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Joyce set the egg timer on Buffy’s desk, its dial facing Buffy, the notch turned to ten minutes. “Time for you to wash up. As good as all that sweat and exertion is for you, it’s certainly hell on your hygiene. Get in the shower, take ten minutes and not a second more, then be downstairs.”

“Oh… alright…” Buffy said timidly, still lost in her own image on the developing Polaroid, a record of her degradation, existing apart from her unreliable memory, true and real. She was just starting to imagine someone seeing it when Joyce gave her a mild slap on her ass, like a football coach spurring on a player.

Buffy awoke from her stupor. Yes. A shower. God, that would be good. She still moved slowly and hesitantly to it, not wanting to break the spell of goodwill she felt having her arms and legs free, but as soon as she was under the showerhead, she stopped disassociating and came into herself. The hot water burned energy into her skin and scoured off the lingering residue of being touched and confined. It was hard not to see it as proof that her mother did love her, and was a much better mistress than Willow. That shower she’d barely been able to enjoy, while this one almost worked in concert with the discipline she’d endured, flaring the old pains up one last time, almost sweetly, before leaving them swirling down the drain.

She washed her hair and body, barely able to move to disrupt the silky perfection of the shower spray beating down on her bare skin, but forcing herself through the rigors of washing each individual body part like she was doing katas for Giles. She washed and rinsed off all of her body, and gave her scalp a scouring with the shampoo, washing that off as well, before she turned the water off, telling herself she wanted to indulge in dressing herself too. Taking the time to put together a cute outfit would be a return to normalcy she desperately needed, even if it were not real.

She went back into her room, but saw that the shower had lasted longer than she’d thought. The timer was on its last two minutes. Buffy hurriedly dried her hair and body, the howl of the hair-dryer and the fluffy towel embracing her body like some palate cleanser for her entire skin, but when she’d reduced her wetness to a morning dew, she saw that the timer had stopped. She’d be forced to wear her mom’s old clothes again. She frantically looked around for them before giving up. Her mother had ordered her to report downstairs in ten, and even if she was far, far better than Willow, Buffy didn’t want to stretch her patience any further. 

She ran downstairs naked, blushing and holding herself uncomfortably. It felt good to be clean, but it felt bad to be naked, and the two sensations blurred and jarred together until she could almost enjoy how shamefully exposed she was. Just like with Willow. Just like with her mom. God, what was wrong with her?

“Eleven minutes, Buffy,” Joyce called from the living room. “Come in here.”

Buffy walked into the living room, tardy, late, disrespectful. She hated herself for already spoiling her arrangement with her mother. She couldn’t see how she deserved a kind mistress like Joyce. Maybe what she really deserved was Willow, if she just couldn’t seem to stop disobeying…

“Come closer,” Joyce said.

Buffy obeyed, walking up to Joyce until she stood before the couch Joyce sat upon, presented dewy and flushed with the heat of the shower, naked from head to toe. Joyce looked her up and down, clearly not just enjoying the sight, but debating her punishment inwardly. Buffy at least resisted the urge to beg and plea for lenience. It would do no good with Willow. She thought it wouldn’t be any good here either. Buffy felt a drop of water drip from her hair onto her shoulder, wind down to the front of her body, run over her perky breasts and her long, lean stomach, down into the folds of her sex with a surprising heat and leaden weight, as if flickering directly into the strange world of her emotions, her arousal. The wet path it had taken was burning, like the touch of a lover, like the stare of a stranger.

“You’re new to being a slave, Buffy,” Joyce announced. “This time, I’m willing to overlook your transgression. This time.”

Thankfulness overwhelmed Buffy, making her knees buckle and almost knocking her over. It wasn’t just the foregoing of punishment, but confirmation that Joyce really was a better mistress than Willow, a kind and forgiving teacher instead of a stern, violent martinet.

“Thank you, mommy,” Buffy said, her voice still low, damaged by the rushes of emotion she’d been through, but no less heartfelt for it.

“What I want to do now,” Joyce said. “Is ask you some questions about your sexual activity. Especially with Willow.”

