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"Can you tell me exactly what you feel Marilyn’s problem is, Ms. Patton?”

Marilyn? My sister? Lilah looked up, then averted her eyes as she licked her lips and began, "I... I don't know exactly where to begin," she laughed nervously. 

“Be honest,” Dani insisted.

Lilah's face burned brightly as she looked at the gray woman, so strange-looking, so exotic—so beautiful. "Twice now—I've caught Marilyn in... in compromising situations with her girlfriends. Her! A married woman!"

"Compromising -- can you be more explicit?"

Lilah nodded and looked at her hands as she swallowed thickly. "The... first time was in the sauna... she has a friend named Beverly. The girls had been swimming and had gone to the sauna. I had an appointment with my hairdresser for later that afternoon, so I thought I'd join them for a while... there's this little window in the door of the sauna... and I really don't know what made me peek in before I entered... but I was shocked by what I saw."

Dani nodded understandingly and licked her lips as she told her, "Tell me about it…”

Again, Lilah swallowed back her apprehension and spoke in a low tone. "I looked in and at first, I just thought they were fooling around—you know, like most girls do. But as I stood there, I realized she was not fooling! She... she and Beverly were kissing--rather passionately... as I watched, Marilyn began touching the other girl all over her body--they were both stark naked and Beverly seemed rather passive as Marilyn kissed each of her breasts, then began kissing her stomach... and then she... then she..." and her voice broke suddenly.

"I believe I understand--did you confront them?"

"Oh, no!" she exclaimed, "It was bad enough just seeing them like that. I went back into the house and poured myself a stiff drink."

"You mentioned that you had 'caught' her twice," Dani reminded the woman.

"Yes..." she said softly and lowered her head. "Helga--the girl who comes in twice a week--a German girl--I left the house to do some shopping--I returned home a little earlier than I'd expected and when I came in, I heard noises from Marilyn’s room. I found the door ajar and... and when I looked in, I found them... they were... they were engaging in oral sex... both of them at the same time!"

Lilah’s face turned white as she spoke and Dani sensed she was near the breaking point. She leaned forward, touched her shoulder and said softly, "There, there... just take a deep breath and relax—close your eyes for a moment..." She paused as Lilah drew her breath deeply and let it out in short sobs. She felt a rush of excitement go through her then as she spoke firmly and told her, "Go to sleep."

Lilah's head sagged to her chest and Dani was elated. The three word command had plunged her into a deep hypnotic sleep from which she would awaken refreshed--and without memory, if she so chose.

"Lilah..." she said, and the woman raised her lovely face to look at her, a slightly dazed expression on it. "Tell me what it is that really disturbs you about Marilyn's choice of lovers."

"I'm jealous," she said dryly.

"Would you like to do the things with those girls that Marilyn does with them?"

Lilah moaned and uncrossed her legs. "Yes, God--I'd give anything to be able to eat Beverly's pussy!" she exclaimed and spread her knees slightly.

"And Helga?" Dani asked as her prick twitched against her thigh.

"Uh-huh... we’re lovers... have been for over a year -- but God, when I saw Marilyn with her head between Helga's legs, licking her cunt, it drove me wild!"

"What did you really want to do?"

"I... I wanted to rip off my clothing and join them!" she said without hesitation.

"Then you would like to make love with your sister, Marilyn, correct?"

"Jesus, yes! That's all I've thought about since I saw her with Bev... I can feel her soft mouth on my pussy, licking, sucking, making me come..." and she writhed uncomfortably in the chair.

"Show me where you would like for your sister to kiss you, Lilah..." and Dani moved forward as she took her throbbing prick out of her pants.

Lilah leaned back in the deep chair and spread her legs. Her hand moved up her thigh slowly and lifted the hem of her dress. Dani looked down at the black lace panties she wore. She fondled her prick as Lilah’s fingers snaked beneath the leg band and pulled the crotch aside to expose her pouting pussy lips. Her middle finger played through the thick hair of her pubis, then parted the puffed lips to stroke the soft flesh. "Uhhhnn... there... my cunt... I want to feel Marilyn's mouth on my cunt... oh, God... how I want my sister to suck my pussy!" And she continued masturbating as Dani lifted her hand to wrap it around her throbbing prick. Her fingers gripped it tightly and she began to stroke it as her fingers slid in and out of her own cunt more rapidly.

