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You can’t keep up with how hot they’ve gotten, not without running the risk of blowing your load, but it’s still the best masturbation you’ve ever given yourself and you still know it won’t hold a candle to actually fucking them. Charlotte’s hips are in motion, jerkily twisting and humping, with Kate’s mouth wedded to her pussy like she needs its taste to live.

“I want you too!” Charlotte says, and without a moment’s hesitation from either woman, they’re sixty-nining, faces buried between each other’s luscious thighs.

Kate lies on her back, Charlotte on top of her, both of them eating so noisily it blends into one sound. They don’t care whether they’re eating pussy or sucking cock from the looks of it. Their desperate kisses work to give their partner satisfaction, knowing they’re getting it back tenfold. They seem to be in a constant cycle of orgasm—Kate shudders, squeals, and goes limp, only for Charlotte to keep devouring her, which soon spurs her on to return her attention to Charlotte with renewed energy, making the other blonde come…

You ache to join in but don’t want to disturb this rapturous equilibrium they’ve found—it’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen. You don’t know if even sex can compare to this lesbian spectacle before you. But then Kate lifts her face from her wet pussy and winks at you, clearly inviting you to be included, to make this orgy even more lustful, more pleasurable.

Then they both want you, get you, just in different ways. Kate pushes your hands off your cock and replaces it with her mouth, while Charlotte mounts your face, pressing her groin down against your mouth until it’s all you can see. Your lips meet her pussy and then you’re fused together, her wet with lust and you licking it up. At the same time, Kate’s lavishing pure love on your erection, licking and caressing it as avidly as a newlywed with her husband’s cock, exploring it, seeing how it fits into her mouth.

The next thing you know, they trade places, envious of each other’s taste of you. You drink from Kate’s sex and Charlotte mouths your cock, but the pleasure is so absolute that you can’t tell much difference in the change-up. You’re entirely absorbed in the act itself, all of you fondling each other, feeling and tasting whatever body part is close enough, wallowing in each other’s skin and sweat, taking whatever pleasure the constant shifting of positions ends up offering.

The women climax some more, small and piquant, while you come close but manage to restrain yourself each time, stretching out the experience to ensure the girls don’t leave you behind again. But then Charlotte throats your cock while Kate buries your face in her enormous breasts and experiencing both sensations at once is too much for you. With a muffled cry between Kate’s tits, you shoot your wad into Charlotte’s mouth. Kate leaves you with a kiss, going to join Charlotte in tonguing your prick clean.

You light up after that and try to relax from the heady rush of the orgasm, being included in the string of climaxes Kate and Charlotte felt. The blondes are too health-conscious to smoke their own cigarettes, but they take puffs from yours. However, even the nicotine can’t distract the three of you from the temptation of each other’s nakedness. The cigarette is stubbed out halfway and you find yourself rolling around the bed with the girls, even if your cock is still soft.

It doesn’t matter, not even to you. Your body’s tingling, more than sated by the feel of their bare flesh, and they don’t need a hard cock to get off. You give them your tongue, your fingers, pleasing them both at once and feeling all their hands stroking your chest, your stomach, your groin. Your free hand ends up on one of Charlotte’s plump breasts, squeezing hard and discovering how firm that pillow of soft-looking flesh can be. The rest comes naturally. Your cock shoots up with you being too distracted to notice and the blondes fall on it like starving beasts.

You pull a pillow behind your head to prop yourself up and watch as they worship your erection. With them crouched low to your recumbent body, nuzzling their faces against your thighs and hips between licks and sucks, it towers over their blonde heads. Their lovely faces twist and turn to lick every inch of it. Your cock throbs, fumes with fresh precum to reward their attention.



This is just fun