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On the eve of his eighteenth birthday, Hiro Hamada took a cab back to the Lucky Cat Cafe, sleeping in his old bed once again, eating hot wings once again, letting Aunt Cass fuss over him just like old times. The past four years had netted him a doctorate—the first of three, he planned—and an additional foot in height, but otherwise, not much had changed. Sure, he occasionally saved the city from the Everwraith or had a team-up with Sunfire, but he didn't feel much different from the fourteen-year-old boy he'd been those first few months after Tadashi's death. He was confident, but he'd always been confident. He'd go for hours at a time not thinking about it, but then it was like he'd brushed a bruised arm against something. He'd think gone. “Hiro?” Honey Lemon called up the stairs, prompting Hiro to sit up in his bed. He still wore yesterday's clothes; when Honey came up, she found him sitting on the edge of the bed, his rumpled jeans and wrinkled shirt screaming that they'd been slept in. “Oh, hey Hiro. Happy birthday!” “Thanks.” He gave his neck a crack. “Guess you heard about Aunt Cass's famous birthday boy feasts?” “Oh? No, I'm not here for any amount of bacon. Vegetarian.” Grabbing the sliding door, which Hiro had left cracked last night for ventilation, she shifted it back and forth. “May I come in?” “Sure. Mi casa es su casa.” Honey smiled at his knowledge of Spanish, one of the four languages he'd picked up his years at college. She came in, tip-toeing around like a giraffe on roller skates before seeing his room wasn't the pigsty she was used to from college boys. Then, confidently and smoothly, she bristled her way to sit down on the bed with him. “So. Birthday selfie?” she asked, drawing out her phone. Hiro knew there was no fighting her on this. He batted at his bedhead, trying to get it slightly presentable, then rubbed some crud from his eyes. “Why not?” She pulled close to him, her warm cheek pressing into his light stubble. Even with his growth spurt, she still had a few inches on him. He felt her chin against his jaw when it jogged with her smile. He gave the camera a slightly weary grin and let himself be blinded by the flash. Honey typed out a quick caption before Instagramming it, then the phone disappeared into her purse once more. “Eighteen!” Honey enthused. “Four years. It's crazy we've known each other so long. I mean, I know everything about you!” “Not everything...” “Oh, enough,” she reiterated, pursing her lips and nestling her bird-like arms down into her lap, clearly sitting on several examples she had learned would be too awkward to share. Hiro conceded the point with a slight nod. She'd been there the first time he'd gotten drunk, babysitting him with Baymax until he'd gone through several rounds of recreational vomiting. “So, what're your B-day plans? Anything exciting!?” “Nah. I think just a quiet day with Aunt Cass and Mochi. And you guys of course. Watch some movies, pack down some grub, maybe do a little work if the insomnia bug strikes again. Nothing major.” “Hiro, you're eighteen! You can drink! Buy a fish! Vote!” “I couldn't buy a fish before?” Hiro wondered. Honey shot up, twisting to the side. With her platform heels she towered over him, but her golden hair was so long that its ends fell down right into his line of sight. He watched it catch the light for a moment before meeting her eyes, even bigger behind the lens of her overwhelming glasses. “Hiro, don't take this the wrong way, but I've noticed—you don't have much of a social life.” “I'm inventing robots! And saving the city! I mean, it's not like Fred or Wasabi get out much either.” Honey's lips quirked. Yes, Hiro could hear her thoughts, hold them up as sterling examples of the well-adjusted. “I... invent things and do Avengers stuff too. I'm still social!” “I'm not sure having a hundred thousand Facebook friends counts.” “Instagram, Hiro. Only my grandma uses Facebook.” Her long legs teetering again, Honey threw herself back down next to Hiro. “Be honest, Hiro. Do you have many friends who don't fight crime with you?” “Of course I do!” “And who aren't robots?” Hiro's eyebrows shot up. “You don't like robots now?” “They're a little obliged to like you, don't you think, since you built them?” He sighed. “Okay. I get the point. If you want me to go with you to a party--” “That's not it. Although I will let you know if I see anything come up on TwoSquared. Hiro, you're eighteen. And you've done a lot of great things and have a lot of people who care about you, but Hiro—have you ever been kissed?” “I, uh—yeah, loads of times. I mean, I'm a superhero! Chicks dig that!” “Hiro...” “I mean, the helmet does kinda get in the way and... secret identity... but if I had to be kissed, I mean really had to, I could