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Felicia's tits bounced beneath her T-shirt as she walked through the SHIELD base. Her long silver hair hung in a ponytail down her back. The tan lengths of her legs were revealed in all their glory by the cut-off jeans she wore.

She was conscious of the admiring stares of the men along the street, and the envious glares of the women she passed. She was hot stuff, young and lithe and lovely, and right now she was reveling in it like it would never end..

"Miss?" a voice called. Vaguely, Felicia became aware that a car was coasting in towards the curb beside her. She kept her head erect and walked on without looking. 

"Miss," the masculine voice came again. Felicia quickened her steps.

With a purring of its engine the car slid ahead of her. It pulled in to the curb and the engine stopped. Felicia's heart reflexively jumped into her throat as she got a look at it—it was an MP car.

The passenger door opened and a big, burly man got out. His face was rough and sunburned, but his expression was friendly. He might’ve been SHIELD, but he was all cop. "Excuse me, Miss," he said, coming around the back of the cruiser. "Routine check. Could I see some identification?"

"I-I'm sorry, officer," she said, smiling helpfully. "I don't have any identification with me. My purse was stolen last week." She hefted the handcrafted leather purse slung over her shoulder on a long strap. "I just got this a few days ago."

"I see," said the cop. His expression was still amiable, but his light blue eyes were unreadable. "Did you report it?"

"No sir." Felicia shrugged. "You know how it is." The big cop nodded. He had his notebook and pencil out. "I'll need your name and address."

"I'm Alicia Rheinhardt." She gave the address of a barracks on base, and an apartment number. She watched the cop write it down.

"What do you do in SHIELD?"

"I'm—I'm a secretary," she managed to say. Her voice shook. "A private secretary, just part-time."

The driver of the prowl car stuck his head out. He had a dark handsome Chicano face with a trim black moustache. He was younger and smoother than his partner. "Bring her in," he said.

Felicia looked around wildly as he took her by the arm. Some people stood idly around in the sun, watching. The cop led her to the open door. His partner leaned over and snapped a pair of handcuffs over her wrists. "What's that for?" she asked, voice trembling on the verge of tears.

"We don't want you getting away now." He smiled insincerely at her. "Put her in the back, Ned."

"Okay, Taylor." A firm hand urged Felicia into the back seat. Ned got into the front and closed the door. Taylor started the car and pulled away.

"What she have to say for herself?" the Chicano cop, Taylor, asked.

The older man shrugged, scratching at the back of his neck. "Not much. No I.D., some bullshit about being somebody's private secretary."

Taylor chuckled. "Something private, I'll bet." He turned and glanced back at Felicia. "I’m guessing someone picked up a good time girl, brought her onto the base, and didn’t bother to take her off again. Guess I wouldn’t want to see her go either."

"Watch the road," the other growled.

The younger cop looked around again, leering at her under his pencil moustache. Felicia stared back at him. The wire mesh between the back seat and the front was like a cage.

"Hey, baby," Taylor said to her, "you wanna be my private secretary? I'd be real good to you."

"Lay off her, huh?" grunted his partner.

"Hey man, the girl's gotta make a livin' somehow. What about it, honey?"

She returned his look with frank interest. "I might consider it," she said in her sulkiest voice.

Taylor did a double take, looking from her to the traffic ahead and then back again. "What do you mean?"

"I mean if you guys could maybe forget about taking me in, I could do some... secretarial work for you."

"You mean that?"

Felicia stretched, bringing her cuffed wrists up over her head and tensing her shoulders. Her braless boobs jutted right at the younger cop's bulging eyes. Her nipples stood up straight beneath the T-shirt. "What do you think?" she purred.

For an answer Taylor spun the wheel. The cruiser bounced into an alley Felicia hadn't seen. The roadway broadened out into a little, isolated yard, a patch of pavement surrounded by buildings. It was out of sight of the street and looked abandoned except for a big white trash bin stuffed with cardboard boxes.

"Okay, baby," Taylor said, braking to a squealing halt. "Here's where you put up or shut up."

His partner looked nervous. "Are you serious?"

"What the hell, man? Nobody ever comes out here except to empty trash. Pickup ain't till day after tomorrow, and they don't empty trash till after work hours. We got this little place all to ourselves."

"I don't like it," Ned said, shaking his heavy head.

