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The wind blew her long skirt out of the way, exposing her satiny inner thighs and the tight little crotch of her bikini, however conservative it was in comparison to Felicia’s. “I saw a little ice cream stand on the way in. Think I’ll go get us some cones as a reward for surviving the bus ride.”

“Sounds good,” Peter said, surprised at how husky his voice sounded.

“You have your wallet?”

“No, I put it in the bag, with our clothes.”

“Right,” Mary Jane said, thrusting Felix into Peter’s arms—about the only thing that could distract him from MJ marching back to Felicia. As the old saying went, hate to see you go, love to watch you leave.

For now, though, Peter held Felix up to his face, quickly having discerned that the baby loved pawing at Peter’s unfamiliar face, the hint of stubble, the crooked smile and quirked jaw, as if he knew he would grow up to have some of that face. Peter smiled amicably as Felix roundly explored his nose, pulling a nostril open with tiny fingers.

And as cute as Felicia found Peter gaggling over his son, her dark sunglasses were trained on Mary Jane as she rummaged through the beach bag for money. MJ’s back was to her and she was on her knees. It was a nice pose. Felicia had no idea how Peter could resist that, but given all the years he had resisted her, she simply had to conclude that the man was inexplicable.


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