make that happen!” She put her hand on his thigh, her touch the same as ever, tapering and delicate. “Alright, Hiro, alright. I'm a poor college student and I can't afford to really get you anything for your birthday, but... maybe this'll be alright.” There was suddenly something in Hiro's throat as he noticed how really nice Honey's lipstick looked. “Hey, hey, uh, you don't have to do that if you don't... want... to...” Honey came at him, lips pursed, her motion slow and graceful for once. Hiro felt someone else, someone suave and cool, opening his mouth as their lips met, moving in simple counterpoint to the soft meeting of their skin. Honey's hand came up to his face—fingers slender and mild as they ran down his cheek. His own hands very gently came up, hovering from her skirt to her cardigan until he was holding her face, doing the work of pulling them closer together for her, his tongue in her mouth now, hers in his, something hot and electric between them somewhere. Their chests met as they seemed to embrace, her small breasts against his slender musculature, his hands now on her back, feeling her birdlike bones through her clothes and skin. He felt hers on his shoulders, like she was holding on as he kept kissing her, kissing her, kissing her... “I just got you a gift card,” GoGo said. Hiro found himself jumping back—his tongue out of Honey's mouth—to see GoGo in the doorway. She bumped the slider a ways open with her hips. “Tomago!” “Yeah. Happy birthday. Nice work getting to first base.” Honey sprang up. “I have to go!” She wiped at her mouth with the back of her fist, horrified to find her lipstick smudged. “I'll see you at the Institute! And you, GoGo.” “I've never been kissed either, if you're wondering what to get me for Christmas,” GoGo said sardonically. Honey fled like she'd disturbed a beehive. Hiro looked at GoGo. His lips felt wet. “It's okay if you got me a gift card.” “Now I feel a little weird. Clearly the accepted eighteenth birthday present is a tongue down the throat. And I thought you liked Olive Garden.” She flashed a twenty-five-dollar gift card at him. “I do like Olive Garden,” he assured her; as always, Hiro was vaguely intimidated by GoGo while also vaguely wanting to please her. She was a head shorter than Honey Lemon, but as if there were some ratio of girl-parts to be maintained, that height had gone into width. Her hips and thighs curved dangerously, packed with powerful muscle, as did the biceps of her svelte arms and—Hiro usually tried not to notice--her bust. Between the busted zipper of her leather half-jacket, a tight T-shirt turned her breasts into pointed beauties, made it obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. GoGo seemed to consider this, blowing a bubble from her ever-present gum, popping it, sucking it back between her dark lips. Her narrow eyes regarded him animatedly. “I love Olive Garden.” “Good. That's good. I could take you sometime--” “I don't need a man to go to Olive Garden,” she interrupted. “I wasn't saying--” “It's my gift card, though, so it'd make sense for you to use it on me. If you wanted to go to Olive Garden. You know... with someone.” Hiro was hopelessly confused and he didn't even like Olive Garden that much. “Okay.” GoGo gave her T-shirt a quick tug, making her breasts jut out. She saw how Hiro looked away. A cocky grin quirked her face. “If you don't like Olive Garden, you can just say so.” “I like Olive Garden!” he cried, exasperated. “I don't believe you.” Hiro moved to get up off the bed. “What are we even talking--” Moving fast and certain, GoGo was across the room, at his chest, shoving him back down. “I think I'll keep the gift card.” Hiro blinked, feeling like he'd suddenly heard a rattlesnake... rattle. “Okay.” “I'll get you something else for your eighteenth.” “You don't have to.” “Oh no, Hiro--” Her eyes regarded him more coolly than ever. “I want to.” And, with a cocky smile, she raised her shirt over her pink-tipped breasts, letting them jiggle freely in the air. Hiro couldn't look away for all the tea in China. His paralyzed eyes flew all over her naked breasts as GoGo thrust them higher. He was staring so hard, she could almost feel his touch... GoGo pulled her shirt back down. “Anyway, your weird mom's probably done making you breakfast now. If you hurry, you can beat off in the shower before your bacon get cold. Laters.” She disappeared out the door. “I don't... in the shower...” Hiro said distantly. ***x Hiro showered, shaved, and ate breakfast (and nothing else) before joining Honey and GoGo on the bus back to the university. Amazing, Hiro thought, how they'd saved the city a dozen times but still none of them could afford so much as a scooter. For whatever reason, the bus was mostly deserted. Hiro sat in the back, Honey next to him, while GoGo