Dani looked down as the woman slipped a second finger inside her pussy and she moaned lowly. "Yes... give yourself a good come, Lilah... imagine that Marilyn is licking your cunt... sucking it and sticking her tongue inside to send chills up your spine. Take my prick in your mouth as she sucks you off... go ahead." And she leaned into her as Lilah turned her head and ovaled her lips obscenely.

She watched her pink tongue lick out to touch the swollen head of her prick, then Dani shoved forward as Lilah opened her mouth wider and the prick slid into her throat. "Yes... that is so good... suck my prick while Marilyn licks your pussy, Lilah. Use your tongue just as she's using hers!" And she hunched forward as the woman sucked her pulsing shaft more deeply into her throat.

Moaning, Lilah stiffened then and her legs quivered. Her fingers slid in and out of her wet cunt as she sucked the woman's prick. Finally, she groaned and gasped for breath, and Dani pulled her wet prick out of her mouth as she shuddered in the throes of orgasm. 

Leaning down then, she kissed her softly on the mouth and told her, "You will remember nothing about this, Lilah, only you will develop a desire to have sex not only with your daughter, but with her friends as well. This desire will far exceed what you feel now—and you will act on your feelings. Today, you'll confess your desire to her--and you will fulfill that desire by having sex with your sister. Do you understand?"

The woman pulled the crotch of her panties over her exposed pussy and lowered her dress as she nodded. "I understand."

"Next week during our regular session, you will report to me all of the sex acts you have engaged in with your sister."

"Report everything..." she said flatly.

"And you are not to repress your desires in the future... even though you don't understand them, submit to them--and do so without guilt."

"Without guilt..." she repeated.

"Fine... when I tell you to wake up, you will do so—no time will have elapsed since I told you to close your eyes. But you will feel better--more relaxed, and you will have no more apprehensions over Marilyn's lovers."

Lilah awoke in her car at the side of the road, wondering why she had pulled over and why she had fallen asleep when she felt perfectly well-rested now—not even a little dazed. Had she fallen asleep? It didn’t seem like any time had passed…

Marilyn was probably still awake.


Marilyn tried to pretend her husband was merely away on business, but her mind refused to be tricked. She felt empty and lonely.

Hal was in jail.

She couldn't imagine how he was coping with the situation. Such a proud, upstanding man. Did he exchange friendly talk with the other prisoners? Or did he simply keep his eyes cast low and never speak at all? These thoughts pained Marilyn so much that she forced her mind to wander to images less disquieting. She forced herself not to worry about her community standing, forced herself not to think about how she and Hal would feel toward each other when he was released from jail. 

Marilyn was in bed. It was eight at night, and both Helga and Beverly were at a party. Together… Marilyn's hand had seemed to slip between her thighs of its own accord. Realizing she was beginning to masturbate, she yanked her hand away and flushed the image of them fucking from her brain. What's the matter with me? she scolded mentally. 

She made what she thought was a legitimate effort to get out of bed. But she managed only to turn onto her side. She felt her clitoris hammering one lustful throb after another. As her hand once more crept down toward her sex, she ordered it to stop. She willed her hand to fall limply to her side—but it didn't. It was as if two separate parts of her brain were waging war, the decent, rational part against the forces of lust. And lust was winning.

Her fingers danced up under the hem of her housecoat, going directly to the ultra-slick lips of her cunt.

Quivering tremors of excitement shot through her. Her legs opened automatically as she rolled onto her back again. The tip of one wiggling finger stabbed the cunt's threshold, the hot flesh lubricating the invading digit. Marilyn groaned hotly. She rocked on her hips. Her other hand went quickly to join the first. Several fingers now teased around the edges of her orifice. She fucked up at her fingers, babbling throatily, squirming.

She knew she had no control. She was going to make herself come again, just like that night. Just like the night before last. Just like always. She was going to fingerfuck herself again because she couldn't help it.

Expelling a harsh, lustful sigh, she spoke aloud. "Damn you, Marilyn! All right, all right! You want to make yourself come, so let's get it over with! For God’s sake, don't spend all night playing with yourself!"

She kept one hand busy against her crotch as she rolled on one side and reached for the nightstand drawer. She quickly fumbled to the rear of the drawer, finding the scarf which held her cherished tools of masturbation. She unwrapped the candle, set it aside and grabbed the battery-powered vibrator.

She wasted no time. Flicking the switch at the base of the five-inch long, one-and-a-half inch wide, phallic-shaped vibrator, she slipped it beneath her housecoat. She didn't linger around the edges of her cunt. She jammed it right in—all the way. It buzzed, a low-pitched buzzing that accompanied the lightning-quick tremors. God, what a thrilling sensation. No hands could ever duplicate the fantastic effect. And it would go on and on as long as she could endure the exquisite pleasure.

