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Despite the heat, taking Kendra to Shayera’s dig site in Egypt was like a vacation for Bruce. Although he traveled far and wide as Batman, in Egypt, there was nothing to be done. The vast arrays of desert forced him to slow down and take in where he was, instead of rushing to the next objective. 

He indulged in Ta Henket beer with the diggers, who referred to Shayera as the god, himself as the demigod, and their daughter Kendra as the semigod. He listened to Shayera rail against geocaching, which she saw as people pretending to explore when there was real archaeology to be done. He played with little Kendra among the ruins they were excavating, those portions that had already been picked apart and cleared. Basting his body in sunblock and going around with no shirt, he wore a keffiyeh to protect his head and developed something of a tan to compliment the steely musculature of his formerly pale body.

It was on his fifth day there that Shayera found a finial. The statue marked the top of a pyramid, unusually enough—it was a technique more used in the Nubian style than by the ancient Egyptians. Bruce had to admit, it put him on edge, seeing Shayera excavate a smoothly worn stone head, its overly rounded contours like the bleached bones of a corpse. The further the team dug, the more of the statue they uncovered. Chest, waist, legs, than the apex it was situated on. Below that was a mastaba. Below that, another mastaba. Step after step. They dug all day and all night, and still the ground floor hadn’t been uncovered. It was like the pyramid had been built all the way down into the bedrock, at the bottom of the sand.

Fortunately, the entrance wasn’t.

Bruce and Shayera lowered themselves inside on a rope. Not much sand had seeped in over the years, but there was a hill of a pile below them they had to skitter down, spilling out errant motes on the stone that had been immaculate for thousands of years. Bruce lit up a chemlight and regarded the stygian darkness. Any possible threat was, of course, long dead. But his nerves were still on edge. So were Shayera’s.

That was why she had asked him to accompany her. He had protested that he knew nothing about archaeology, and any of her team would be a better choice to go with her. So Shayera had told him the truth.

She hadn’t just found these ruins. She’d been led to them. For two months now, ever since Jason had become a Bana, she’d been having visions of one of her past lives. A past life she’d had no idea existed. 

Bruce always trusted her, but he didn’t actually start believing her until she led the way through the labyrinthine pyramid, never hesitating, never second guessing herself. She knew exactly the way to go. Bruce had to light new chemlights for her. She didn’t even need them.

Finally, they came to a vast chamber, reminding Bruce of the temple where Jason had undergone his final trial. It had the same dank, ominous feel, of being bigger than it really was, of having more shadows than it really could. 

“There it is,” Shayera said. Bruce raised the light. There, in the center of the room, enshrined in darkness, was a bust of stone. All but the vaguest suggestion of a pharaoh’s headdress and uraeus had been weathered away, but a necklace remained on it. The centerpiece was a medallion, but the chain was interspersed with peridot nodules. It looked like it was brand new. There was not so much of a speck of dust on it.

“What is it?” Bruce asked.


She walked toward it, so intent, so utterly not herself, that Bruce couldn’t let her take another step. He put a large hand on her shoulder, the firm muscle there clenching at his touch, but not yet resisting it.

“You’re just going to take it? Just like that?”

Shayera didn’t even sound herself, a slight accent lilting her words, a far-off quality in her voice that made her sound like she was speaking over a bad phone connection. “It belongs to me. I know it does. I need it.”

“You once told me that a simple antique coin could date an entire missing building, that taking it out of the ground would destroy a part of history. ‘You may think there’s nothing there, but there’s never nothing there.’ Your words.”

“Look around, Bruce.” The brusque anger seemed her own, at least. “There are no reliefs, no carvings, no paintings. This whole place is practically unfinished. It’s not a tomb. It’s just a box. A box for this.”

Wrenching away from him, she marched up the bust on its podium and took the amulet off it.

“Anubis,” she said gently. She sounded confused.

That was when the rumbling began. It started out almost like a hum, something Bruce could only detect at the furthest reach of his hearing, like there was some vast machinery in the distance, unseen but all around. It progressed rapidly, shaking into his boots, then his bones. In short order, his teeth were chattering together as the entire temple shook.

“Not a box,” he said, his voice barely audible above the earthquake going on around them. “A trap.”

Then a new sound could be heard. After the almost mechanical creak and moan underlying the shaking like the bass of a song, this noise was strangely organic, a long, low whistle of a sound, almost roaring like a fire, but more subtle, more intense in its own odd way. Bruce was confused as to what it was for an instant, the sound was so unexpected, but he eventually got it, just before seeing it come through the door.