sat in the middle. The moment she sat down, her head was against the window and she conked out with an obnoxious snore, barely drowned out by the noise of the bus's big diesel engine. “So,” Honey said after the initial jolt of motion, “is she going to tell?” “Who? About what?” Honey's big eyes took surprisingly little time to roll. “GoGo! About the kiss!” “Oh, that.” “That? It was an hour ago! Your first kiss ever!” “Yeah,” Hiro said. “It was nice.” He stared out the window. Honey elbowed him in the ribs. “Well!?” “Oh, of course she's not going to tell, Honey. She's your friend, our friend. And besides, it's not like she even cares.” Honey was staring at him. She angrily adjusted some of her hair behind her headband. “She didn't kiss you, did she?” “What? No, of course not! She's not even—we don't even--” “Then why are you acting so weird?” “Why are you acting so weird?” Hiro fired back. “We kissed, once, and now you're acting like you're my girlfriend or something!” And that was the kind of sentence Hiro instantly regretted. Honey lowered her glasses, staring at him over the magenta rims. “I'm sorry, how many kisses would it take to be your girlfriend? Hypothetically speaking, since I don't want to be your girlfriend.” “It wasn't even--” “Not that I don't want to be your girlfriend, I mean, not that anyone wouldn't want to be your girlfriend, if they were a girl, you're a really great guy!” Honey did not want to insult Hiro on his birthday, even if he was being impossible. “But if--” “It wasn't a real kiss!” Hiro saw Honey huff in dismay. “I mean, it was a real kiss, but it was just platonic! I don't expect you to hop into bed with me or--” Another bad kind of sentence. “It would be nice to be asked!” “You want me to ask you to...” Honey poked her glasses up the bridge of her nose. “Well, clearly not. But you know what I mean.” Hiro laughed in her face. “Sorry, sorry—I would love to hop into bed with you.” “Thank you.” “And honestly, me and GoGo, we didn't kiss.” “Thank you.” “She just gave me a gift card to Olive Garden. Twenty-five dollars.” Honey's sudden smile fell. “So, does she expect you to take her there?” “I doubt it... I could take the whole gang there...” “No, twenty-five dollars, that's not enough for five people. Two entrees, appetizers, drinks, dessert, that comes out to about twenty-three dollars!” Hiro blinked. “Does everyone love Olive Garden but me?” “That was a great gift, Hiro. A wonderful gift. I should've gotten you something like that.” “It's just a gift card,” Hiro assured her. “She spent money on you, Hiro. Do you know how hard that is for a college student?” “Really, I think she may have regifted me.” “Hiro, I'm taking back my gift!” “You... can do that?” “And getting you something better!” “A fifty-dollar gift card to Olive Garden?” As fast as ever, Honey Lemon unzipped his pants and drew out his cock. Hiro had no idea how to react. He was sitting with his backpack on his knees, so Honey putting her hand in her lap went undetected, especially with no one sitting anywhere nearby. Still, he froze up. They were in public. There were people right outside the bus window, flying back as it went down its route. He almost wanted her to stop, but if he wanted her to stop, why had his dick gotten so hard, so fast? The half-mast he'd sprouted being flashed by GoGo was now back with a vengeance, and Honey's soft small hand lightly gripping his cock was felt heavenly. It was the first time he'd been touched there by anyone but himself. “Uh,” Hiro said smartly. “Uhh. Uhh.” Honey tittered. She couldn't help but enjoy his reaction, seeing his eyes trying to bulge out of their sockets, his cock jerking in her hand like it was about to explode. “Like my gift, huh?” Honey grinned. Hiro sheepishly averted his eyes from her; down to her hand somehow wrapped around his rigid cock. “I like it a lot.” “You don't have to feel guilty about it, Hiro. If you like it, you like it.” “I like it,” Hiro repeated. He didn't think he'd be able to say much else for a while. A long while. “I'm your friend, Hiro.” Her hand started a slow pump of his dick. Like she was a blind woman feeling it out. “I'm always here to help you. With anything you might need.” Her hand pumped again, a little faster. Hiro let out a choked sigh. “Especially on your special day. With your boy-needs.” “Honey...” So he was able to say something. “Your birthday-boy needs...” Faster, just a little bit faster. “Just relax, Hiro. I'll take care of you.” Hiro's head tilted back as Honey stroked up and down his shaft, at first skimming lightly over his hardening flesh, then tightening her grip. Almost involuntarily, Hiro's hips jerked up into the embrace of her fingers. Honey's mouth fell open as she realized he was fucking her fist, the naughty boy. But then, she was a naughty girl... She