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Access level: Blue (all Batcomputer users allowed access)

Codename: Raven

Civilian Name: Rachel Roth (note: alias. Actual name is ‘Raven’)

Age: 19

Race: Caucasian

Gender: Female

Born: February 7, 1998

Birthplace: Raleigh, North Carolina

Nationality: American (note: forged/falsified documents)

Height: 5 foot 7

Weight: 123 lb.

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Black

Occupation: Full-time superhero/unemployed

Affiliation: Teen Titans

Relatives: Trigon (father), Arella (mother).

Powers: Magic (see supplement) 

Marital status: Single

Education: Manhattan College

Status: Active

Additional information classified to this access level.


Access level: Black (only administrator allowed access)

Codename: Raven

Supplemental information: Raven’s control of her magical powers is based around emotional repression, taught to her by the monks who raised her (see Brotherhood of Azarath). Loss of control would result in a containment breach (see Trigon). To that end, the monks equipped her with a magical chastity belt.

The belt is enchanted to handle all hygiene issues and waste products. It also removes pubic hair. It is slim enough to be hidden under her uniform. Her teammates (see Teen Titans) are unaware of its existence. It is unknown if any within her social circle know about it.

The belt’s primary enchantment is to prevent orgasm. It is also enchanted to block increases in arousal. It cannot be removed since the monks who enchanted it are now dead.

After Trigon’s defeat, Raven created a portal slab linking to the section of the belt covering her genitalia. Her reasons are unknown. The portal slab is 1/16th of an inch in thickness. In appearance, it is a black oval with two sides. The inactive side is flat, dark gray stone. The active side is bordered by the same material, but within that is a non-Euclidean passage directly to Raven’s genitalia. It is theorized Raven uses this for penetrative masturbation. Medical records show that her hymen was broken due to her athletic lifestyle. Credit card statements show that she has purchased marital aids.

Consultation with Zatanna Zatara has led to the following theorization: the portal has three modes. It can be turned OFF by Raven herself, if she has physical possession of the portal.

It can be set to DENIAL. This allows the enchantment that prevents orgasm to persist, but disables the enchantment that blocks lust. Zatanna has suggested this could be used as a masturbatory habit (see ‘edging’).

It can be set to ORGASM. This completely disables the enchantments on the belt, allowing her to become aroused and reach climax. 

The portal’s two active settings can be controlled by two arcane runes on the top of the slab. These glow to show which mode the portal is set to, if it is not turned OFF.

Evidence would suggest the portal is mostly set to ORGASM.


Gar stumbled through Titan Tower, leaving Raven talking to Robin and Starfire. It had been a long, tiring battle and all he wanted was to get some sleep. Maybe it had just been his imagination, but all through the fight, Raven had seemed distracted—probably what the star couple were talking to her about. Well, whatever it was, it could be sorted out once he’d gotten some shuteye. Barely more mobile than a sloth, he staggered his way to his room and keyed the door open. He felt like a bear about to go into hibernation.

He barely paused to undress—he just couldn’t sleep in such grimy clothes—and he didn’t nothing that when he discarded them, they fell to cover something on the floor. Something like a hand mirror, only without the handle.

And, not having turned on the lights, he didn’t notice how drastically different the decorating was to his own cluttered, hedonistically furnished room.

Not until he did a swan dive down into bed and found it had been replaced by a section of flooring with unlit candles at the corners of a pentagram.

I’m in Raven’s room, he thought, his panic suddenly snapping him wide awake. She’s gonna kill me!

Unthinkingly (except of all the ways Raven could damage him), he grabbed up his clothes and fled the scene. His own room was right next door, and in his relief, he dropped his clothes without noticing he had picked up anything along with them.

He also let out a massive yawn that catapulted him back into tiredness. No longer caring where he was, since it definitely wasn’t Raven’s room, he shifted into a dog and curled up for a nap. Surely, none of his teammates would begrudge him a small coma on their floor…


Where was it? Where the hell was it?