In the middle of the desert, this buried pyramid was being flooded.


“I don’t believe you,” Kendra said. Young though she was, she had her mother’s tolerance for bullshit. Which was to say, none.

“You don’t?” Bruce asked quizzically. “Which part?”

“How could there be that much water in the desert? You said the pyramid was huge—“

“It was.”

“And some booby trap’s supposed to fill the whole thing with water?”

“It tapped into a nearby aquifer. The very same one that fed a well we were all using for drinking water. We’d been wondering how there could be such an abundant water supply without any other sign of an oasis.”

“You didn’t mention that.”

“I didn’t want to interrupt the flow of the story. Besides, you didn’t ask.”

“Uh-huh,” Kendra said, turning on her side and snuggling under her covers, clearly considering the matter tabled for now, but not settled. “Then how did you escape?”

“Oh, that’s simple,” Bruce said, picking himself up off Kendra’s bed with a protest from his joints. He was more weary than he’d thought. “I’m surprised a clever girl like you hasn’t figured it out.”

“Tell me! Tell me!”

She’d never get any sleep if she didn’t. Shayera had been quite clear on that point when stating her preference that Bruce not tell their daughter any bedtime stories with cliffhanger endings. 

“In a way, your mother and I were both right. It was a trap, designed to catch anyone who wasn’t meant to find the amulet. Your mother was. Just as she knew the way into the pyramid, she knew the way out. She led the way, wading through the waters as they washed higher and higher, but that last little bit of oxygen always led us to another staircase that would take us out of the water’s reach. I’ve never seen anything like it. The water just couldn’t take her. She wouldn’t let it.”

“So what happened to the amulet?”

Bruce cracked his neck. “Nothing yet. Your mom wants to run her own tests on it. The museum put her in charge of the excavation—the pyramid may not have been intended as a tomb, but there’s still a lot to learn from the workmanship. Graffiti and such.”

“What’s graffiti?”

“What your brother puts on the walls every time we leave him alone with a crayon. Get some sleep, Kendra. The sooner you wake up, the sooner you can hear more.”


Shayera was taking a long luxurious bath as Bruce tucked their daughter in. It was his turn, but that wasn’t why she was leaving him to do it alone. She’d felt distant lately, even more so after finding the amulet. She didn’t want Kendra, ever perceptive, to pick up on her disconnection, start thinking it was some reflection on her. It was best, for now, to let Bruce play Mr. Mom while she sorted herself out. Besides, Bruce had been away of late, and now that he was back, Kendra wouldn’t mind an overdose of him. 

It was late evening. Getting out of the tub she toweled her beautiful body and dusted herself with a lightly scented powder as she studied her smooth naked figure in the mirror. Shayera's hands sensually began caressing her full tits, a delicious tingle rippling under her warm flesh when she lightly squeezed and twisted her hotly erect nipples. There was another way to reassert herself, to make her feel connected once more to this life, to her new family, to her current husband.

Rubbing her burning nipples, she suddenly wondered if she could get her husband to fuck her. Not make love to her. She wondered if she could get him so riled up that he would mount her like a beast, a conqueror.

She decided to make herself as seductive as possible, so she slipped her naked body into a short pink dress that daringly revealed her luscious bare thighs and the deep cleft between the soft flesh of her cleavage. The thought of being completely naked under the thin satin sent a naughty thrill burning through her excited body.

Hearing her husband as he came out of Kendra’s room, she hurried up the stairs to greet him, and she felt a sharp pang of disappointment when he casually pecked her on the cheek, seeming not to even notice her seductive attire. When he picked up his newspaper and seated himself on a couch downstairs, Shayera walked across the room to mix their evening martinis.

When his wife returned with the drinks, Bruce absently accepted his without taking his eyes away from the paper. Instead of sitting in another chair as she customarily did, Shayera seated herself next to him on the couch, letting her dress ride up so that a feast of bare thigh was provocatively offered up for his consumption.

Although Bruce was completely ignoring her as he read the paper, Shayera rested her head on his shoulder, gently pressing her warm leg against his. Feeling the pressure, the man absently placed his hand on her knee. Shayera wanted him to make some advances—she moved her leg around until his hand finally dropped down between her bare thighs.

Startled by the feel of her warm naked skin, Bruce stared down with concealed interest at her exposed flesh. Shayera had never been shy, but she tended to be a bit more proper. The weight of all her many lives put her in the habit of dressing in conformity with the majority of them. Unless she was making an effort, she just tended to be more comfortable with her legs covered and her breasts unexposed. It was the difference between wearing a one-piece and a two-piece at the beach. 