Taylor turned around and crossed his arms, resting his chin on them, propped on the back of his seat. "Well?" he leered.

For an answer Felicia reached behind her and pulled her T-shirt over her head. She brought her arms down in front of her with the shirt over them, hiding her big breasts from the cop's lusting view. "Okay," she said, a little breathlessly. "Just watch."

The Chicano undid the special lock and let her out. She stepped out graceful as a cat, then turned and leaned in the drivers open window.

"The handcuffs," Felicia said. "I can't get my shirt off over them." She saw Taylor's eyes widen at the teasing flesh of white cleavage he caught over the shirt as he hurried to unfasten the cuffs and remove them.

Free, she stepped back, a lewd light glinting in her emerald eyes. She pulled the rolled shirt off her arms and bunched it against her heaving tits. Taylor got out of the car, running his tongue over his lips.

Felicia undid the button of her cut-offs. Grinding her hips, she slowly pulled down the zipper. Ned got out of the cruiser and looked on in amazement as the girl pulled her shorts down her slender legs and stepped out of them.

Felicia stood before the goggle-eyed cops, clad in panties and sandals, with the T-shirt only just covering her magnificent breasts.

"Okay, boys," she said, slipping a finger into the elastic waistband of her panties, "here's what you've been waiting for!"

She turned her back to them. The T-shirt fell crumpled to the ground. The panties began to slip off. The patrolmen's eyes got bigger and bigger as the underwear revealed more and more of the swelling mounds of Felicia's ass.

The contrast between the tan of her back and the creamy paleness of her rump was startling. They were white and perfect as hillocks of new snow, separated by the mysterious darkness of her ass-crack. Felicia had her buttocks pressed firmly together, and she kept them that way as she ran the panties down her thighs and her calves and stepped daintily out of them. Then she straightened up again, her whole body writhing as her legs slid apart. Then with her ponytail flying, she bent over and peered at the policemen from between her thighs. Her cunt was open and dripping.

"Hot Jesus," Taylor muttered between clenched teeth.

"Come and get it," Felicia said, rolling her ass.

Taylor stumbled forward, fumbling at his fly. Felicia stood up and turned to meet him. His cock flopped out of his dark uniform, pants, rock-hard and ready for action.

"Suck on it, baby," the Chicano cop commanded. "Suck my cock!"

The gravel grated Felicia's knees as she dropped before the cop. His erect prick stuck out straight from his crotch like a battering ram. A drop of clear fluid glittered at its tip, on a level with Felicia's eyes.

She cradled the prick in her hands. It trembled like a dog straining at the leash. The Chicano's cock jerked and jumped impatiently. Felicia pressed it between her palms, rolling it like a piece of bread dough. Taylor moaned low in his throat. His hands stroked her white hair mindlessly.

Still kneading the stiff dick, Felicia opened her mouth wide. She steered the prick in without letting it touch lips or teeth. With a deft, sure touch she steered it toward the back of her mouth so that half the cock was inside her face. Then she shut her mouth.

The cop gasped as wet heat abruptly surrounded his prod. It lay on Felicia's tongue like a tongue-depressor. The girl's agile tongue began to twine about the hard cock like a serpent.

Taylor felt his balls tightening in their hairy sac. The little slut sure gave fine head! It felt as if the head of his prick was about to blow right off, and she had only just started to suck him off!

"Hey, come on in, man!" he yelled to his partner. "The water's—unnh!—fine."

Reluctantly, the older cop walked over from where he had been leaning against the blue and white cruiser. "God, I don't know, Taylor," he mumbled.

Felicia thrust her ass toward Ned, spreading her asscheeks so he would see her tight asshole and cunt. Arousal ran down the insides of Felicia's thighs.

Slurping sounds issued from Felicia's cock-filled mouth. With the ripe aroma of young pussy in his flared nostrils and this beautiful hooker spreading her cheeks for him, Ned could resist no longer. His cock was pressing against the front of his pants, yearning to be set free.

Ned's fingers flew as he undid his fly. His big hard cock shot out like an uncoiling spring. It was big and thick, much more impressive than the younger man's. And it was ready to be plunged balls-deep into the steaming, white-furred cunt!

The next thing he knew, everything had gone black.


