to cry, after what that other, evil Batman had done to her friends, her father?

Her nose was uncomfortably full of mucus when she was offered a tissue. Barbara took it gratefully, seeing through her teary eyes that it was Kara Zor-El, and Donna. She should’ve known someone should come to support her. Why not the young woman she’d become something of an big sister to, trying to guide her through acclimating to Earth, and Donna, her contemporary, so much alike her in temperament? Always wanting to take care of things, people. Now here to take care of her.

She blew her nose. Kara wadded up the tissue and tossed it away, vaporizing it in the air with a little heatvision. Barbara cracked a smile and Donna rubbed her back soothingly.

“You’re not alone in this, Babs. We know how hard this must be for you. And there are so many others, people who’d love to be here for you, but they can’t right now. But you’ve got a whole army of people thinking of you, believe it.”

“Yeah,” Kara said, taking Barbara’s hand and squeezing. “You’ve got an Amazon and a Kryptonian in your corner. Whatever you need, we’ll get it for you. Sky’s the limit.”

“I just… I don’t know… I want to be alone…” Barbara stammered. Her tongue felt thick, her sadness too oppressive for her to want to trap two of her friends with it.

“Why don’t we get you some water?” Donna asked, petting Barbara’s ragged hair into a smoother, more pleasing shape. “Maybe some soda? Chocolate milk? Something stronger? Anything you want, red. Kara here can get you a coconut drink from Hawaii in five seconds flat, if you want. Just say the word.”

After a pause, Barbara said “Water’s fine.”

Donna nodded to Kara, who rushed off to get her a tall glass of ice water. And while she was away, leaving Barbara to be tended to by Donna’s soothing caresses and whispered words, she did what she and Donna had agreed on beforehand. She trained her eyes on Barbara’s groin and carefully applied her heatvision, sending a gossamer thread of warmth through Barbara’s lower body, one Barbara could barely feel—a heated massage that seemed to come from inside her, as though her pussy was suddenly clenching for no reason.

Or not for no reason. Barbara suddenly felt her inner thighs trembling. Deep in the pliant softness of her sex, she felt molten desire, simmering hotter and hotter, and she could only think it had something to do with Donna. Her nearness, her affection, the way she was speaking to Barbara so lovingly and touching her so gently. Barbara knew she was nothing more than a friend, but her body was reacting to her as if she were a lover. And that reaction was swiftly approaching the boiling point.

“Oh!” Barbara gasped, her pale face going crimson with her realization of what was happening and her embarrassment over it. “I should go… I should…”

“Yes, let’s go,” Kara said, pressing the ice water into Barbara’s hands, her and Donna egging her on until she took a long, steadying drink. They continued petting her, fawning over her, pulling her to her feet and escorting her out of the dank police station, so not conductive to either a romantic atmosphere or Barbara’s sadness lifting.

Kara pulled Barbara by the hand and Donna went with her in lockstep, an arm circled around Barbara’s waist to keep her moving as she was led away from the cacophony of sounds, both from cops and criminals, until they were in an empty stairwell. No one could see them and they couldn’t hear anyone. They led her up to the roof, or close to it, where the silence was so deafening that Barbara could hear the thunderous sound of her own heartbeat. She was aware of the two women’s bodies pressed close to her, of the feel of their warm flesh against her bare skin as they moved her like two bodyguards adamant that nothing should harm her.

“Oh God,” she moaned, realizing what she wanted to happen. “God!” It was so nasty, so naughty and disgusting, but she wanted far more than friendship from these two beautiful women.

Her face glistening with nervous sweat, Barbara struggled to restrain the depraved thoughts inside her. She didn’t know that they had started with Kara, but now they had progressed far beyond that unknowing bout of arousal. That first silken thought had started a fever inside her, and though it was raging without Donna and Kara’s help anymore, they were fully willing to take advantage of it.

They were cooing kind words to her, telling her to relax, holding her hands, reassuring her, squeezing her, kissing her cheeks and her brow and her lips, but only softly, without tongue, almost sisterly except for the wicked thoughts in Barbara’s head that made those kisses anything but familial.

And then Donna’s fingers ran down Barbara’s face, to her neck, to her shoulder. Through her cashmere sweater Donna tenderly squeezed Barbara’s tit, creating such a wealth of sensation inside her that she had to moan. Her hands rose as if to protest, but they only managed to grasp Donna’s forearms, not do anything to make her stop.

She felt Kara’s hand on her other breast, the girls still talking to her, their breaths coming deeper, rushing like hers was. And to her utter shock, Barbara did nothing to stop them.

“Does this make you feel better, Barbara?”

“All we want to do is make you feel better, Barbara.”

“Make you feel good.”

“You already feel good to us.”

“So good.”

Barbara felt hypnotized, unable to move, as the sensual touches went on. It was too late to stop herself from being excited, too late to pretend she didn’t want to be touched. It was as lewd as it was exhilarating, but Barbara couldn’t believe she was enjoying herself like this when the circumstances were so dire. Her face contorted in torment, alternately showing her passion and her dismay over what she was allowing, wanting to happen.

Then the girls’ hands slid back and forth over the slender covering of her breasts, seeking out her swollen nipples, pinching and twisting them, but Barbara felt no pain. She wanted to cry out in ecstasy. She told herself that in a few seconds she would ask them to stop. After she had enjoyed their touch for a few more precious seconds. But as the moments dragged on, all she let out was the deep-throated sound of her rapidly mounting delight.

Seeing how she was enjoying herself, Kara undid the top buttons of Barbara’s sweater. With ease, she and Donna reached into Barbara’s lacy bra and cupped the naked flesh of her breasts. Helplessly aroused both by their touch and her own sordid thoughts, Barbara was in no position to resist.