Hard-pressed to believe that Shayera could be sitting there so wantonly exposed, he cautiously began trailing his fingers up her lusciously smooth flesh, expecting her to stop him at any moment.

His heart almost skipped a beat when she casually spread her thighs to give him easier access. His fingers continued to crawl higher and higher.

"Oh, Bruce," she giggled softly when his finger brushed lightly against the soft curls of her pubic hair. "You're after my cunt, aren’t you?"

As he heard his wife use language like this for what seemed like the first time in years, Bruce's cock throbbed wildly against the crotch of his pants. He was both intrigued and taken aback as his finger probed around the glossy hair of her wet slit. “You’re giving it to me, aren’t you?”

"Come on, baby," she whispered into his ear as she writhed her juicy cunt around his finger until it slithered in. "Do some naughty things to me."

As her husband plunged his thick middle finger deeper into her scalding pussy, she turned her softly parted lips up to his, slipping her pink tongue into his mouth. With their tongues passionately entwined, Bruce excitedly plunged his finger in and out of her sex, unable to believe this frenzied beauty could be his wife.

While her husband continued finger-fucking her, Shayera reached down and lowered his zipper. At first she had trouble freeing his throbbing cock from the tight confines of his underwear and pants, but once she had it out, she lowered her face down toward his hardness and the seed it held back.

Bruce could hear the blood pounding in his temples when Shayera wrapped her soft lips around his bloated cockhead. As his initial shock slowly faded, Bruce began running his fingers through his wife's long red hair as she passionately sucked and licked on his straining prick.

"D'ya like this?" she whispered, temporarily removing his thick dick from her mouth.

"Fuck, yes," he panted.

Shayera grasped the fat base of his shaft and began rubbing his sensitive cockhead against her cheeks, under her chin, through her long flowing hair, against the deep cleavage between her hot tits and finally back between her moistly parted lips again.

Finally sitting up, she lay her flushed, excited face against his chest, her fingers fondling his spit-soaked member.

"Oh, Shayera, darling," her husband panted, thrusting his hand through the opening in the front of her dress and grasping the warm flesh of her tits, her erect nipples swelling under his loving caresses.

Shayera felt the fingers of his other hand trailing lightly over the swollen lips of her sex.

"Feel me, feel me, know what’s yours," she whispered, screwing her cunt up against the thick middle finger that was gently parting her pubic hair. Shayera could feel him caressing the ever-sensitive lips of her cunt as she writhed and squirmed against him, one finger circling around her wanting clit.

As they clung passionately together, Bruce pushed her back down on the couch. He grasped her asscheeks and pulled her hot bare belly up against the thick cock she was clutching. He let out a soft low moan as she lasciviously rolled and rubbed his manhood against her bare flesh.

"Why don't you take your fuckin' clothes off?" she teased, giving his hard prick a loving squeeze before she released it and removed her dress.

Bruce stared excitedly at his beautiful naked wife who was lewdly plunging her finger in and out of her desire-swollen sex. Her arousal shimmered on the dark curls that surrounded her slit. 

"Hurry, my darling," she teased. The sight of his big naked cock and heavily-laden balls was driving her wild. "Bring that big beauty right over here to me."

Grasping for his fat cock when he was once more standing in front of the couch, Shayera lowered her open mouth over his straining cockhead. She locked her lips around the base of his knob. Her tongue flicked hungrily over its smooth purple surface. Sucking passionately on the sensitive head of his big lusty prick, she was sensually running her fingers up and down the entire length of his manhood, letting them linger and tease every vein and sinew on his tasty rod. When Shayera finally released his cock, she pulled him down on the sofa with her and pressed her parted lips to his, worming her tongue deep into his panting mouth.

"Oh Bruce, I love you so much," she whispered, squirming her warm naked body against his hard bare flesh.

"And I love you, darling," he said with all sincerity as his fingers goosed the soft wiggly flesh between her asscheeks.

"Then fuck me," she whispered. "I need that beautiful big cock in me now."

Bruce smiled at his beautiful wife. He rolled the woman onto her back as she spread her shapely legs to receive his throbbing member. Crawling up between her deliciously naked thighs, his huge cockhead brushed hotly against the smooth soft flesh of her parted legs. Shayera raised her lovely face and locked her hot open lips against his. With her probing tongue teasing around in his panting mouth, the soft moist slackness of her clinging lips sent tiny chills of desire crawling under his flesh.