Sometimes she could come within a minute of inserting the smooth plastic shaft into her sex. She felt now that she was going to be able to climax almost instantly.

“Fuck me… fuck me, yes…”

While one hand clutched the base of the vibrator, holding the object firmly, her other hand played around one side of her clitoris, making the bud throb wildly though she never touched it.

“Fuck me, Lilah… oh God, Lilah, Lilah…”

The intense vibrations seemed to draw the juices from the inner walls of her womanhood in a never-ceasing flood. The cream poured out of her cunt, sticking to her fingers and thighs, matting her pubic hairs. She danced around helplessly on the mattress, striving, striving, striving...

“Hey sis.”

At first Marilyn thought it was her own active imagination. Then gradually she realized someone was standing in the doorway to her bedroom.

"What? I—OH, MY GOD!" Marilyn shrieked, pulling the dildo out of her snatch and throwing it wildly across the room. She reached down and pulled the covers tightly to her tits as her face flushed wildly red with shame.

"I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Lilah said, leaning against the doorway and staring hotly at her sister. Marilyn wanted to crawl into the deepest hole she could find and pull the ground over her head. Lilah had found her in the worst possible position. There wasn't any way she could bluff her way out of this one.

"Lilah, I can explain. I mean, I can't in a way. But you've got to realize. It's been a long time since my husband went to jail and—well, I'm a normal woman with..." Marilyn stammered.

"With abnormal needs?" Lilah finished.

"Oh, God!" Marilyn moaned, lowering her head and burying her face in her hands.

“Hey, you were the one calling out to me,” Lilah said, pushing herself into the bedroom.

"I-I can't explain it," Marilyn moaned, wishing that her sister would run out of the house. She could take her shouting out what she'd found to everyone in the neighborhood. But Lilah was trying to understand everything. Even in this situation, Marilyn could feel her snatch rumbling crazily. She didn't know if she could keep her hands off her now.

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Lilah finally asked, sitting gently down on the bottom corner of the bed.

"What? WHAT?" Marilyn cried out, hardly believing what she’d heard her ask.

"I said, do you want me to fuck you? I mean, if you do, I'll take care of it," Lilah said simply.

"I-I don't understand. I..."

"I was almost glad when your husband went away," Lilah confessed after a long pause.

"Lilah!" Marilyn cried out, dropping the covers and revealing her breasts.

"I was! I used to hear the two of you fucking for what seemed like hours. I wanted to be where he was, jamming his big dick into you! You don't know how I used to jack off behind the door. I used to try to time my coming with yours!"

"Jesus!" Marilyn cried out again, feeling her pussy warm. "Oh, honey, I didn't know. Oh, Jesus, if I had. Oh, God," Marilyn said, pushing down the covers until the top curls around her snatch came into view.

"But we can take care of that now, can't we?" Lilah asked.

Marilyn looked into her sister's deep-blue eyes and felt her heart pound wildly.

"Yes! Yes, God, yesssss!" Marilyn cried out as she reached forward and wrapped her arms around Lilah's slender neck. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth as she felt her breath blow against her cheeks. In one flash, all her dreams had come true. Her sister's mouth was clamped tightly down on her lips, sucking her tongue in as her hands crawled up Lilah’s flat belly towards her hanging teats.

"Jesus, Lilah. I need you. Oh, God, I’ve got an itch down there that needs to be scratched. Oh, God, do it for me, honey," Marilyn moaned. She knew she didn't have to talk like that. But it excited her to do it.

"Get your mouth on my cock," Lilah answered, starting to pull her Levi's open.

“Your cock?” Marilyn asked, before seeing the massive erection out of Lilah’s crotch. Shock set in, but was quickly replaced by lust. It was as if she was hypnotized by Lilah’s cock, and all that mattered now was pleasing it.

"Mmmmmm!" Marilyn murmured, jerking her mouth away from Lilah's and plunging her head down between the girl's legs. Before Lilah could stop her, she started working her lips around her sister's big dick through her Levi's. Marilyn could feel the cock throbbing with her lips, and timed her oral massage with the vibrating of Lilah's big, knobby prick.

"Shit," Lilah moaned, reaching down and gently holding onto her sister’s bobbing head with her hands as Marilyn started at the base of the cloth-imprisoned prick and worked her way to the top. She slid back to the base again and repeated her actions, soon soaking the material with her spittle. Automatically Lilah began thrusting her hips back and forth, arching her back to force her stiff cock against Marilyn's hot face.