Raven had been playing with herself when she’d heard the alarm and had to rush off on the mission—she’d had the portal set to DENIAL, knowing it always made the end result better when she finally, literally let herself come. She’s gone through the whole battle having not come, needing to come, but now that she was back, she couldn’t find the damn portal. She must’ve knocked it to the floor, but it wasn’t anywhere around the bed, wasn’t under it—she had no idea where it could’ve gotten to.

She tried to think—had she left it set to DENIAL or ORGASM? There was no way of knowing without the portal. She thought she’d left it on DENIAL, but oh, if that were true…

Raven decided to give up the search for now. She’d been through her room three times already and she was certain there was nowhere it could be hiding. Had she brought the portal aboard the T-Jet? That seemed impossible. It wasn’t like her costume had any pockets. Either way, she was in no mood to retrace her steps and look for it. She would get the rest she needed almost as desperately as her orgasm and, in the morning, hopefully it would come to her.

She undressed quickly and turned on the shower, unwilling to soil her bed with her musky, sweaty body. She tried to concentrate on soaping her body and rushing to finish the shower, but the warmth in her pussy grew.

God! She was horny. It wasn't the kind of lust that even masturbation could satisfy though. She knew that. She lusted for the kinds of wild things she had read about. She lusted for adventure, novelty, kicks...

"Damn!" she muttered angrily. This was getting out of hand!

She was stuck in Superhero Land, where everything was proper and nice. Everyone else was out fucking whomever they wanted, doing wild and lascivious things in bed, but she was stuck with her hand and there was nothing she could do about it without letting on the truth about her situation.

She let the water rush against her throbbing tits. The wetness splattering against her nipples felt like little needles. It didn't hurt though. It felt surprisingly good against their plumpness. It seemed to make the heat in her pussy grow and grow.

With a muffled groan she aimed the spray of water lower and reached down with her fingers. She could apply pressure through the chastity belt, but nothing else. And she had touched herself enough to know that the only thing that really got her off was being penetrated.

Still, she gave a sharp little gasp as the water rushed against her soft, open cunt. It was just running under the top of the belt, but it seemed to zero in and pelt against her erect clit, arousing her even more.

Raven turned the water to Cold. She just had to make it through this one night without. Then, when she was thinking clearly, she would get things back to normal.


Gar woke up around ten, showering to wake himself up the rest of the way, then picking up his discarded costume and emptying the contents onto his bedspread. He transferred his wallet and keys to his new clothes, then picked up the portal in confusion. Whoa… where’d this come from?

He remembered going briefly into Raven’s room last night? Could he have picked up there? He didn’t remember doing so, he couldn’t think why he would, but he had been pretty zonked out. He supposed he should return it, only—besides the fact that he had gotten it by breaking and entering—it looked… pretty intimate. He didn’t know what else to call something that looked like some absurdly realistic pocket pussy; he guessed Raven was more kinky than he’d thought.

If he returned a pen he’d accidentally stolen from Raven’s room, there’d be trouble. Returning some kind of sex toy? That’d get him sent to some nameless hell, for sure. What he needed to do was wait until Raven was out, then sneak back into her room and put it back.

Of course, until then… she’d never know he’d touched it, so long as he cleaned it off before he put it back. He’d never seen a pussy, even a fake one, this close before. And with no girl wanting to date a green guy…

There were some runes glowing on the top. Gar pressed them a few times. He managed to shift the glow from one rune to another, but other than that, nothing seemed to change. 

He reached out gently to touch it…


"Ohhhhhhh!" Raven moaned as she dropped the sack of groceries onto the chair near the couch. It was her turn to do the shopping and that was about all that had gone right since she’d woken up.

She’d searched her room all over again before concluding that someone had stolen it. No one else had reported anything stolen, which meant they were targeting her. Did they know what the portal slab was or had they just assumed it was valuable?