Joyce was aware that her eyes were making Buffy uncomfortable. It was somewhat perverse that she used her silence and blank stare to increase the girl’s discomfort. "Can you tell me about what happened with Willow?" she asked, wanting to hear the details from her own ruby lips.

Buffy nodded slowly. It took a long time to start speaking and her words came in sobs. "I… I tried to resist at first, but then... but then... I liked... I liked it. It felt good." Her eyes turned up to meet Joyce’s and she found them gentle and caring.

"Was that the only time, Buffy?" she asked quietly.

She shook her head slowly. "No. Willow’s done it… many times.”

Joyce knew she should let it go there, but she was curious. "Can you tell me exactly what happened? Did she penetrate you fully?"

Buffy's eyes were fixed on her lap. "Yes."

Joyce nodded, understanding. "All the way inside you?"


"In your vagina."

Buffy winced. "Yes."

“She used a dildo?”

Buffy could now only nod.

"Her dildo in your vagina. Was it large, or small?"

Buffy's eyes turned dewy as she remembered. "Large. Very large."

Quietly, Joyce pressed on. "And you enjoyed it?"

"Not at first. It was so big. But then, yes, it felt very good."

"Do you think she's damaged you, with such a large dildo, I mean?"

Buffy looked suddenly frightened. Was it possible that Willow had torn her, ruined her somehow for nice, normal men? Would any guy want to touch her when he found out about all that had happened last night?

"I don't know," Buffy answered. "Do you think she could have? With my… with my healing?"

Joyce nodded slowly. "It's quite possible. There are diseases to worry about. And God knows what happens with magic in the mix. Now I’m going to inspect my property. I want to be sure you’ve done a proper job cleaning yourself, and that there’s no lingering harm from your time as Willow’s slave. Spread your legs.”

Buffy’s face reddened as she did so. She thought she could only manage a return to being on display and exposed in such a way out of her deep gratitude to her mother for sparing her. Otherwise, she just didn’t think she could take being ‘inspected’ so many times.

Joyce ran her fingertips lightly over her, then again into the cleft of her bottom, across her asshole, perineum, to her freshly-washed pussy. Her finger slipped in there, felt the moistness of the water give way to the growing flow of slippery lubricant. One educated finger dipped down to touch her already swelling clitoris and Joyce saw her whole body jerk.

"Does that hurt?" she asked.

"No... no, not at all. Am I all right?"

"We'll see in a little while if you've been injured or not." Joyce moved her middle finger's tip to Buffy’s clitoris and began to manipulate it in a way that made lightning bolts of pleasure lance through the girl's perfect young body. Yes, she was hot all right. Again. She kept getting hot and she couldn't control it.

Joyce saw Buffy’s slender hips begin to rotate in time to her caress. She couldn't stop herself, and neither could Joyce. She felt her cunt begin to leak, felt the heat building up in her panties. With her free hand, she rubbed her painfully stiff clitoris, but she resisted the compulsion to go further. Still, her cunt was on fire and there was only one way she could quench the flames. 

Buffy felt the flat of her mother’s hand rubbing over her vaginal mound, felt those fingers part the engorged lips. Joyce’s middle finger slid into her cunt and she moaned, her mind leaving her and giving way to sensual feelings that seemed overwhelming.

Buffy felt her pussy stretch, felt something slip deeper and deeper into her fiery hole. It must be two fingers, it was so much bigger than one. Her whole body shuddered and she moaned loudly. It was big and it felt good, whatever Joyce was doing to her. Three fingers? Why was Joyce making her feel so good inside? It didn’t matter. She trusted Joyce, and she was making Buffy feel good. It kept pushing into her, deeper, and then pulling out. In and out, many times.

Buffy was at the very brink of climaxing when she suddenly felt Joyce pull away, leaving such a vacuum in her sex that she thought she clenched all the way to her womb.

"Don't stop!" she gritted out. Only a split second away from an overwhelming orgasm, she frantically raised her hips, trying to bring herself off by recapturing the fingers that had brought her such pleasure. She was now whimpering. “Please! I’m almost there!”

“You certainly are,” Joyce said. “B+. Passing, but room for improvement. Have you ever tried doing kegels, Buffy?”

“No, mistress,” Buffy confessed tearfully, as if, had she done so, she might’ve at least enjoyed the violation she’d just experienced.