Shayera reached down between their bodies and lovingly grasped the massive tool that was slowly moving up between her thighs toward her seething core.

"Oh, sweet lover," she moaned softly, feeling the bloated head of his dick pressing gently against the lips of her hot, slick pussy. The beautiful woman was trembling from head to toe with anticipation.

"Do it!" she whimpered, reaching down and guiding the head of his cock between her juice-drenched lips. "Fuck me, baby! Fuck me now!"

Feeling her fiery cunt slowly devouring his throbbing knob, Bruce gave a violent lurch and drove the entire length of his thick cock all the way into her slippery pussy with one mighty thrust.

"OOOOOOOH!" she screamed out as his prick drilled cruelly into the tightness of her wildly aroused center. Within only two or three seconds, the pain was gone and she could feel his big hot-blooded cockhead filling her belly while his massive balls rested in the soft wide crack between her asscheeks.

They fucked hard.

"Oh shit, I love you," she crooned, screwing her horny body up tighter against his, to better feel his hot hard cock buried balls-deep in her hungry, clasping sex.

As he partially withdrew his cock, preparing for the next thrust, Shayera could feel every vein of his awesome shaft rubbing against the sensitive walls of her cunt. Locking her bare thighs around his waist, she waited eagerly for his next thrust.

"That's it, baby!" she squealed when his glorious prick again drilled into her lust-filled pussy. As he began rhythmically fucking in and out through the sucking hotness of her grasping pussy, his hard member was glistening with her cunt juices. Shayera was almost out of her mind with ecstasy.

Unbelievably wild sensations raced through every excited nerve in her trembling body. She couldn't understand why she'd never been able to let herself go before. It was absolutely glorious, and she was thoroughly enjoying every lust-filled second of it. Mewing incessantly under him, the crimson-haired beauty was wildly throwing her hips up to meet every thrust of his hard-plunging cock. Shayera was pulling him violently against her, arching her hips up to better receive the full length of his pounding tool. The open lips of her hot frothy slit sucked and pulled on his meaty prick, trying desperately to get even more of it into her aroused pussy. She only wished she could suck his whole beautiful body up into the smoldering warmth of her hungry cunt.

Bruce could feel his throbbing cockhead growing even larger as it slid smoothly up and down within her tightness. He was still finding it hard to believe that this screaming, grasping sex machine was his own Shayera. Bruce thought his lust-swollen knob would explode from the exquisite sensations induced by her passion.

Bruce rammed harder and faster into his wife. Their hot sweaty bodies were pounding wildly against each other. Shayera's erect nipples were burning into him as her big full tits rubbed obscenely against his chest. Pumping for all he was worth, his massive cock was plunging in and out of her at an ever increasing tempo.

"Oh shit!" she squealed. "Fuck this pussy, baby, fuck pussy for me! Faster, honey, faster! Oh shit, it feels so fuckin' good!"

The lewdly coupled pair were humping furiously on the sofa, their wildly bucking bodies slapping noisily together in wanton abandon. The room was echoing with the sound of flesh slapping against hot wet flesh as the panting couple fucked on.

Frantically increasing the tempo of his plunges, Bruce could feel wild sensations building up in his balls and realized he was racing toward a massive ejaculation.

"I'm gonna come, baby... gonna come!" screamed Shayera, drawing her knees up, exposing the full length of her open slit to his glorious assault.

Bruce would only grunt animalistically, determined to drive her into an absolute frenzy before he relented.

"Fuck, baby, fuck!" she shrieked. "Oh shit, Bruce, Bruce, I'm gonna come! FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!"

As she clutched desperately to her husband, the intense ecstasy was almost more than Shayera's sex-starved body could stand. As his huge cock raced in and out of her cunt, the engorged veins of his shaft were rubbing excitedly against her hard, tingling clit.

"OOOOOOOOOH, SWEET JESUS!" she screamed, exploding into a wild orgasm when she felt her husband's white-hot cum gushing into her cunt. "CREAM ME GOOD, BABY... I'M COMING... COMMMIIINNNGGG!"

The woman ground her cunt up tighter around Bruce's spewing cock, feeling spurt after spurt of his thick cum flooding into her glowing sex.

"Oh God, honey," she whispered, holding his handsome face in her soft hands as her climax began fading. "That was so fucking good… I think I may need another bath.”

“I prefer you like this,” Bruce said, petting her to prolong the afterglow, his hands stroking the flanks of her body, returning again and again to her large breasts but trying to appreciate the rest of her lush body as much. “That perfume can’t smell as good as you do.”