"Ohhhhhh! Nnnnnnghhhh! Ohh. Sis! Sis! I can't -- oh, fuckin' Jeeeesus!" Lilah kept moaning. "Shit!" she cried out, then broke down into a series of guttural growls and sobs as Marilyn reached up and started unbuttoning her fly.

"Cock! Cock!" Marilyn whispered huskily as she ripped open her Levi's.

"Easy... Ohhhhh, SHITTTTTT!" Lilah cried out as the full length of her hot, hard rod sprang out into the air. Marilyn jerked her head back. It was mammoth. Thick, long blue veins wrapped around the full eleven inches of the woman's dick, throbbing with each beat of Lilah's heart. The tightly stretched skin seemed to grow slicker and shinier with each passing second. Marilyn's widely opened eyes traveled from the thick, hair-covered root of Lilah's dick up to the purple, flanged tip of the quivering shaft. A tiny opaque drop of cum oozed out of the long slash at the tip of her cockhead and trickled down the tightly stretched skin of Lilah's tip.

"I want that cock!" Marilyn said determinedly.

"Easy. I'm gonna come if you..." Lilah started to say.

But Marilyn had other plans besides talking. Gently she pressed the thick rod between her fingers, forcing the slit open farther. Another small drop of jizz oozed out as the woman groaned with delight. As she pressed her thumb hard against the sensitive underside of Lilah's stiffened cock, Marilyn slowly slid her index finger up over the crown and began to smear the clear fluid around in circles on Lilah's silky cockhead.

"Fuck! Fuckkkkkkk!" Lilah moaned.

Marilyn looked up and saw her sister close her eyes and bite down into her lower lip. Her hips jerked, then hunched forward with every gentle squeeze the blonde gave her fully extended dick.

"UNNGHHHHHH!" Lilah cried out again as Marilyn reached out and placed one hand around her slender waist.

"Please. Get out of those damned clothes," Marilyn said urgently.

“Okay. Shit, I can't believe this is happening," Lilah said as she slid off the bed and unbuttoned her shirt quickly.

"Oh, Christ, yes!" Marilyn agreed as she flopped back down on the bed and hiked up her knees. At the same time Lilah crawled until she was kneeling between her sister's spread thighs.

"NOW! JEEESUS, NOW! NOW! NOW!" Marilyn cried working herself up to an incredible climax. She thought she'd lose her mind when she felt her sister's cockhead bang against her fluttering, parted hot labes.

"Now!" Lilah said quietly as she leaned forward, extending her arms on either side of Marilyn’s shoulders as she continued bumping the swollen, drooling tip of her jerking prick against her snatch.

"Ummmmmmm!" Marilyn groaned.

Lilah stopped only for a second to guide her purple, tightly stretched dickhead to the bristling wet hairs of Marilyn's cunt. With one hard thrust she slammed her rod into her.

"AHHHHHH! AHHHHHHH!" the blonde cried out happily. She threw her head down on the bed and screwed up her crotch as she felt her sister's hot dick slide deeper and deeper into her steaming hole.

"ARRRGHHHHHH!" Marilyn screeched out again as she felt her swollen lips stretch farther and farther apart. They clamped tightly over her sister's diving dick. As the knob slid in, Marilyn's trembling cunt-lips closed tightly over it. Lilah didn't bury the full length of her cock yet. The two of them lay petrified on the bed for several seconds, panting desperately as they both drank in the delicious feeling that comes just at the brink of fucking.

"Now! Now!" Marilyn moaned.

Lilah obediently hunched forward, twisting her body back and forth. She rotated her sweaty thighs so that her shaft churned and reamed its way deeper into Lilah’s pussy. The spongy, hot cockhead drove her rumbling pussy-walls farther apart as Marilyn thought she'd explode from the intense excitement.

"OHHHH, MORE! JAM MORE COCK IN MY SNATCH! OHHH, FUCKIN' JEEEEESUS! FUCK ME! OHH, YEAH! YEAH! SCREW THE FUCKIN' SHIT OUT OF ME! FUCK ME! FUCK MEEEEEEEEE!" the blonde screeched out, screaming more obscenities as she felt her sister's prick dig deeper and deeper into her cunt.