“Alright then. Turn around, bend over, spread your cheeks. Let’s see if your ass is ATM-ready.”

Buffy did as she was told, but Joyce still spread her silken cheeks to expose her tiny asshole. She pushed her fingertip against Buffy’s anus. Buffy stiffened automatically, still not used to this, to any of this. Suddenly Joyce fucked deep into her boiling asshole. The girl let out a shriek. It felt as if someone had rammed a blazing poker up her ass. Tears stung her eyes and she pounded the floor.

"Only hurt for a minute," Joyce assured, holding three fingers firmly inside her churning anus. Buffy’s asshole was fantastically hot and tight. Joyce probed cautiously at first, each prod making Buffy shudder in alarm. But the luscious heat of her naked ass fired Joyce’s lust savagely, so that she was fucking deep into Buffy’s sweating ass in a series of fierce lunges that left Buffy fighting for breath.

Beneath the searing pain, Buffy felt a sharp current of excitement. She'd never felt so helpless or so feminine as when she had her mistress’s fingers fucking obscenely up her tender ass. 

But again, Joyce pulled away, leaving Buffy empty and unsatisfied and disbelieving that she had enjoyed this sort of thing so much as to actually miss it.

“Not half-bad,” Joyce pronounced. “Cleaner than I had expected. There’ll be time enough to introduce you to enemas later on. Cheer up, Buffy. You’ve passed! Sit down on the floor, dear. I’ll go get us something to eat.”

Joyce returned with unequal portions: two nice sandwiches and a cup of tea for her, a bowl of cereal and a glass of tap water for Buffy. Buffy took them unenthusiastically, but Joyce thought she understood that, with her disobedience and less than stellar hygiene, it was all she could expect. 

Joyce turned on the TV and patted her knee. Obligingly, Buffy crawled between Joyce’s legs and, leaning against one thigh, joined Joyce in eating. Joyce turned on the TV for background noise, as she didn’t expect there was anything on the broadcast networks that would pique either of their interests. Both of them had found much more exclusive entertainment.

“Willow called,” Joyce said, “while you were in the shower.”

Buffy paused with a spoonful of cereal halfway to her lips, milk dripping off her spoon and dampening her wet body. The white specks on her golden flesh looked quite picturesque, Joyce had to say. “What… what’s she say?”

“That she’ll come over tomorrow morning, before school starts.”

Buffy pushed her spoon down into the bowl before the cold milk could score her skin anymore. “I don’t want her to come.”

“I understand, dear, but you are her slave. Listen to me, Buffy. Now that I know, I’ll be present. I won’t leave the two of you alone. I’ll drive you to school and pick you up when it lets out, until Graduation Day. So it’s just until Thursday, okay?”

Buffy took a deep breath as if she’d not been able to until that moment. “You’re the best, mom.”

“You’re welcome, dear,” Joyce said with a smile. She pointed down to the slipper on her right foot. “But a proper slave girl would know that it’s easy to say gratitude, but better to show gratitude.”

Getting Joyce’s point with a blush, Buffy lowered herself to the ground and put a quick kiss on Joyce’s slipper before getting up again. It was embarrassing—especially for the Slayer—but Joyce deserved it. 

“While you’re at school,” Joyce said warningly, “you’ll be on your own. But I’m very hopeful that, even inexperienced, Willow can be a better mistress and you can be a great slave. After all, if there’s nothing to punish you for, then you have nothing to worry about, do you Buff?”

“No,” Buffy nodded. “I suppose not.”

“It’s getting late, dear. Finish your supper, then go upstairs and brush your teeth. It’s time for bed. Only… when you lay down in bed, don’t pull up the sheets. You’re not to cover yourself.”

When Buffy got out of the bathroom, Joyce was waiting for her. She took her by the hand and led her to bed. She eased the wide-eyed girl down on it. 

"Spread your legs and draw up your knees, Buffy. I want to see if you can be trusted."

Buffy's face grew frightened. "Of course I can be trusted, mom."

"Good," Joyce nodded. "So I can trust my slave won’t be touching herself without my permission.

