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Of course, Reed appreciated that Sue was extraordinary. Even as a young and not yet fully matured woman, she had done an excellent job of raising Johnny in the absence of their parents. She had grown into an exemplary wife, mother, and lover; he could not imagine someone coming closer to perfection. She was shockingly cognizant of his work for someone who was not a scientist, making a real effort to understand at least the basics no matter how beyond her the subjects were, which was an effort many closer to his level did not care to do for any fields outside their specialty. She was, in any respect he could name, the ideal partner.

Part of that, though surely not the most important part, was her body. Reed was not what might vulgarly be described as an ass-man, a breast-man, a leg-man—some Frankensteinian fetishist of one body part or another. No. As was logical, his bodily appreciation of Sue began in her sex, where the courtship ritual was bound to end up.

And Sue’s pussy was delectable. A pink rift, as fine as the most stable wormhole, vivid and visible among the dark-golden hairs that surrounded it like time slowing around gravity. Appropriate, as the slippery-smooth nebula of folds and crevices could hold him just as tightly, although it was tastier than he imagined any celestial body could be. It all led to the event horizon itself, a small and exquisitely tight opening that pulled him in and in and in, no matter how he tried to escape, and just when he thought he’d gone the way of the light that attempted to overcome that collapsed star, he emerged as if on the other side. A white hole.

There was also the reddish clitoral bud, sticking up like it was aching to be sucked, putting him in mind of a space station poised right at the edge of where the black hole’s gravity would overcome it—the point of no return, where time dilation would cripple, but not kill. And indeed, it felt like he could spend hours sucking on Sue’s clit, as he sent probe after probe into her singularity. Appropriately enough, for ‘Mrs. Fantastic,’ Sue could truly stretch.

He wondered if such a space station could be viable, as he fucked Sue in her luscious ass, his cock swollen to the size of a clenched fist. Underneath him, Sue was still wearing most of her tightknit costume, though a zipper important for bodily maintenance had been undone from below her navel to the small of her back. The luscious globes of her ass pushed firmly against even the slackened material, which was still completely taut over her big firm tits. They had swollen from their biologically optimal state with her pregnancy, into a set of ample endowment that were arguably excessive, yet inarguably pleasing in their aesthetics. He could see her nipples pressing hard against her blue suit. They were erect, but they seemed to be always erect. 

He wondered whether Sue was always sexually aroused. Either that, or she was cold, but the suit was quite extraordinary at regulating temperature. Perhaps it was that she consistently thought about sex, thus arousing herself. It certainly seemed she did so—this would explain the frequency with which she interrupted his work to insist he satisfy her, though a number of these entreaties were confusingly phrased to instead refer to an activity that would precede sex, leading to suboptimal social situations in which he assumed he had fulfilled his obligation by accompanying her to view a movie or sharing a drink with her, only to learn that additional coitus was required. 

It was a pleasant chore, but a chore nonetheless. For simplicity’s sake, he had begun assuming that all of Sue’s calls upon his time were intended to end in coitus. He was perceptive enough to see that not quite all of them were so intended, but Sue seemed happy with the prospect, so he concluded that more often than not, or even on a subconscious level, she desired to be mated.

She was also saying something: “Reed, don’t come, please don’t come, not yet! I’m almost there!”

Reed patted her on the ass and continued his fingerplay at her genitalia. By age ten, he had moved beyond even the most advanced calculators, at least at that point in his studies, and had used the keypad more as a mnemonic device. The actual machine was unnecessary, so he’d just tapped the key sequences on his thigh or desk as required. He did so now, using Sue’s sexual organs as his keypad in trying to calculate pi. She seemed most enthusiastic about his efforts, though he doubted she grasped the real intricacies of his work.

He would, sooner or later, have to focus fully on his wife and her amazing body, but for now, he focused a larger percentage of his attention on the possibility of studying a black hole from the event horizon. He didn’t know how much more coitus Sue could take—she had noticed her exhibiting a great deal more stamina since the cosmic radiation, indicating that all of them had received physical enhancements beyond their memorable superpowers—but at some point she would grow sore, and the bell-curve of her pleasure would run back towards pain like she had suffered in initially being penetrated. It was best to ejaculate before that happened and hope she’d had sufficient orgasms in the interim.