wondered, suddenly, if he was thinking of GoGo. Cool, confident GoGo. She doubted it, but didn't care if he did. Wherever his thoughts were, his dick was in her hand. She'd like to see GoGo top that! “Honey!” Hiro groaned. It was just loud enough to wake GoGo. Annoyed, she glanced back, not able to see much of the two over the seats. But in the reflection of the window glass, she could see a hard cock and a fast-traveling hand. Well, someone has the bigness, GoGo thought to herself. Honey agreed. Staring at Hiro's big dick, she was fascinated by how her hand pushed and pulled at his foreskin, how the color of his cockhead changed subtly and the veins in his shaft thrummed against her palm. She leaned down for a closer look and Hiro's eyes rolled back in his head, thinking she was about to go down on him. It was too much for his innocent young mind. “I'm gonna come!” he whimpered. Honey looked fearfully at the raging head of his cock, a bullet of precum in the slit, already spilling out into her stroking hand. She had a vision of herself after he came; cum all over her. “Don't come on my glasses!” Hiro had seen enough porn to make an intuitive leap. “Then open your mouth!” GoGo couldn't hear their whispering, but could see Honey Lemon open her mouth wide, push her tongue out, and fold it over her lower lip. Honey Lemon sucks dicks, GoGo thought in abject surprise. She might as well have been thinking about Mickey Mouse for all the sense it made. Hiro held himself rigid, his back arched so that his prick shot above his loins, his backpack nearly falling off his knees and exposing the blowjob to the entire bus. His chin rested on his breastbone as he looked down at Honey's head, his throbbing cock just a few inches below it—she was going to suck his cock. His cum muscled powerfully out of his dick, spurting straight up over Honey's curled tongue and into her mouth. She moaned with joy, beating out shot after shot from him, taking it all in her mouth. GoGo saw everything in the reflection—his creamy seed rushing across the inch between the two, streamers of the stuff running over Honey's tongue, frothy ribbons coating her lips. She gulped and swallowed and Hiro poured more into her. And she milked him dry. When he was done, his cock empty but still stubbornly hard, Honey looked up at him. She showed him her open mouth, all the cum she'd taken for him, neatly packed away between her lips. A strand of it even hung from her palate like a stalactite. He just had time to memorize the sight before she threw her head back and swallowed. Prying her other hand off her skirt, Honey tucked him away again, zipped him up, and straightened up to the headrest. All was quiet, all was normal. “That was yummier than Olive Garden,” she said, and collapsed against his shoulder in a fit of giggles. He let her rest her head there the rest of the way to the institute. All while GoGo quietly seethed. ***x It wasn't that GoGo didn't like Honey. Honey was great. A good friend, an awesome chick. But Christ, was it annoying how she always got the guys. Without even trying! They took one look at her 'adorkable' act and her vintage fashion and they just lined up to let her be their Manic Pixie Dream Girl—if they didn't run screaming from GoGo first. Because she dressed the way she liked and was tough and spoke her mind—just like Honey. So how come Honey hit some 'dude sweet spot,' had won some feminine etiquette lottery where her personality matched up perfectly with what guys were looking for? GoGo was Asian, for Christ's sake! What kind of world were they living in when an Asian girl couldn't even find a white guy to go out with her? That evening she brooded all through the party they threw for Hiro; no one noticed since it wasn't so far off from her resting bitchface. But seeing Wasabi get Hiro a bonsai tree and Fred give him a first edition of Amazing Spider-Man 104, she realized what was really bothering her. That basic bitch Honey Lemon had shown her up. Seeing her tits was supposed to blow Hiro's mind. Now, who gave a shit? He'd gotten some weak-ass head and that was going to be the big scoop of his eighteenth birthday. Honey probably hadn't even deep-throated him and he was still going to tell his grandkids about it. It just wasn't fair. It was downright un-American, really. After cake, she grabbed Hiro by the arm and bodily pulled him away from the next party game. “We need to talk!” “We do?” Hiro asked. “We can't just grunt at each other like usual?” GoGo opened up a closet door, threw him in, then followed him. The door locked behind her. They were scrunched up a little tight with all of Wasabi's spare parts—he could build a whole second university, it seemed like—but there was enough space. “What's with you and Honey?” GoGo demanded. “Nothing!” “Nothing? I saw her