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Selina walked out of the ocean, emerging inch by inch from the churning surf as if being born from the foaming sea. She had on a red string bikini which exposed almost all of her curvaceous figure. The fact that there was anything left to the imagination was a testament to just how voluptuous she was.

Her full breasts overflowed from the skimpy top, while her firm round ass bulged out to either side of her thong like fruit grown ripe enough to burst. Her face was young and beautiful, made even more striking by her shortly clipped hair—the crowning touch on her sensual body. She knew that her physique… usually constrained by a skintight leather catsuit… turned on every man she came in contact with and made every woman feel curious. But right now, there was just one cock she wanted stiff.

Wiping her eyes clear of the water, she saw Oswald Cobblepot lying up on the sand, his stout body resting on a large beach towel. He wore only a set of black swim trunks and his groin bulged out from it, exciting Selina beyond belief. As much as she liked the finer things in life, like this private beach, and having access to them through Oswald’s generosity rather than her own hard work… she didn’t think she would’ve stuck around so long if Oswald weren’t so surprisingly able to satisfy her.

“Hello there, Selina. The water’s fine, I take it?” Oswald cooed at her. “It certainly looks good enough on you…”

Selina grinned, wondering if he’d be able to tell how turned on she was. She drew close to him, her bare feet padding off of the dark, wet sand and onto the dry white variety that surrounded Oswald, placid and serene.

“My dear, you look ravishing,” Oswald told her, his eyes roaming over her large breasts and her narrow waist. Her legs were long and slender, so barely marred by the bikini bottoms that went about her hips that her thong could’ve been mistaken for a trick of the eye on her naked body.

“Then let’s hope I get ravished,” Selina replied, unable to tear her eyes away from his bulging trunks.

Selina sat down next to him. Her arm brushed against the solid mass of his. Selina quivered, amazing at the raging lust that swept through her at his touch. She longed to rub her cunt, but there was no need. Not when any enjoyment she might get out of it was a trifle in comparison to what Oswald could do to her body.

But before she could make a play for him, he sprang up, his thick, solidly-built body surprisingly light on its feet. “You make that water look so appealing, Selina, that I must feel it for myself,” he said as he padded up onto the jetty, his soft feet lightly bearing his weight down the length of the wooden assembly. At the end, he dived expertly into the deep water, his plump body cutting easily into the cool, blue water beyond the white waves.

Seeing that he was intent on teasing her, Selina stretched out face-down on the beach towel. She breathed in Oswald’s cologne, the clean and potent scent left behind by the washes and lotions he used in his morning shower, overpowering the salt-spray smell of the ocean that clung to her and hung disembodied in the air. She felt how his heavy body had compressed the sand underneath the towel, made it hard and firm, so that it exerted a kind of pressure, pushing against the softness of her big, tender breasts as she laid on them.

Selina tried to fight back against how aroused she was—her pussy lewdly tingling, its heat burnished by the warmth left behind by Oswald’s tanning body. Then, with a gasp of hapless surrender, she ground her sex down into the towel. Tiny licking tongues lashed up to meet her pussy and she savored them obscenely, enjoying the lascivious flames that ran through her body with every moment she pressed herself into this voluptuous sensation.

Then she felt dripping water falling onto her back. Selina turned over to see Oswald standing over her, dripping wet from his swim.

“Well, my dear, that’s one way to enjoy a private beach. And a way to thank me for bringing you here, all in one!” Oswald preened, his manhood growing hard.

Selina felt her pussy hotly quiver, seeing him stiffening and lengthening almost out of his trunks. “Did you like watching?” she cooed at him, shifting her legs, stroking her thighs together.

“Actually, not so much.” Oswald laughed and sat down next to her. “As alluring a sight as it made, I could see you weren’t being properly satiated, my fine little female. I’d much prefer to do the job myself and see that it’s done to the fullest.”

Selina blushed furiously, feeling suddenly shy. She lay on her back, staring up at Oswald with a glassy look in her eyes—wondering how it was that her satisfaction had become so dependent on this strange little man. Why it was no one had ever been able to please her like he had, to the point that his promise of sex thrilled her like little else could? She spoke, her voice sounding as distant and far away as if someone else were talking.

“You can do whatever you want, Ozzie. It’s your beach. Everything here belongs to you.”

“Belongs to me?” Oswald said, staring intently at her. “You mean to say… possessed by me?”

She was unable to meet his eyes. “Yes. I’d love to be possessed by you. I want you to satisfy me like only you can.”

Oswald put his hand on her waist. “You’re aptly named, Selina my kitten. If you were any more desperate to be petted, you’d be rubbing against my leg!”

Selina squirmed under his touch, wishing he’d be so uncouth as to just reach out and put his hand right on her hungry little pussy. “What’s the point of having a kitty if not to play with it?” she asked. “The sooner, the better.”

Her hand went down to his and she pushed it down onto her bare hip, her fingers closing on it tightly.

Oswald smiled. “I do believe, dear maiden, you are speaking against the institution of foreplay?”

The hot touch of his fingers on her hips was making Selina’s ass rock involuntarily against the warm towel. The slow, rhythmic wiggle of her hips was felt by Oswald’s hand—he could tell she was undulating, writhing, acting out her part in the sex absent only his cock to bring her the pleasure that the rest of her was already oriented on.

“I get enough foreplay just thinking of the last time you fucked me!”