“No, but that’s only for you. The perfume is for everyone else.”

“Then maybe you don’t need another bath. No one else gets you until morning.”

“Almost no one. Kendra’s still here. And you’ve reminded me that I owe her a goodnight kiss.”

“Mine first.”

Lying side by side in each other's arms, Shayera gently massaged his soft, wet prick between her fingers. The stickiness of his limp prick sent a little tingle of desire rippling through the cum that filled her. As she was gently fondling his flaccid manhood, Shayera wanted it hard again so they could fuck and fuck and fuck.

Determined to do something about it, she lowered her head and placed the limp tool in her mouth, sucking and swallowing the tasty cum that still clung to his member. She gently rolled it around her tongue and lips, thoroughly enjoying the taste of his seed, just as she had enjoyed its feel.

Shayera felt a shudder run through her husband's big muscular body when his prick began swelling in her mouth. As it stretched toward a full erection, she rapidly moved her tongue and lips up and down the throbbing length of his shaft. The woman could feel his huge prick swelling and throbbing even bigger as she tightened her lips around the thick flange of his cockhead, locking it securely in her hot, sucking mouth.

"Jesus, baby," panted Bruce. "What's come over you?"

"Don't you like it?" she grinned, temporarily removing his thick cock from her mouth.

"I love it."

"Then shut up and enjoy," she giggled.

Once more lowering her head, Shayera could feel his fantastic prick throbbing in her fingers as she stuffed it into her mouth again. The silence in the room was broken by the lewd sound of her juicy lips sucking on his cock.

The feel of her husband's big tool gliding back and forth over the back of her tongue was really turning Shayera on. With her hot slippery lips locked passionately around his hard dick, the woman was sucking for all she was worth, taking his cock deeper and deeper into her mouth.

Bruce was overwhelmed by the intense excitement. He dug his fingers into his wife's long red hair as he involuntarily rocked his hips back and forth, drilling his prick in and out of her passionately sucking mouth.

"Oh, Shayera!" he suddenly panted. "Here comes my load... HERE IT COMES!"

Thrilled by, the enormous amount of cum that spewed out of his cockhead, Shayera sucked frantically, not wanting to miss a single drop. It continued flowing into her mouth in slowly decreasing amounts for several seconds. When the flow finally halted, she kept sucking until she'd drawn the very last delicious drop from his slowly shrinking prick.

"Shit, that stuff tastes good," she sighed, dreamily licking her lips as she released his spent cock from her mouth.

"My God, darling," he panted. "Where did you learn to suck cock?"

"I'm just a quick learner," she giggled. "Wait'll you try my asshole."

"What?" he gasped.

"That's right," she whispered. "I want a nice hot ass-fuck as soon as this thing gets hard again."

“That may take a while. You take a lot out of a man.”

“And you put a lot in.” Shayera got up, smiling as Bruce’s hand clung to her, trailing off her body as she peeled away from him. “I’ll be right back. I’ll bring your fuck-hole with me.”

Bruce nearly shivered as he heard to refer to her body so dirtily. His hand was still on her, fingertips tangled with fingertips. She pulled away at last, leaving his hand flexing with the feel of her. Taking her dress in her hand, she walked to the bathroom and ran the faucet, quickly wiping off her arms and face, then clothing herself once more. To that she added a modest dressing gown over its scanty length. She wasn’t ashamed of still being passionately in love with Kendra’s father, and she didn’t want Kendra to be ashamed of it either, but she also didn’t want any child of hers traumatized.

She went upstairs, creeping to the bedroom door and listening at it. She didn’t want to wake Kendra just to check up on her. For all his obvious… eccentricities, Bruce was shockingly good with children. She fully expected Kendra to be practically sedated by him tucking her in.

She eased the door open and looked in on Kendra. The bed was empty. A split-second of panic overcame Shayera. Mentally, she worried that Kendra had seen her and Bruce together, but the instinctual fear in her gut was far too great for that to be the case. Knowing she wouldn’t find her there, she checked the bathroom, then hurried down to Bruce.

“She’s gone!”

Bruce seethed as he looked around, seeing if she was in the vicinity while rapidly considering possibilities of where else she might be. “I’ll check upstairs, you check downstairs.”

They found her in Shayera’s study. Shayera had put the amulet there, hidden in a box out of sight. Bruce trusted the house’s safes and security, but Shayera always preferred hiding in plain sight. No one looked for valuables underneath the drawers of a desk when they were right there in a desk.

But Kendra hadn’t been looking for valuables. She’d been looking for her mother’s prize.

The box was open.


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