Felicia finished the work of stripping Taylor’s uniform off. One good thing about these high-tech catsuits—one size fits all really did fit all. It adjusted to her svelte, but voluptuous body almost as soon as she’d stepped into it. Rewriting his security pass to have her biometrics took about the same amount of time, thanks to a smartphone with a few aftermarket modifications.

As she’d thought, it had been easy to sneak onto the grounds of the military base itself, but actually getting inside the restricted area would require more than that. And it wasn’t like she could grab someone’s uniform off a clothesline. 

Felicia licked her lips. It was a shame Ned had joined in as quickly as she had. She’d been enjoying herself with Taylor. Obviously, she couldn’t justify taking any more time than necessary on a break-in, but it sucked to commit to degrading yourself, then only getting to degrade yourself a little.

Leaving the boys to their unconsciousness, she got into their cruiser and drove.


There it was. The pan-dimensional multiplier. To Felicia, it looked something like a toaster with wings, but to someone, it was worth 20 mil. And getting it meant getting out of the stronghold, with its bad feng shui and stuffy costume, which was worth almost as much.

Felicia was just reaching for it when she heard a pulse blaster charge behind her.

“Step away,” a woman said harshly.

Bobbi ‘Mockingbird’ Morse was a tall, lean woman, her muscular body flatteringly outlined in tight latex, all but her legs, which were completely bare and wore showing off. She was built as well as Felicia, although she was a little taller. Her tits were almost as big and they were very damn shapely.

Felicia smirked at her as she turned around. “I wouldn’t have expected a superhero to be on guard duty.”

“Clearly, I was needed,” Bobbi said. “Apparently no one else was wondering what an MP was doing wandering through a secure area.”

“Maybe you should’ve given into peer pressure,” Felicia suggested. She dove out of the way. Bobbi fired at her, but the shot went wide—hitting the pan-dimensional multiplier.

As a whine of shrieking power filled the room, Felicia wondered why these things always happened to her.


Felicia woke up in a hot, humid sand-structure, the window letting in blinding sunlight and gusts of how air. She was naked, and her flesh felt damp and clean, like she’d just showered. She smelled herself—perfume. Whatever this place was, someone had given her one hell of a welcome.

Nearby, a woman groaned. Felicia turned and saw that Bobbi was in the same state, her naked flesh gleaming, her blonde hair dark with wetness. She got up off the rocky floor, noting Felicia’s eyes on her and giving her an angry glare. “Well, this is a fine mess you got us into.”

“I’m not the one who shot an energy weapon at the wormhole thingey,” Felicia said. “Where are we?”

Bobbi sniffed the air, then bounced on her heels in a way that did all sorts of interesting things. “Gravity doesn’t feel Earth-standard. Climate feels very different from Nevada. I don’t think the atmospheric make-up is even the same.”

“Show-off,” Felicia said. 

“I am a scientist.”

Though she wasn’t yet bored of staring at Bobbi and her Stupid Avenger Tricks, Felicia looked around. The room had one door and there was nothing like a handle on it. In fact, there was nothing much of anything in the room, except for two piles of clothing set out on the floor. Felicia picked up one at random. There was a golden bra, a choker with a chain attached, and a girdle with lengths of cloth in the front and back to cover unmentionables. A glance at the other pile showed the same thing.

With a shrug, Felicia began putting them on.

“You’re honestly going to wear that?” Bobbi asked.

“You see something else to put on?” Felicia asked her right back.

“It’s practically more fetishistic than just going nude.”

“God, I did not ask about your feminist agenda. And it’s actually kinda comfy.” Felicia snapped the collar on, which made Bobbi gawp in disbelief. “What? It pulls the outfit together.”

Bobbi’s dropped jaw closed so firmly that now her teeth were on edge. “Fine! But I’m only putting this on out of solidarity!” 

She wiggled into the girdle, letting the loincloths cover her ass and pubis, and covered her breasts with the gold-inscribed bra, but refused to wear the collar. It confirmed Felicia’s suspicion that the choker really tied the whole thing up.

“I am Tann Seen,” a male voice announced. They both whirled to the doorway, seeing now that it had opened with a whisper and let in a green man.

“You’re… not human!” Bobbi uttered.