Joyce leaned down between Buffy's silky thighs, gazing directly into her juicy cunt, at the shining pink pussy-lips. The blonde gently slid a finger inside her tight cunt. God, her pussy was hot and luscious! Slowly, very sensuously, Joyce began to finger-fuck the young slave girl, wishing she'd stripped first.

"Do you masturbate?" Joyce whispered.

Buffy's soft tits were panting and her face turned red. Delicious tingles of pleasure started to race through her cunt from Joyce's lewdly fucking finger.

"No, never!" Buffy croaked. "It's bad for you. Mom, I-I feel funny all over!"

"I'm still probing," Joyce said, trembling with wild excitement.

When the moment was perfect, when Buffy was so hot she couldn't stop, that was when Joyce would stop.

"It’s good that you don’t touch yourself," Joyce murmured, bringing her mouth close to Buffy's juicy cunt. She couldn't get a second finger in that tight cunt if she'd wanted to! “If you did, I would have to do something about it.”

Joyce reached up with her free hand to rattle the short chains that hung from around Buffy’s neck, snapping her out of the pleasure she was feeling. Buffy’s eyes popped open from their pleased reverie, looking around frantically as if there were somewhere she could go to escape the sensations assaulting her.

“No, of course you can trust me!” Buffy squawked. “I don’t touch myself. I won’t!”

“Do you promise your owner you won’t touch yourself sexually?” Joyce asked. “Neither on your breasts, your pussy, or your ass? I want you to say it, Buffy.”

Closing her eyes tightly, Buffy whimpered and gently wriggled her ass. She was feeling wild and hot all over, as if she had a fever, like her skin was on fire. The lewd finger-fucking of her tender cunt by her mother and mistress was awakening something deep within her. Moaning, unable to help herself, Buffy began swinging her ass in time to Joyce's sensuous fingerfucking. She knew now she was being masturbated, but the feelings were too delicious, too thrilling to stop, much stronger than her feeble willpower.

“I—I—I promise, mom. I won’t touch myself… sexually. Not on my… breasts, my pussy, and definitely not on my ass!”

“Good Buffy,” Joyce said, still rubbing her daughter’s sex. “Understand this. I’m doing you a big favor here. So I want you to be honest with me. If you feel the need between your legs rising, I want you to come to me. Otherwise I’d be severely disappointed and would need to punish you. It’s my duty as your owner. Do you understand, Buffy?”

Buffy began to cry, fucking her cunt faster on Joyce's finger and the blonde grinned. Gotcha! she thought. She planted her lips on Buffy's tiny bud and sucked on her clit carefully. A deep wild moan tore from the girl's throat.

Joyce's first taste of daughterly cunt excited her tremendously. She hunched on her knees between Buffy's wide-spread thighs and slipped her finger out of her slit. She clutched the girl's silky hot ass in her fingers. She dug her frenzied mouth to her sex and began eating her hot little cunt with ravenous delight.

"Oh, Joyce! Oh, Lorrrrrd! Oh, my God, Joyce!" wailed the girl, shaking her head feverishly from side to side. She could barely remember herself, her place, her mistress. “Yes! Yes! I understand!”

“So Buffy. What about now? Do you need to come?”

The first orgasm of her life was building up ferociously in her pussy, triggered by a madly hot cunt-lapping from another woman. A very sexy woman, Buffy knew, sleek and beautiful, and feeling Joyce's boiling wet tongue lash deep in her spasming cunt, the girl moaned softly and started fucking Joyce's mouth with wanton bliss. She couldn’t help herself. She could only deny it verbally and hope Joyce believed her enough not to make her come, because otherwise Buffy couldn’t resist her at all.

“No!” Buffy said. “I don’t need to come!”

As eagerly as she wanted to continue, her face smeared with Buffy's honey, the taste of her nectar like a sweet, obscene drug, Joyce pulled her mouth away. Buffy cried and thrashed on the mattress, on the verge of a fiery orgasm.

"Okay," panted Joyce, getting off the bed, her eyes blazing on the sobbing girl. She'd stopped her cunt-lapping at just the right moment, leaving Buffy's nerves jangled. She covered her cum-starved girl with a blanket. “No hanky-panky,” Joyce continued, leaning down to whisper in Buffy’s ear. “I’ll know if you did.”