Yesssss,” she breathed, unable to help herself. “Ooooh YES!”

She writhed against the wall as her lovers’ agile fingers moved lower, dropping to the hem of her skirt and sliding up her stockinged legs, feeling the toned firmness of her thighs. One hand feeling each of her legs until they reached the naked bareness where her stockings were held up by the snaps of her white lace garters.

Barbara froze, now feeling their fingers so intimately, so boldly touching her unprotected skin. Looking down, she saw the tops of Donna and Kara’s heads as they stooped over her, their own attention focused on her vulnerable thighs. Barbara couldn’t believe what they were doing to her—that it felt so good.

Her conscience trilled again and she struggled between knowing she should stop this and the pleasure that her body told her she must allow. She should do something! She couldn’t just stand here, enjoying her helplessness as they did whatever they liked with her!

But her persistent suitors kept her practically intoxicated, their touch feeling too good for Barbara to really think about stopping. She put her hands on their wrists as if to keep them from going any further, but all that accomplished was to let her feel the pleasured tension coursing through their muscles as they enjoyed themselves, fingers kneading at the softness of her belly, reaching under the silkiness of her panties. Then, with both alarm and a spike of arousal, Barbara felt them stirring the light fluttering of hair at her groin, enjoying its satiny suppleness. They went further, fingers stroking maddeningly at her slit itself, while Barbara could only coo: “Hhhhh…”

Barbara pressed desperately against the wall of the stairwell, as if to get away from them, or steady herself so she could receive more of their attention. Her thighs rubbed together, her unthinking body wanting more contact on her quivering sex, even as their teasing fingers slowly offered more and more. Mortified, Barbara felt herself growing wetter, and she jutted her hips out into Kara and Donna’s hands to let them feel the forbidden pleasure they had stoked inside her.

Their lust rose with her own, fingers working more and more insistently at her cunt. But as her pleasure surged, hesitancy struck Barbara again. She didn’t know if she should be feeling so good, abandoning herself to this dangerously sweet feeling, until she closed her eyes for a long moment and let the rolling sensations have their way with her tingling body. So long as Kara and Donna were enjoying themselves, what was the harm? They were comforting her; she had to let herself be comforted, let herself feel good, no matter what the circumstances. That had to be what was best—it felt like what was best.

Donna moved to the side, reaching behind Barbara, hand stroking along the soft decadence of her panty-covered ass, feeling down between her buttocks and between her thighs. In front of her, Kara reached under the elastic waistband of her panties, the pads of her fingers scoring over Barbara’s bare flesh, her mons, her labia. She touched Barbara’s clit as Donna touched her slippery slit from underneath, both their hands under the narrow confines of Barbara’s skimpy panties, reaching under her waistband and legband, finding the seeping wet warmth of her cunt.

A wave of shame passed over Barbara again—it felt too damn good, she was being pleased by two women at once, she should be sad, miserable, but instead she was feeling this indecent deliciousness. Her moist sex had been penetrated, touched in so many ways and made to feel so many pleasures, and she’d never felt so amazing in her life.

Barbara resigned herself to giving into it. What else could she do? This was pure sex, pure lust, she couldn’t resist it. She bit down hard on her lower lip, feeling their wonderfully searching fingers moving delicately inside her panties, up and back and down and everywhere, sliding and rubbing, teasing and exploring, driving her mad with enjoyment. She was embarrassed, ashamed of herself, but she couldn’t resist this ecstasy.

Yessss,” she mewled. “Just like that… riiight… theeerree… oaaahhhh!”

Donna’s slender finger snaked into her soaked pussy, feeling the smooth wet folds inside her cunt. Sometimes she met Kara’s fingers as the blonde played with Barbara’s swollen little clit, stroking along her pliant mound to the splayed, penetrated opening of her slit. Together, they fingered Barbara’s softly yielding sex.

Barbara’s whole body quaked, her impaled pussy feeling their fingers probe heatedly inside her. She felt her wetness smear on Kara’s palm as she was obscenely searched. All of their touch moved over her intimate flesh with her writhing, almost out of her mind with ecstasy, the three of them huddled together. Barbara didn’t think she’d be able to take another moment of this provocative torture on her sensitive pussy. She wanted the raging fire that ran unchecked inside her to either go out or consume her utterly. Something had to give!

“You’re almost there, Babs,” Donna whispered to her. “Almost there…”

While she and Kara worked feverishly at Barbara’s sex, they felt her lithe body tense, her tendons taut, her head fallen back. Deep inside her steamy cunt, her walls quivered, sucking hungrily at their fingers. Kara’s slippery thumb rubbed persistently at Barbara’s needy clit. It jerked and twitched with the onrush of rapture.

“MMMMM!” Barbara moaned, keening pitifully as her lust temporarily outpaced her pleasure, wanting more and more and more. She shook and then melted against her two lovers, her entire body going slack on their boldly probing fingers.

“AAHHH!” she gasped, as though deflating, letting out all the air inside her. “Coming! Coming! Oh my GOD!”

It was good, so incredibly good that Barbara felt herself lifted to a divinely pleasurable height, a plateau she had never reached before, but that now she wanted to come to again and again.

“Oh girls… girls…” she groaned, still quivering, a helpless butterfly caught between their bodies. “Kara, Donna, thank you, thank you…!”

Slowly their wetly playing fingers withdrew. Reluctantly the girls stepped back from Barbara, leaving her stunned, supporting herself against the wall as her passion left her. Her shut eyelids fluttered open after a long silence. Then her lips spread into a wide smile.

Kara and Donna knew that they’d done right by their friend.



Part of me wants more context, but the rest is telling that part to shut up, cuz this is great!