eat your dick, Hiro. She swallowed.” “Yeah, I was surprised by that too.” Hiro scratched the back of his neck. “Look, I don't know what's going on with her, first she wanted to kiss me, then she got all jealous, then she ate my—then that happened. But, I really don't see how it's any of your business.” He paused. “Wait, the two of you aren't...?” He stared off into space, his pants suddenly growing tight. GoGo snarled. He was probably thinking mostly of Honey, like GoGo wouldn’t totally dom her. “We're not! What about you? Are you dating Honey?” “I don't know! No! No, not if you're not!” She growled. Typical of Honey. So many men she could just grab one, put him to use, then toss him aside like used Kleenex. “So the two of you aren't dating?” “I don't think so. If we are, she hasn't mentioned it.” “So you might be?” “I don't know! What's a handjob mean? Is Olive Garden code for something?” “But as of now, as far as you know, and from what Honey Lemon has told you, you are single?” “Yes!” Hiro finished, exasperated. GoGo smirked to herself. When the cat was away... “Well then, there's no reason you can't touch my boobs.” Even that simple sentence put a twinge through Hiro’s cock. GoGo could’ve seen it from all the way across the room. “And even less reason I can’t touch you,” she added throatily, reaching down to rub at the crotch of his pants. She felt his cock swelling. It was like she had a magic touch. Her voice dropped huskily, every word bringing Hiro’s shaky hands closer to her breasts, as if he were a robot responding slowly but surely to voice commands. “You can play with my tits. Feel them. Pull them. Squeeze them. Suck them.” Hiro’s hands finally closed on GoGo’s breasts, anointing them with the fresh sweat on his palms. He could feel their firmness. It was forbidden knowledge burning in his brain. GoGo Tomago’s breasts are firm. And her nipples—he stroked them as if they were fragile. They got hard. GoGo Tomago’s nipples get hard FAST. “Twist my nipples,” GoGo said tersely, as if she were giving Hiro instructions she had already been forced to repeat twice. “Twist them. Pull them. Hurt them.” “But I don’t want to hurt—“ “HURT THEM!” GoGo hissed, pressing down hard on his cock. He did as she said, twisting and pulling, making her mewl softly, rub her palm along his hardened cock. “Good boy. And now we take it out.” Hiro found himself cupping GoGo’s breasts tightly as she fished his cock out of his pants. Like he was afraid she’d run off. But GoGo wasn’t going anywhere. She lifted his prick free of his fly and gulped with delight, seeing the swollen cockhead even bigger than it had appeared in the bus window. Score one for the home team, she thought, always having been annoyed on behalf of the male members of her race when people said Japanese men had small cocks. If that were the case, Hiro must’ve been the palest black guy in San Fransokyo. She closed her fist around his manhood, stroking it, almost cooing over it. He kept toying with her cleavage like he was performing some arcane ritual, putting the utmost care into squeezing them and rubbing his hands over them. “Nice cock,” GoGo said, smacking her gum. “So, how’d you like feeling it in Honey Lemon’s paw?” “It was good,” Hiro replied, eyes shut. She pumped at his cock, stopped a half-second, pumped at his cock again. “Tell me about it. Say the words.” His voice became thick, strained. “I liked when she put her hand on my cock.” “What about when she sucked your cock?” He groaned. “She didn’t…” “Typical. Such a tease. How about you stick this big shaft of yours in my mouth and we see how you like that?” Hiro groaned louder. “That’d be good!” “It sure would,” GoGo said sardonically, falling to her knees. The opening was far too narrow, but she tried to push her tongue into his cockhead anyway, the forceful pressure making Hiro groan instantly. She reamed the narrow slit with her tongue, cleaning it of precum, but wasn’t satisfied by that. Instead she lapped hungrily at the collar of his cock, leaving Hiro gasping for air before sucking out the fresh precum she’d caused. Moaning herself, she forced her lips down his prick, inching down the shaft without stopping until his cockhead probed the back of her throat. Then she racketed back and forth, pistoning his cock with her greedy mouth, pumping out saliva on every slurping bob. She showed no control in devouring his cock. Just a desire to suck, long and hard, to put every muscle she had in her throat and mouth to its best use. Not one inch of his cock went untouched by both lips and tongue. Hiro groaned so loud, the noise seemed like a physical presence crowding into them in the cramped room. He put his hands on the back of his head; was shocked that she let him. In fact, she moaned encouragingly. Holding tight to both the sable-black