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I've noticed some interest in the planning for my fics lately, so here are some of the story arcs I have planned for Allied in particular.

-In the 1940s, the Golden Age Cheetah, Priscilla Rich obtained some kinda mystic thingummy. Her subsequent attempt to use it to kill the Golden Age Wonder Woman, was thwarted and the thingummy was destroyed. In the modern age, Mother Night and Sister Sin have determined that the thingummy's power could've been used to resurrect the Red Skull, and convinced the Modern Age Cheetahs (the magically-empowered version from the comics, and either the genetically engineered version from the DCAU or the brainwashed assassin from the Silver Age) to participate in a ritual to reconstitute it. (Also, Artemis is presently Wonder Woman)

-Pam steals some cuttings from Urzkartaga, the evil plant-god that empowers the Cheetah. She starts messing around with them, and her powers end up backfiring and getting her possessed by the deity. Urzkartaga's first move is to summon his champion/priestess/metaphorical lover in order to ditch that "metaphorical" part now that he has a meat-body of his own, then plans to put Pam's botanical knowledge to good use by making himself more powerful. Harley and Selina naturally want to free Pam, so they decide to enlist Wonder Woman's help."

-Spider-Man in the midst of team-up with Jen and Carol. More specifically, whilst they are beating on some bad guys working for Raina from AoS. Subsequently, Peter heads to the Bugle to sell photos from said battle, and ends up having a threesome with Betty Brant and Glory Grant. After this, Peter goes on a date with Liz Allan. After getting a blowjob from Liz, Peter heads for home... unaware that his good luck with the fairer sex can be attributed to having taken Urzkartaga's plant form off the villains trying to steal it...


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