"Ohhhh, sis," Lilah panted quietly in answer as she dropped her head on her chest and drove her prick into Marilyn’s sex. The cop sank forward, squeezing her, pushing Marilyn down hard into the groaning bed with her muscular weight as she drove the final hot inches into her snatch. Lilah pushed her cock fully inside her hole as he reached up to squeeze Marilyn’s tits.

"Nnnghhhh!" Marilyn moaned helplessly, feeling her nipples squeezed tightly between Lilah's fingers.

"Feel my balls, sis," the cop groaned as she raised her ass and pulled her cock almost completely out of Marilyn’s cunt before she fell forward again, jamming her prick all the way up her snatch.

Marilyn ground her teeth together and tried to pull herself back to reality.

"My balls! Squeeze them, you bitch! I know you want to!" Lilah moaned over and over as she started to plunge her member in and out rhythmically.

Marilyn reached between their bodies and wriggled her hands around until she felt the furry nuts that were slapping against her upturned ass-cheeks. Gently and softly she cupped the balls in her palm as Lilah groaned, sweated and fucked.

"It's sooo good," she moaned, dropping her hand and grabbing the edge of the mattress to keep herself from sailing off the bed. Her legs spread wider apart so that Lilah's jamming, sliding prick could blast in more easily.


Marilyn screamed as her sister's cock ripped through her sucking, squishing cunt like a torpedo. It hammered against her erect clit, slamming down harder and harder as Lilah raised her head and clamped down her lips around Marilyn’s stiff nipples.

"OHHH! OHHH! OHHHH!" Marilyn screamed as she felt her sister's hot, wet mouth pulling and tugging at her sensitive flesh. She felt strong white teeth slide over the sparking nipples as her tongue washed the hard brown skin at the same time. Marilyn thrashed and bucked, feeling like a girl out for her first screwing. Hot and cold flashes swept over her body as thunder and lightning exploded in her brain. Already she could feel the surges of electric sensation sparking from the tip of her clit. It was a warning signal that her orgasm was just a few seconds away.

"Now, sis! Oh, fuck! I CAN'T WAIT MUCH LONGER!" Lilah cried out wildly.

Marilyn looked up and saw the veins standing out like rope in her neck.

"Don't, Lilah! Wait for me!" Marilyn pleaded.

"Can't! Can't!" her sister answered.

"AHHHHHHRRGHHH! WAWWWHHHH!" the blonde screamed out, desperately trying to work herself up to a climax. She could see that her sister was about to blow her load. There was no way she could stop her from blasting her jizz now. Marilyn realized that she'd have to work hard and fast if she wanted to come with her bucking, sweating sister.

"NOW! I'M COMING! COMMMMMMINNNNGGG!" the cop screamed as she drove her prick hard into her snatch.


Marilyn protested as she pumped her cunt up and down, slamming her groin against Lilah's as she worked herself up to a quick climax. She could feel her sister's cock swell up enormously in her cunt as Lilah’s hard, sweating body trembled as if she were gripped in a fit.

"WAIT!" Marilyn pleaded as she felt Lilah’s cock throbbing wildly inside her. Marilyn's walls tightened around it now, gripping and milking it as the big cockhead spasmed, vibrated, then exploded.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Marilyn wailed as she felt hot jets of scalding rich cum, explode deep inside her cunt. That was all she needed. Marilyn felt a tidal wave of orgasm push up from her belly and crash against her jerking pussy. Wave after mind-blasting wave of orgasm racked her cunt, making her trembling walls grip Lilah's spraying dick as she flailed wildly on the bed.

"WAWWWWHHHH! ARRGHHH! NNNNGHHHHH!" the two of them screamed. It felt as if the entire world was blowing apart with her pussy. Her snatch held onto the squirming, shooting cock as wads of jizz oozed out from between her tightly stretched cunt-lips and trickled down to the wrinkled top sheet.

"Oh, God! Oh, my God!" Marilyn was finally able to say as she dropped her legs in exhaustion to the bed.

"Sis! That was -- was fantastic!" Lilah said enthusiastically as she bent down and licked the pools of sweat from between her thunderous tits.

Marilyn felt tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hey, this isn't the time to cry," Lilah said, reaching up and wiping a tear from her right eye. "Shit, this is the time to throw open the windows and shout out... 'I just fucked my own sister!'"

Marilyn looked at Lilah, then broke out laughing.

"C-Can you im-imagine what the others would say?" Marilyn stammered, trying to keep from breaking down as her sister laughed hard with her.

"You'd be surprised about what's going on around the old neighborhood," Lilah said as she gently pumped her soft dick in and out of Marilyn’s wet snatch.


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