hair and the streak of dyed violet in it, he began to push himself into her gullet. “Early birthday present for you,” he quipped. “Another inch to suck!” She looked up, he thought with some admiration for his quip, and gobbled his cock even faster. Hiro felt the blunt pulp of her throat again and again, as her bobbing up and down became a smooth glide for his cock between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. She was gulping down spit and precum like they were Zima. Then she used her hands. Kneaded his balls like they were dough, rattled them like marbles, made them stiff and hot and she held them in her palm and wouldn’t let them go, even as her ricocheting sucking threatened to rip his shaft away from them. Spit-slick lips pounded at his cock, clung as tightly as they could to it while still moving up and down his hardness. Hiro bayed like an animal as his cock was stolen from sight, again and again, the room filled to the brim with her wet sucking, his desperate groans. Her pitching head, his big cock getting bigger. She sucked his cock like it was the only thing she could breathe. Although it seemed like years to him, it barely took any time at all for Hiro to come. ***x Hiro staggered out of the closet on noodle-legs and was instantly stampeded by Honey Lemon. He just managed to get the door shut—slammed in GoGo’s face—before she bulldozed him against it. “Hiro! There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” “Are you drunk?” Honey shook her head so hard that her hair slapped Hiro in the face. “No, no, no, I just had one of Fred’s cocktails, just one.” “You know he’s not a licensed bartender, right? I saw him put hot sauce in a highball once.” “Hiro, I’ve been thinking. We should date.” Whoa, Hiro thought. GoGo wasn’t kidding about running out of time to get a blowjob from her. “Oh-kay…” “Okay! Okay? Great! Yes, finally, I thought I was such a slut, swallowing your cum, but if I’m your girlfriend, it’s totally fine!” “I think you’ve unwittingly exposed a bit of a double standard…” Hiro really hoped she didn’t want to consummate the relationship right away. He thought his balls must look like water balloons—before you turned the faucet on. “Because I looked up how much, you know, an escort would charge to do that and it is just—“ Honey rolled her eyes. “Enormous! You could make a down payment on a car for that much! The website has it listed as a fetish, can you believe that? I can’t believe I got you such an exorbitant gift!” “It’s fine,” Hiro told her. “Really. You’re just that generous a person.” GoGo pushed on the closet door and Hiro pushed back, keeping it shut. He was not at all eager to have Honey figuring out what they’d been doing in there. Even tipsy, she was still a genius. “But I don’t want you to feel obligated to have to top that for my birthday, or for Christmas, or as my boyfriend.” “Maybe we should go on a date before we start calling ourselves—“ “You can just eat me out and we’ll call it even.” “Eat you…” Honey grabbed hold of her panties, excitedly wiggling them out from under her miniskirt and down her leggings. “Oh, I mean my vagina! Not my forearm or anything, duh. I forget sometimes you’re a virgin.” Grabbing the top of his head, she used her superior height to shove him to his knees like she was cramming more clothes into an overstuffed suitcase. Hiro found himself staring at a miniskirt that was just too mini to cover up what Honey wasn’t wearing. It was a lot pinker than GoGo’s… shaved. He wonder if she always did that or if it’d come with the decision to boyfriend him. Then, Hiro looked either way down the hall, finding it blessedly clear of passersby. The party had stretched long into the night and it seemed everyone would be either there, having a good college time whether or not the founder of the feast was present, or asleep. But he really didn’t want to test his luck, as crazy good as it had been that day already. “Maybe we should do this in private,” Hiro said, fancying that he could hear GoGo breathing inside the closet, like one of those bulls that blared steam out of its nostrils. “No! I want the whole world to see! I have a great boyfriend! A boyfriend who eats pussy!” And, giggling somewhat manically, Honey zoomed her hips and pressed her cunt right into Hiro’s face. “Lick it for me, boyfriend,” she coaxed. Hiro parted his lips. He stuck out his tongue. She tasted sweet. Big surprise. What really shocked Hiro was how she shuddered and moaned at the first touch of his tongue, like he was running an electric current through her. Like he was playing a musical instrument with it. He played his teeth over her clit, Honey crying out in low, broken tones with every nook and cranny that rubbed against her stiff pink bud. Then, when he was sure he wasn’t hurting her, and careful not to