Selina sighed softly between her kiss-parted lips, her eyes shut dreamily. Oswald watched her in fascination. He had lusted after Catwoman for ages, unable to count the number of times he’d had wet dreams about reducing her to insensate lust just like this. And now he could see the exact naked need he’d wanted, that he’d felt, reflected in her eyes. It was a fantasy come to life for him to see her so turned on and, relishing the enormous power of her desire for him, he set about teasing her to the point of begging to be fucked.

“I think that’s enough sun for one morning. Time to indulge in the other portion of having beachfront property—the property.”

He started to rise.

“No, Oswald, please!” Selina groaned, her hips actually twitching up off the ground as though she was all but fucking him, needing him only to move into position above her. “Don’t leave me like this! I need you, Ozzie!”

Oswald laughed, knowing how this would turn out. He would soon have his big prick up inside Selina, enjoyably ravishing her yet again. But he would take his time first, cooking her as the delicacy she really was. He wanted her hot as a virgin on her wedding night when he drove his cock into her.

“Need me? A strong, self-sufficient woman such as yourself? Miss Kyle, be reasonable!” he said cruelly.

“I am, Ozzie, I know exactly what I’m saying! I need it! I need it so bad!” She tugged at his hand with both of hers, trying to pull it down between her firm thighs.

Selina was hopelessly confused and desperate. This wasn’t going at all the way it was supposed to, the way it would with any other man. By now, Oswald should be on top of her, giving her his big cock and receiving all the pleasure her alluring body had to offer.

Instead, he was acting as though he wasn’t even interested. Selina was beginning to feel like she had fallen out of his favor, but she wasn’t able to stop and cut her losses. The more he spurned her, the harder she tried to seduce him.

“Please, Ozzie, come on!” she cried, wondering why he was just looking at her, his expression as fastidiously arrayed as ever. “Don’t you want to fuck me?”

“Oh, I can’t deny that, kitten, but I’d hate to take advantage of you. I get the impression that you merely want to enjoy the accoutrements of my lifestyle, and if that’s the case, feel free. But don’t think you’re under any obligation to sleep with me, my lovely Selina. The pleasure of your company is more than enough for me,” he said, knowing that Selina was anything but a gold digger at this point—she was well and truly addicted to being his cock holster. It amused him to make her face that knowledge.

“Good God, Ozzie!” she shrieked in frustration, sitting up to face him. “What do you think I’ve been trying to tell you? I want you! I want your cock! Do I have to beg you to let me have it!?”

Oswald smiled down at her. As hotly as his lust was simmering, he still felt the urge to toy with her, to make her so wired up with frustration that she would be like putty in his hands. And so he placed his hands on her shoulders, gently ushering her back down onto the towel.

“I think you need to rest, my sweet. Take a nap—you don’t know what you’re saying. After you’ve calmed down a little, then we can feel free to be intimate.”

In a fit of sudden frustration, Selina roughly pushed Oswald’s hands from her shoulders. He almost lost his balance with the suddenness of the motion. Selina was angered and humiliated by his toying with her. She had embarrassed herself by pleading with him to be fucked and he’d refused, acting like she was some child who didn’t know any better. A red haze descended over Selina’s eyes, but even that couldn’t block out the swell of desire inside her. As angry as he’d made her, she still wanted him—had to have him!

“Fuck me!” she cried, her lovely face contorted with the force of her need. “You have to fuck me! I can’t stand it! I can’t go without your cock anymore!”

All that Selina could think about was quenching the hotly licking flames that were consuming her, heating up her tortured, trembling body until nothing else existed for her but the raging fire rampaging through all of her flesh. Panting, she looked up at Oswald, breaking into a smile at the sight of his unmistakable erection. It had grown even more since the last time she’d looked at it. Oswald wasn’t nearly as unmoved by her pleas as he made himself appear.

Through with hesitation, she grasped his trunks and eagerly pulled them down to his knees, gasping with excitement to see his swollen nine inches spring free, jutting straight out in front of him with the same robust physicality as the rest of his body.

“Jesus Christ, Ozzie, your cock is so big! And I want it so much…”

“Do you?” Oswald asked coolly, not letting a hint of desire into his voice, although even he couldn’t be unmoved by Selina’s lithe body and sensual supplication. It was all he could do not to throw himself down on top of her and give her what she was craving. “Prove it. Take that bikini off and show me the toys you want me to play with so badly.”


Gundam lupus

Ok, ya, how is this batman? Other than involving two rouges, one that would never touch the other. Plus ya beach with Catwoman and anyone other than batman after Batman Rebirth 77. No... no. then again, I do not like Selina with anyone other than bats. It's a hot story, but ya, come on, penguin has put a freakin hit out on Catwoman. She is more likely to kill him than do something with him like this. Again it's hot sexy, just not my thing. At least bats have a bigger member in the other author's stories with batman than Penguins. ok maybe Selina would do the telltale penguin would be an exception to this but again hard core batcat fan here

Gundam lupus

thanks of answering that =). Fair, and sorry if I was harsh like I said I am a hardcore batcat fan...and there is not enough batcat fanfiction with batcat as the stars or smut between these two in the world despite how rich the cannon is for moments between bat cat. they have sex in costume in the first issue Catwoman in the new 52 on a rooftop in panel. I enjoy your work a good deal. Hope you add another chapter to Repeat offender. keep up the great work.

Gundam lupus

PS: also i was thinking this was a batcat as Penguin was not tagged in


Not an expected combo, but hot as hell!

Gundam lupus

could you do something like this with Bruce and Selina?