Immediately, she’d gone to get ingredients for a spell to locate the portal, if that was even possible. All while she was still horny as hell. For four hours she'd tried to forget about dicks. And for four hours, all she noticed were men's crotches. At the grocery store she’d felt their eyes on her as she was bending down to get some frozen vegetables buried in a freezer. The butcher tried to get her in the locker, offering her some choice "meats" that weren't out for public display. Every man in the store seemed to guess that she was a woman with an unsatisfied pussy. And every man was offering his cock as a chance for her to finally scratch that irritating yet lovely itch in her cunt.

Then Raven had parked the groceries in the store's meat cooler and decided to see a movie. Just something to take her mind off things. She’d teleported to the nearest theater and Raven managed to slip into a seat without attracting any attention. After focusing her eyes on the screen, she understood why no one saw her. 

The movie opened with a shot of a blonde sitting at a desk and typing some kind of manuscript. As the camera peeped in over her right shoulder, Raven could see what kind of manuscript the girl was working on. It was a porno story, and the section of the chapter dealt with two men fucking a woman at the same time. The girl would type a few sentences, then stop and reach under the desk, obviously fingering herself to get a little relief before getting back to her manuscript.

Then she suddenly pushed the typewriter away from her in obvious irritation. She wore a white dress that barely covered the tops of her thighs. Raven could see the girl's nipples poking desperately at the clinging material. As the girl reached under her dress, Raven did the same, feeling the fire in her snatch as intensely as the girl on the screen obviously did.

Then the camera angle changed and focused on the big dark spot between her widely spread legs. Wisps of dark hair hung out of either side of her panty crotch. The girl was moving her hands slowly until she was rubbing her pussy through her panties. Raven felt her breath getting shorter and shorter as she watched a small dark spot appear on the girl's panties, then spread until the entire crotch piece was soaked through. This was no acting. The girl was working herself up on camera for the whole world to see.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," Raven moaned out involuntarily as the girl continued to rub her pussy. Gradually, she worked one finger into the leg of her panties. Raven felt her mind spinning as she watched the girl's mouth spring open and her eyes shut tightly. Her finger-probings became wilder and wilder as she reached up and pulled down her dress. The girl's tits flopped out and revealed two long, hard nipples.

As the girl kept on fingering herself up to climax, the door opened up and her boss stepped in. At first he seemed disgusted at what he saw. Then he watched, and slowly started massaging his own groin. When he unzipped his pants and pulled out a long, thick, knobby twelve-inch dick, Raven realized she had to get out of the theater or start a scene of her own.

"Watch it! Hey!" a few men mumbled as Raven stumbled down the aisle and ran out the rear door. She couldn't believe this was happening to her! 

"Like the show, sweetheart?" a leering cashier asked as Raven tried to sneak out of the theater lobby. Everybody seemed to have her number now.

Raven walked around the shopping mall near the theater for several hours after that scene, trying to understand what was happening inside her mind and body. She was beginning to notice looks men gave her that had passed over her head before. If it weren't for the last shred of respectability that she still clung to, Raven would have fallen down on her back and invited every man in the shopping mall to have at her.

"Got to get relief!" Raven mumbled to herself as she put the groceries away and raced back to her room.


“What are you doing?” Kory asked.

Gar squeaked and fumbled the portal, nearly dropping it before he volleyed it from hand to hand to recover his grip. “Nothing!”

Kory floated over to him, looking down at the object in his hands. Belatedly, Gar rushed it behind his back. “That looks a lot like a human vagina.”

“Really? I wouldn’t know,” Gar bluffed.

“Haven’t you seen mine? That time you walked in on me in the shower…”

“I didn’t see anything!” Gar protested, bringing his hands around in front of his chest to protest his innocence, then realizing he still held the portal.

“Hmmm… that looks quite a lot like a Tamaranian vagina as well,” Kory said. “The two are very similar… wait, are you sure you’re holding it right side up?”

“I… think so? Anyway, it’s not mine, it’s… I… found it.”

Kory snatched it up from him. “It’s a remarkably good likeness.” She pointed at it. “See that bit? I have that.”