press on it too hard with his teeth, he caught it in his mouth and sucked hard. Honey trilled like a bird singing. “Oh gosh, oh wow!” Honey cried, in-between gasps, “this is the best birthday present ever!” *** Trapped in the closet, only stopped from ruining Hiro’s fun by the fact that it was his fucking birthday, GoGo kicked softly at a packaged mophead. And it sounded like Hiro was really good at eating pussy too. She should’ve been the one finding that out. She’d blown him, for fuck’s sake, he should be blowing her back, not eating Honey out because she’d given him a measly handy. “Oh heckin’ darn!” Honey virtually barked through the door. “You are the best at eating pussy! I wish I had a medal to give you! A ribbon! Some… thing… laminated!” GoGo sighed and tugged at her shorts. If she was going to have to listen to Honey Lemon have an orgasm—assuming such a thing was detectible by human hearing and wouldn’t shatter glass—she should at least try to enjoy herself. She grinned. That seemed like exactly the advice Honey herself would give her. *** He put his hands on her slim hips—slipped them down to her quivering thighs, up under her skirt where her ass subtly curved, a slope he lost his fingers in as her clit trembled in his mouth. She huffed, but not as loud as before, and as he kneaded her ass, he gave her clit a break to lick at her labia, finding it warm, wet, his tongue dragging over fresh moisture with every lap. When he tried to press his tongue inside her, he found her sex clenched tight. It caught hold of his tongue, tight as latex. Then seemed to pulse, right down his body to his cock, which was shockingly stiff again. In fact, it strained at Hiro’s fly, throbbed with the idea of being back in Honey’s hand, in her mouth, in GoGo’s mouth, even inside her, truly in her… “Oh geez!” Honey squealed, her hips beginning to rock with every tonguing twitch Hiro made between them. “I need a photo! Foto!” Hiro looked up disbelievingly to find Honey’s phone quick-drawn, the Yellow Submarine case pointed at him as she took a ‘foto’ of him with his tongue in her snatch. At least he was memorable, Hiro supposed. Then Honey put her hand in his scruffy hair and started humping his face, riding his flapping tongue like a bucking bronco, waving the smartphone around like she was at a rock concert and didn’t have a lighter. “I’m gonna come! I’m gonna come!” Her belly heaving, her ass squirming in Hiro’s hands as she shifted her weight, Honey tightened her grip on her smartphone hard enough to crack the case—bit her lip—went cross-eyed behind her glasses. “I’m coming!” she updated, Hiro tasting a sudden gush of flavor inside her, a clutching against his tongue as her sex quickened. Knowing she might be sensitive, he took his lips away, brushing them into her carefully shorn pubic hair and kissing at the prickly skin there. His hands meandered down her legs, up her back, stroking her through her climax. Honey seemed to be hyperventilating. Hiro had only seen her that excited about My Little Pony before. She swept a leg over his shoulder so that she was straddling his kneeling body, hands on his face making him crane his head slightly to be stuffed back against her cunt. “Don’t stop! I can come again, if you keep doing it, I’ll come again, again and again and again, just don’t stop, suck me till my brain falls out!” Hiro wondered if that hadn’t happened two minutes again. He licked, but hearing her pant and moan, imagining it was his cock doing that instead of his mouth, was driving him up the wall. His penis felt three sizes too big for his pants. As he kissed hungrily at her slit, he also undid his fly, wrestled his stiff manhood out of it. It felt like he was trying to pat his head and rub his belly at the same time, but he managed it. Then, sweet bliss as he rubbed at the needful hardness all up and down his shaft, making him coo into Honey’s pussy as much as he licked at it. Suddenly, Honey’s shifting ass jerked away from his face, leaving him lingusing the air. “What are you doing!?” she demanded. He looked up to meet her eyes, staring down at him like his least favorite color was pink or something. “Stop! Don’t do that!” Hiro looked down at his cock in his hand. It was incriminating evidence. “I’m… sorry, I didn’t know that it would bother you, I wasn’t going to, I mean, I didn’t mean to—“ “You can’t come like that!” Honey insisted, as pedantic as she would explain the difference between robots and androids. “All over the floor like Fred or something!” Grabbing him by his lapels, she yanked him to his feet with surprising strength. “With a hard-on like that, you could take my virginity!” “I could?” “We could become sexually experienced together!” “We…?” “Right here!” “Here?” “Right now! We just need some privacy!” And Honey threw open the closet door.