“I am Falleen,” Tann replied, sounding pleased with himself. Felicia judged he had reason to be. His green skin was a pleasing shade of emerald, smooth and rich like a healthy plant, with rich, luxurious hair darkly smoking from a single ponytail on his otherwise bald head. He had no ears, and a pronounced ridge ran along his spine, but it just lent him an engaging, exotic appearance, as did the fine, flowing clothing he wore. His ornate robes bared muscular arms, while the neckline plunged low on his hairless chest, itself well-segmented with muscles.

He continued in his smoky voice, sounding as if he were composing a song more than talking. “You are guests of the mighty Jabba the Hutt. I am the keeper of his seraglio. It is my responsibility to prepare you lovely specimens for a life as artistic masterpieces, earning the pampered existence you now hold.”

“I don’t feel very pampered,” Bobbi spat.

“You have not yet complied,” Tann told her. “Compliance will bring reward. Disobedience will bring punishment.”

“There is no way we are—“ Bobbi began, but Felicia elbowed her in the sternum.

“What would you like us to comply with?” she asked.

“The great Jabba would find your coupling aesthetically pleasing,” Tann said. “Please, kiss.”

“It’s not right,” Bobbi protested.

“Do it!” Tann commanded.

This time Bobbi didn’t refuse, surprising Felicia. Bobbi seemed like the type to charge rent on the bug up her ass. But, like someone had cast a spell on her, she leaned over and kissed Felicia on the mouth. Felicia enjoyed it even more than usual, having an ice queen set on defrost. Knowing that a hot alien was watching excited her even more. Felicia didn’t keep her mouth closed tightly when she felt Bobbi’s probing tongue. She opened her mouth wide and tasted the hot tongue deep inside her mouth. She could feel a few wild vibrations going through her body.

“Yes,” Tann said. “That looks good. You two seemed to enjoy that. Why don’t you play with each other’s tits?”

It made Bobbi a little nervous to think about playing with Felicia’s tits, but there was already something hot burning inside her. She wasn’t sure what it was. It wasn’t like being with a man. There was something different about kissing a woman, but it was also something very exciting.

Felicia pushed her tongue into Bobbi’s mouth again and again. And it was Felicia who got the nerve to move her fingers gently up Bobbi’s side and touched the slope of one of her firm tits.

“Oh, Felicia,” Bobbi moaned.

Felicia’s hand cupped Bobbi’s tit and she brushed her fingers lightly across the rigid nipples. She pinched them gently and then started to squeeze the ripe flesh. Bobbi moaned and pushed her breast against Felicia’s fingers.

“Play with her,” Tann urged.

Bobbi did as she was told, moving her fingers up to caress Felicia’s tits. Felicia had never felt such electricity in fingers before. Her tits were getting hot and achy and her nipples felt like hard rocks.

She didn’t know why she did it but it just seemed like the thing to do. She moved her head down to touch her lips to Bobbi’s luscious tits. She could feel Bobbi squirming with desire as her lips pulled at the hot nipple. Felicia opened her mouth a little wider and Bobbi’s teat tasted fresh and clean.

Felicia rubbed her tongue across the rigid nipple and then she opened her mouth wider and sucked hard at the creamy tit. She bit down gently on the swollen nipple. She pulled her head back and brushed her tongue across the nipple.

“That’s the way, damn it!” Tann cheered. “Suck her teat. Suck her fucking teat!

Felicia moved her head from one side to the other, her mouth sucking gently and her teeth biting down. Bobbi was really squirming with pleasure. She felt Bobbi’s hands in her hair, jerking her closer to her flesh.

“That feels so good,” Bobbi moaned. “That feels so fucking good. It’s not right but suck me, baby. Suck my tits!”

In a few moments Felicia had those luscious tits covered with her saliva. Felicia was enjoying herself! She was enjoying the sense of power she was getting from sucking Bobbi’s tits. Bobbi seemed to be going crazy at the hot pressure of her lips.

“Kiss me harder, baby,” Bobbi moaned. “Bite me!”

Felicia’s mouth grew rough. Her teeth bit at the creamy flesh. She seemed to be trying to suck all of Bobbi’s tit into her mouth. She was aware of what Tann was doing. He was slowly undressing himself. She turned her head so that she could see the strong lines of his body. She didn’t think she’d ever get tired of looking at him.

“Oh shit, Tann,” Bobbi said. “What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to join you two hot little pieces,” he answered. “I’ve always wanted the chance to be with two humans at once.”