“Maybe it’s so people can learn their way around one if they don’t have the real thing.”

“Who wouldn’t know their way around one? It opens, then you put something in it. You don’t even have to put a penis in! It can fit all sorts of things!”

Gar fiddled his toes. “Say, Star… I was just wondering… say I did end up with a real one, somehow… what would I do with it?”

“A vagina? That’s easy! First, you check to see how wet it is. Try it! Just one finger—any girl can take that!”


Raven grabbed at her crotch, stopping herself at the last moment by curling her hands into fists. It felt like she’d just been… entered! 

Robin and Cyborg were in the common room with her, but neither seemed to notice, and she quickly sat to regain control over herself. The worst part was how good it had felt. After wanting to be touched for so long and going without, she found it hard not to want that contact to go on… just a little longer… and just a little deeper…


“Here,” Kory said, holding the portal out to him. “You try.”

Gar reached in and touched the lips with the tip of his finger. Under Kory’s approving stare, he applied more and more pressure, though it barely took any. The pussy just opened up and took him inside, clenching and clutching, almost sucking on his finger. 

“It’s warm,” Gar said, feeling an answering warmth in his groin, as if the toy were sucking all the way down there. If a real pussy felt anything like this, no wonder everyone tried to get inside them so hard!

“Of course,” Kory said. “Doesn’t everyone like a warm meal?”

That said, she held the portal up to her mouth.


Raven sighed softly. Someone was kissing her… down there… she could feel warm lips, light breath… oh, she’d tried it herself, but it was nothing like this. It wasn’t even touching her, it was seducing her, not with words, but body to body, each caress and each touch getting a reciprocal warmth or twitch from deep within her approving body.

Sucking breath in in an attempt to regain her equilibrium, Raven tightly gripped the armrests of her chair. Robin and Cyborg still hadn’t noticed, engulfed in conversation, but if she got any louder…


“What you want to do,” Kory said, “is keep it simple at first. Just go up and down, left to right.” She demonstrated, laving her tongue from side to side over the slit, then dragging the tip along its opening. She repeated herself again and again, sticking to the same rhythm. Gar could feel himself becoming aroused. God, would it be nice to be doing that to Kory… or even Raven.


Raven was breathing hard. She’d like to get up and run, but she wasn’t sure she could manage to walk. Her pussy was definitely being touched. More than touched, it was being… made love to. She felt like every nerve ending inside her, every possible thing that could be stimulated, was burning. Oh, where was this coming from? What was doing this to her? 

She looked fearfully at Robin and Cyborg, wishing they would leave so she could enjoy this in peace, then another wave of pleasure engulfed her and she closed her eyes, ignoring them anyway. The mouth on her pussy was pulling her into her own little world of satiation and she never wanted to leave.


“Now move in a circle,” Kory said, demonstrating with a flick of her tongue. “Don’t go straight to her clitoris, no matter how hard it gets. Just move your tongue to it, and away from it. A nice, wide circle that touches all of her cunt.”

Gar watched closely as her tongue moved in. A long sweep along the left lip of the labia, then it sloped over the clit, then down the right lip. At the bottom, she was still touching the slit, and her tongue stabbed in briefly before sliding out, continuing the circle. God, did Gar ever want to try it. A girl had to love something as sexy as that!


Now Raven wasn’t breathing hard. She wasn’t breathing at all. She couldn’t. She was being fucked. Not touched, not licked, not anything. Fucked. Someone was fucking her. She was in the same room as Robin and Cyborg, fully dressed, and she was being fucked. 

She thought to summon up her control once more, to cast a spell protecting her against this, even to close her legs instead of sitting with them widely spread as if to allow the whole world to fuck her.

But she didn’t do any of those things.

Her hips rocked, her thighs clenched, she licked her lips.

She was fucked.