“Spank me, Reed! Spank me! I’ve been a bad girl!”

Reed could’ve slapped himself, or at least his forehead. He’d forgot all about treating Sue as a submissive whore. As he did so, he reached out with one stretching hand for a pen and a Post-It note. He saw no reason why Sue would object to having a reminder written on the back of her neck for next time…


Steph drilled the fingertips of both her hands into Kate's skull, so that her lover's agile tongue jammed into her, and she felt the pressure of Kate's teeth as they rammed into her lips. The other woman twisted her lips and now pressed enamel and gum over the raw-pink flesh. Her forefinger edged under her mouth and she rolled its tip over the inflated clitoris. At first the touch was light, but the pressure became rougher with each forward thrust of Steph's pelvis. Her hipbone jabbed the side of Kate's mouth. Her buttocks stiffened, the muscles of the ass cheeks compacting and moving closer together, hiding the crack between.

Kate pulled herself away from Steph's cunt. Her lips dragged over the smooth terrain of Steph's body. The younger woman's flesh was pale, the color of cream. Her hips were broad, but they curved in sharply at the waist. Her breasts were large, the red-brown nipples sharply hardened even before Kate set her open mouth down on one, then the other.

Kate blew down softly on the first tit, and the cool air over her drying saliva burned Steph pleasurably. She raised her ass from the bed, then let her firm muscles sag into the mattress. She spread her legs further apart and dug her heels down as she braced herself for the fingering that Kate so much enjoyed giving her. The older woman's index finger combed through the pubic garden, sliding down over the button until it pushed into the yielding cleft. The walls were soft and wet. She forced the finger in until the lips closed in at the base.

She pulled the finger out and wiped the lubricating mist over Steph’s folds. Kate pushed down hard on the clitoral ridge, bending her finger at the knuckle and rolling it back and forth, pressing it into the soft meat of Steph's inner thighs. She gripped Steph's ass and lifted her lover's hips, then pushed her own legs under Steph's cunt, so that her thighs touched the hemispheres of Steph's buttocks, which she let rest upon her legs. 

Leaning forward to take Steph's left nipple in her mouth, she pushed up on the breast with the back of her hand. Her tongue lashed the aureole into pebble-hard erection. Steph's bush covered her own clit and Steph was stroking her back. Her fingers started at Kate's shoulder, then traced the curve of her body, passed the fullness of her breasts, zeroed in to the small of her back. Kate thrust out her pelvis and rolled her belly against Steph's. She jammed her stomach hard, and her folds rubbed through the tuft of hair. Steph's right hand moved to the crack of her ass, and she separated the two cheeks. Kate winced as the skin above the division almost tore.

Steph caught the cheeks of Kate's ass in her hands. Her fingers folded and her nails bit down on the flesh, now relaxed and un-muscled. She then repositioned herself so that she was on her knees, and bent down so that her breasts swayed above and onto Steph's. She took her right breast in her two hands and aimed the stiffened nipple at the center of Steph's aureole. Tiny buds formed inside the ruby circle as their tits collided. 

Kate drew her body up on the bed, her cunt just below Steph's. Steph wrapped her hands around Kate's upper thighs, the thumbs hooked into her cunt. She tugged at the moist lips, which spread easily, and began to rub at the clitoris.

Kate lowered her head and sunk her mouth onto Steph's pubic mound. Reflexively her tongue's tip wagged over the labial skin, and she sought out the button. When Steph's whispered "Oh!" told her she had found it, she circled the clitoris with the end of her tongue. At last she began to flag her tongue from side to side. The slight pressure drove pleasure through Steph in spasms. She reached for her left breast and squeezed her own tit. Her body was in a fetal position as she relaxed for Kate's continued sucking.

Her left hand moved slowly toward her crotch, while her thumb pressed inside the inverted cone of her navel. She ground her hips, pushing her pelvis deeper and then pulling it away from Steph's mouth. Steph covered the edges of her teeth with her lips, cushioning them. Now she sucked in at the folds and the clit and even at the gap itself.

