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Lamia wasn't sure exactly what was happening. She'd been about to take out possibly the most annoying, and certainly the most useless, of the Librarians and then her pressure points had been struck, her entire body shut down like someone had thrown a switch. She was on the ground now, bearing the pain of her sprained wrist and dislocated shoulder, trying to think. Cassandra stood over her. Stripped down out of her little-girl-playing-dress-up clothes, she actually looked... something. “My, you are pretty,” Cassandra said, her voice whipping all over the place. “Maybe it's just the pain. I like seeing you gasp and moan and all that; you could be taking a really big dick, couldn't you? Oh. Oh, I wanna fuck you, it would really make me happy to fuck you. I haven't fucked anyone in four years, three months, twenty days, two hours, seven seconds. And I wasn't even awake for half of that. Yeah, I should definitely be having sex with you.”



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