“Now you’ll want to give your tongue a rest,” Kory said, though from the pop of her lips as she sucked in her tongue, it seemed like she couldn’t get enough of however that pussy tasted. “And by now, the clitoris should be erect. So suck on it. Just use your lips, only for a few seconds, just like you’re giving a hickey, just suck the blood into that little thing.”

Gar watched in disbelief as Kory pursed her lips, lowered them to the stingingly hard clitoris as courtly as she would bow to kiss a damsel’s hand, and wrapped those lips around the little bead. If a blowjob felt as good as those lips looked around something, then how could any guy not be crazy for them?


“OH!” Raven gasped, an explosion exhaled from within her tightly clasped lungs. Suddenly she was gulping in air, sweat beading on her forehead, and Robin and Cyborg were both looking at her as she hunched over her sex, which now felt very, very good.

“Muscle cramp,” she said tinily, sucking on her lower lip to control herself as the pressure relieved a little—if only because she had gotten a little used to this punishing new stimulation. Then her voice jiggled as the tongue darted over her once again. “I’ll—be—fine.”


“Did you hear something?” Gar asked.

“Pay attention,” Kory told him. “This is the important part. Once you’ve warmed up your friend sufficiently, it’s time to quicken the pace. Lick the entire area between her sexuality and the top of her clit, so each stroke starts and ends on a part not too sensitive but still stimulates her clit. Stimulate the hood of her clit with a left and right movement, stick your tongue inside her, do wide strong movements and short rapid licks.”

She demonstrated.


“Raven?” Robin called. “You sure you’re okay?”

Her breasts were heaving, her hips twitching, her legs extended to their fullest length with her toes spread wide. There was a flush of heat all over her body like a physical weight, pressing down on her, pressing into her. She felt so wet. Inside, she felt so damn wet…

“Yes,” Raven breathed. “I’m fine, I just—could you go get me a glass of water?”

“Sure thing,” Robin said, hurrying off.

“And a blanket?” she asked Cyborg.

“On it!” he said confidently, striding into the other room.

Finally alone, Raven locked her hands between her legs. She was going to come! She knew it! She could feel it! One big push and then she’d be done, she’d go back to her room and not be so fucking embarrassed…

Only no matter how hard she pressed into the high-pitched ache of her sex under the chastity belt, she couldn’t reach the source of that delicious frustration. The portal was set to DENIAL. There was no way she could feel this much pleasure and not come otherwise. Oh, it was better than it’d ever been on her own. She’d thought she’d known, but she’d had no idea how to touch herself. It was so, so good…

Telling herself that the orgasm wouldn’t come, no matter how much she wanted to sit there and continue enjoying the addictive withholding, Raven hoisted herself to her feet. Every step let electric tingles out of her pussy and throughout her body. Her nipples were bee-stung. Saliva ran down her chin. Her eyelids fluttered. She felt like she had been burned out, but the power that had done it to her was still flowing against her, trying to find a way through. She staggered toward her room, knowing she would be better off if the feeling stopped, but praying it wouldn’t.

She couldn’t be a virgin… she was being fucked.


Gar leaned his head out his door. He could see Raven limping toward her room as if she’d broken something, leaning almost all her weight on the wall. Her skin was sweaty and goosebumped and the same exact shade as the sex toy. The blue of her lipstick was even the same color as its labia.

Gar closed his door quickly. He turned to Kory.

“Do you think you’ve gotten the hang of the afterplay?” Kory asked. “It’s important too.”

“Yeah, I got it,” Gar said. “What about the G-spot?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” Kory said. She reached into the pussy with two fingers, curling them up here. “It’s a rough section of skin just about—“

“OH GOD!” Raven screamed from outside.

Kory lowered the portal. “What was that?”

“Nothing,” Gar said. “I think she just stubbed her toe.”

“I hope she’s alright,” Kory said.

Gar took the portal back from her. “I’m sure she’ll be fine,” he said. “If there is anything wrong with her, I’m sure I’ll put my finger on it sooner or later.”



Hope we get more :D this is awesome


Well, this is more funny than hot, but it's still pretty hot.