“Yes,” Buffy muttered, her hands stapled into the mattress. She couldn’t even think of moving.

Joyce went to the door, opening it up wide, then looked back at Buffy. “I’ll know,” she repeated, and stepped outside, leaving the open doorway looking in on Buffy. She switched the light of Buffy’s room off, but the light from outside still crept in—like lust into an innocent mind.

As if nothing had happened, Joyce walked downstairs, leaving Buffy all alone and wide awake. The oh-so-very-demonstrative talk had brought the idea of touching herself to the front of Buffy’s mind.

She looked down at her softly billowing mounds with secret admiration. Though they weren’t as big as Cordelia’s or Faith’s, they had a youthful firmness that deliciously accented their size. Her tiny nipples, crested on blushing-pink areoles, grew pebble hard in the slight breeze that blew through the air-conditioning unit. Casually, she dropped her hand to one gently trembling tit and squeezed it, feeling its nipple spike out erectly against her palm. A delicious sexy feeling drifted through her body, igniting something responsively warm in her cunt. Her other hand touched her thigh and slipped up the tanned smoothness till her thumb rested against the curving bone of her pelvis.

Though Joyce had been anything but attentive to her needs, there were ways of quenching the flames that flickered hotly through her young pussy. Often, back when she’d owned her own body, she'd made herself cum by sticking one hand beneath her panties and rubbing her fingers against her frustratedly tingling pussy lips and clit. She'd had no guilt about that, just an emptiness inside when she realized how much better a real cock fucking deep into her love-starved cunt would feel.

She withdrew her hands from her tit and from between her long slender legs and tied them up in her sheets, reminding herself again that Joyce could drop by at any time and she had no wish to be caught with her hand in her cunt.

The well-endowed blonde tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable. The moment of hot excitement she'd just allowed herself had sent her into a confused state of mind. She wanted to touch herself, to finger her impassioned cunt until she came, but she had an uneasy feeling that she had better leave it till her mother gave her permission. She would, wouldn’t she? As soon as Buffy was good enough to earn that pleasure. It wasn’t like she’d never be able to touch herself again—was it?

Squeezing her thighs shut on her fever-hot pussy, Buffy was helpless not to think of the first time she’d masturbated. She'd been lying in bed one night thinking about this guy at school who really turned her on and fantasizing that they were out on a date together. She kissed her pillow, pretending it was him, and then she slid her hand up under her nightie, imagining it was his hand.

At that time Buffy wasn't allowed to date at all, and she had no idea what a guy did when a girl was alone with one. But from all the warnings her mother had given her, she figured they'd try to do something naughty. Mom had warned her especially not to let a boy touch her below the waist or inside her clothes, so Buffy concluded that boys were always trying for that.

So she slid her hand up her bare leg and touched her virgin cunt. It was the first time she'd ever explored herself down there and it felt very nice. Gradually she forgot her fantasy and just played with herself. She rubbed her creamy slit all over, and soon she located the most sensitive spot of all, the small hooded temptation of her cunt. It felt terrific to rub that throbbing button.

She'd rubbed and rubbed, getting more excited by the second, and then all of a sudden her whole body seemed to explode with pleasure. She just had time to shove her face against the pillow and smother her squeals and moans of ecstasy as she experienced her very first orgasm.

Ever since then Buffy had masturbated like crazy, although of course she never let her mom find out. She'd have been horrified. Especially after she lost her virginity to Angel. The fact that it was only once, that he’d become Angelus right after, made the memory and its attendant fantasy all the naughtier and all the sweeter. Angel's pictured cock in all of its lustful hardness mentally filling her suddenly palpitating pussy! Oh God, she would fuck him so beautifully, and he'd squirt his hot male jism deep up into her welcoming cunt, the feel of it making her cum and cum as it pumped ceaselessly into her wildly spread hole! Buffy could taste it, feel it, smell it, her own arousal making it realer than ever. She just had to touch herself and it would be like she’d summoned him back to her to relive that night, with none of the messy consequences, just the wonderful pleasure. She wanted to be his, not Willow’s and not Joyce’s, not even her own. 

In fact, just then, she would’ve settled for being anyone but the fucking Slayer. 


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