In a few seconds he was naked and his swollen cock stood up as rigid as she’d ever seen one. He moved closer to them and Bobbi reached out for it. Her fingers closed around Tann’s stiff cock the same moment that Felicia started sucking on Bobbi’s tits again.

Felicia used her tongue and lips on Bobbi’s breast. She didn’t know why, but she wanted Bobbi to enjoy it in a way that she had never enjoyed anything before. She kept trying to suck all of the creamy tits into her mouth.

Bobbi’s fingers ran through Felicia’s hair and down her back. Felicia moaned when Bobbi’s fingers slipped around and started caressing her swollen tits, pinching the nipples.

“Oh, baby,” Bobbi moaned. “Let me suck you for a while!”

Felicia agreed immediately. She stretched out on her back and Bobbi quickly bent her head over her. Bobbi’s tongue felt hot and exciting as she ran it lightly over Felicia’s tit. Bobbi looked beautiful as she bent over Felicia’s body. Tann was enjoying the scene and he moved closer so that his stiff cock could rub against their bodies. He was dripping and Felicia could feel his hot seed against her skin.

“I’ve never seen anything like you two,” Tann moaned softly. “You two look so damn good!”

Tann started fondling their bodies even as Bobbi sucked harder on Felicia’s tits. Felicia wasn’t surprised when Bobbi’s pink tongue started down her body. She gasped with pleasure as Bobbi’s tongue brushed across her nipple and she arched her back and tried to push in one of her hot tit into Bobbi’s mouth.

Bobbi stopped sucking and went lower. Her pink tongue trailed across Felicia’s trembling belly. Her tongue brushed at the furry hairs between Felicia’s legs, then her mouth opened and Felicia could feel her lips pulling at her pussy. It almost felt like Bobbi was trying to suck Felicia’s pussy up into her mouth!

“Oh, shit yes!” Felicia cried. “Oh, yes, do that to me. That feels so fucking good. Do that to me!” Sweet fire was shooting through her as Bobbi’s tongue finally thrust between the lips of Felicia’s cunt. Bobbi moved her tongue around as if she wanted to explore all of the insides of Felicia’s pink sex. Felicia could feel her pussy dripping juice to Bobbi’s mouth as she felt Tann’s hand moving over her tits, making them even hotter.

“Oh yeah,” Tann groaned. “Eat her pussy. Eat her up good!”

Bobbi’s hands slipped beneath Felicia’s pretty ass. She lifted her off the ground and her tongue seemed to slide deeper into Felicia’s pussy. Felicia had never felt anything so deep before. Bobbi was no novice at sucking pussy. It was easy to see that Bobbi had had experience.

Bobbi’s tongue moved around until it found Felicia’s clit. Bobbi sucked the hard bud between her teeth and began to chew on it. Felicia felt like screaming but she couldn’t do anything because Tann’s mouth was suddenly pressed down on hers and she felt his tongue thrusting deep into her mouth.

Bobbi released Felicia’s clit and sent her tongue deep into Felicia’s pussy again. Felicia could hear her swallowing and she wondered if Bobbi was tasting cum from her earlier fuck. She wondered what Tann would think if he knew. It would probably have made him more excited.

Tann moved his mouth down to her tits and started sucking as Bobbi was sucking her pussy. Felicia knew she couldn’t last long this way. There were already sweet vibrations of pleasure going through her body. She was already lifting her ass up to meet Bobbi’s tongue.

“EAT ME GOOD!” Felicia screamed. “Eat me fucking good! It feels so good. Eat me, baby!”

The ripples of pleasure started to grow in her body. She knew her pussy was getting juicier but Bobbi didn’t seem to mind. She only swallowed more of Felicia’s flowing juices. Felicia could feel the hot vibrations growing in her until they were more than she could control. Her ass was lifting high off the bed as she slammed her pussy into Bobbi’s face.

“Eat me!” she screamed. “Eat my pussy. Eat my cunt. Oh fuck, it feels so good. It feels so fucking good!”

Her body was rocked again and again by the quick vibrations of pleasure. Her juices flowed into Bobbi’s mouth and Bobbi swallowed again and again.

Felicia shuddered one last time as the last pleasant ripple went through her. Bobbi’s lips kept sucking a few moments longer and then she raised her head.

“I think I’m going to like it here,” she said, her nostrils flaring, her eyes dilated, Tann’s pheromones flowing deep inside her bloodstream.


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