Kate reached down under her thighs and took Steph's head in her hands. She forced her so hard against her pubic arch that the fragile cartilage there ached with the pressure. Steph's tongue moved inside the cleft itself, which was salty with sweat. Her own saliva mixed with the aroused lubrication. She poked the first two joints of her forefinger inside the box and flexed it against the walls. Her second finger crawled behind, under the arch, and peeked inside the rear passageway. Kate bucked her pelvis forward as she felt Steph's finger press at her anus. The nail dug into her constricted sphincter.

Steph opened her hands and jammed the bases of her fingers against her lover's jagged hipbones. Kate moved back at the signal, and Steph inhaled, heaving breasts up against crotch. Steph turned her body so that her left breast forced its tip inside the opening. She arched her spine, and the tit moved inside the first inch of Kate's center. The aureole retreated, now covered with lubrication.

Kate tried not to enjoy herself too much. This was for Steph, to get her out of her head and into vivid connection with her own body, and all the manifest pleasures it offered. Sensory perceptions flaring and flaming as the existential nonsense faded. Grief, sadness, regret, they all went away at the end of a fist or between a set of legs. 


Scott knew he couldn’t escape. He knew he didn’t want to escape, which was the same thing. The pressure on his wrists was steady and unyielding, caging them both in one grip, hard enough that the bones of one arm jarred against the bones of the other. But still, he heaved against it, thrusting all of his strength into overcoming the single hand that held both of his in place.

It accomplished nothing except making Barda smile. She appreciated him trying to escape as much as he appreciated her trying to keep him bound. She pushed down a little harder, taking the squeeze from mildly uncomfortable to actively painful, and he pulled a face that made her whinge and turn pleasant, leaning down to kiss the pain from his contorted grimace, relieve the pressure a little.

“You can’t get away, Scott,” she said, her free hand plucking his shirt from where it was tucked into his waistline, exposing the abdominal muscles that rose up his belly. He was breathing hard, excitement, anticipation, and he could see her skin pucker where his hot breath touched her clavicle. She was grinning fiercely, getting off on the same feeling.

With a brisk tug, she forced down his zipper, then she pried his waistband down his crotch. Bristling pubic hair. A scar cutting down his thigh. And Barda’s prize, growing harder and hotter—like him, rebelling against its imprisonment. This, Barda let free, only capturing it to rake her grip up and down its length, watching Scott gulp as he felt her firm, too-firm, not-firm-enough touch be everything and anything. His hips pitched toward her and she laughed, interlocking the fingers of her trapping hand with the fingers of his trapped ones. Her head bowed down, long hair tickling against his face as it seemed to frizzle with the feverish heat of their bodies, and she kissed him, devoured his groan as her hand accelerated on his member, perfectly riding the straining hardness of his manhood. 

“Barda,” he gasped, the second she stopped kissing him, and she let go of his erection to rest her wet hand by his face, letting him smell his own musk as now she straddled him, not taking him inside her, but pressing his cock back against her body, stroking her pubis against him in sadistic, teasing delight, rubbing her still-covered mound up and down against his nakedness as he closed his eyes and struggled not to come. If he came, she’d let him go. But it’d be over.

“Want to go inside me?” she asked. “If you’re inside me, you can’t get away. I won’t let you out.”

“I’ll fill you too full to keep me,” he promised.

“Then maybe I should empty you,” she said, bearing down even harder, almost painfully, the intensity so overwhelming that it felt good too. “Right here, right now.”

Scott’s throat caught. “You could,” he admitted, but he could feel her wetness, her heat, even the sensitivity as she throbbed inside her panties, against his cock, wanting it and needing it and gasping as she didn’t have it…

Barda let go. She didn’t bother to undress. She just ripped what was left off of her perfect body. “No more foreplay,” she said.


Jack Charlotte

Awesome work! I was worried the prompt I gave you was a bit too specific, but you really worked well with it. Hell, next time I might just ask to add on to this one, and have Kate invite Tess or Cass over.


Magnificent, all three of 'em.