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Mary Jane knew she was different. Obviously—she’d just grown a cock out of her sentient costume, fucked Felicia Hardy with it, and promised the woman a go at her husband. Hell, she was driving to meet Felicia’s wife. Another potentially useful ally in the war Peter would soon be fighting.

Once, she’d been wild, uninhibited. And that had been who she’d truly been and it hasn’t been. She’d been running, and as often as she’d lived her life, she’d hid in it. Over the years, the need for that lie had dwindled. The family she’d sought shelter from had been exorcised, replaced with a good one, a true one. Her wildness had been replaced with responsibilities, to Peter, to Annie, to herself in a way. It was a good life.

The symbiote was changing her. It was cutting away so many of the layers she’d accumulated and letting the old Mary Jane take the wheel a little. Perhaps that was why she was able to control it so well. Scratch the surface on Peter—really scratch it—and you got the pain, the recrimination, the guilt.

Scratch MJ, and find all that angst had died out a long time ago. What was left was a steel core desire to protect her family, with a creamy nougat center of enjoying herself. Whether it was playing with Annie, cuddling with Peter, or… other things. The symbiote was just fine with getting its jollies that way rather than indulging in the rage that even now Peter carefully tempered, that Mary Jane simply did not have.

So now she would continue to fulfill her responsibilities and enjoy her new station in life. And if the symbiote were along for the ride, paying for gas, then she’d remind it that they were doing this for Peter and if it didn’t like it, she’d seal herself in Plexiglass personally before she let it hurt anyone she cared about.

When Mary Jane arrived at Felicia’s house it was nearly dark. A thin grey light hung in the air as she stepped from her Ford Thunderbird. The convertible gleamed from a new waxing. So did Mary Jane, just not as obviously. She sounded the door chimes with a press on an ivory button and heard the bells peel throughout the house.

Felicia's house was a flat-roofed, almost winged structure that sat in the gully between two gentle slopes on the edge of a cliff overlooking the waters of the Atlantic. Poised as if for flight, from a distance it resembled a redwood seagull caught in a gossamer of fronds.

MJ heard the soft pad of Felicia's cloth-slippered feet on the carpet within, then an amber light snapped on in the alcove before the door. Moments later Felicia opened the oaken door to her cavelike house and Mary Jane went in.

"I'm so glad you could come, dear," Felicia purred as Mary Jane stood before her.

"My, my, my, said the spider to the fly," MJ answered in a teasing sing-song voice, gazing around the interior of Felicia's living room.

Felicia smiled and patted Mary Jane's ass in the snug mini-skirt. It was Friday evening, and Felicia had invited the lush redhead to drop around for a little party, which would include her wife Silver Sable, of course. Sable was in her bedroom, fixing up. 

Felicia wished to hell her visitor was Peter Parker, but that beautiful boy was acting coy, hard to get. Still on the road with Mary Jane’s little girl. Well, that just meant Felicia got to be mothered instead. 

Sable and Mary Jane were soon perched on bar stools at the refreshment center. Sable wore long shimmery pants and a matching sheer bra, gold sandals. Felicia had given Sable instructions on how to dress when they started their games. From a frigid, intense soldier, Sable was developing into a very good fuck under Felicia’s tutelage. Somehow the idea that she had never taken a prick excited Felicia greatly. Seeing her now with Mary Jane increased that feeling. She liked to bring different girls together, ones who had not fucked each other before. Interesting.

She wondered if they knew who the boss girl was.

Felicia moved up behind her bitches, her left arm around Mary Jane's waist, her right hand finding the cushiony fullness of Sable's right tit, silkily cradled in the sheer pink nylon.

"No prick tonight, girls," Felicia giggled. "We’ll just have to wait for Peter to be our daddy until he’s done being a father."

"Oh, you!" Sable drawled sarcastically, her cute nipple stiffening in the hold of Felicia's palm.

"Right," Mary Jane chimed in, cuddling closer to Felicia. She actually felt a little apprehensive now about Felicia and Peter renewing their relationship—something about the way Felicia was taking to the notion like a duck to water, and how even Sable seemed to be all for it. But she supposed it was better for Felicia to be enthusiastic than hesitant. And she and Sable were grooving; it took one to know one.

"Okay, Mary Jane, get out of those clothes," Felicia said, looking over the redhead's shoulder at the big, sloping breasts inside the snug blouse. "There's an outfit in my bedroom that should fit you."

Sable and Mary Jane looked at each other and giggled. It occurred to Felicia that they might have enjoyed a few feels in the past, before she and Sable were an item. How exciting.

As soon as Mary Jane had been steered in the right direction, Felicia returned to Sable and took the stool at her wife's right, sliding her hand down between Sable's thighs, caressing the soft, warm flesh.

"Been saving yourself for me, honey?" Felicia murmured. She had been letting Sable rest up, and letting her own anticipation build, not fucking since MJ had first ravished her. Sable had known all day that tonight was her surprise and reward for her patience; she was looking forward to it.

At that moment Mary Jane stepped out of Felicia's bedroom, wearing the outfit Felicia had laid out for her. It consisted of lavender crotchless panties and a matching thin wrapper that did not quite reach her crotch. The bra was whisper-sheer. It barely contained her large, full tits.

"Now that’s something," Sable purred, gazing at Mary Jane.

"You fill it out pretty good, tigress," Felicia said. She wished to hell this was Peter, but they could still have fun. Mary Jane had never been in on an all-girl threesome, she was turned on, her cheeks flushed, her green eyes wide. Getting two rather naive gals together for the first time always gave Felicia a few extra thrills, whether they were naturally prudish like Sable or just on the inexperienced side like MJ. She was getting a throb deep inside herself.

"Well, bring it over here so I can tease it," Felicia laughed, taking her hand from between Sable's thighs. Sable was such a cute young thing, it was no wonder Felicia had moved her in as her steady piece. 

Mary Jane wiggled up to the two girls, her tits swaying in the almost-nothing lavender bra. This kind of boudoir outfit helped excite her, and Felicia knew it. So did the soft, beaty music that drifted around the room from the expensive stereo. And a few drinks, too.

"You gals get the action started while I mix some drinks, huh?" Felicia smiled, rising and swaying behind the bar.

"Goody," Mary Jane said, taking the stool that Felicia's pretty ass had warmed. She slipped her left arm around Sable's bare, silky waist and felt the other girl tremble.

Felicia probably heated her up while I was in the bedroom, Mary Jane thought, shivering. The first time I saw her I got a tingle; she acts so damned serious, and I know damned well she isn't—not living with Felicia. 

Sable smiled and turned her head for a kiss. The dewy red lips opened invitingly, her pink tongue-tip showing between them. How soft and cuddly… Mary Jane quaked, homing her mouth against Sable's lips, pushing her tongue inward. She slipped her right hand up to the alluring hills in the sheer pink bra. Sable trembled, her lips spreading, her tongue flirting a hot answer against Mary Jane's tongue. Sweet as candy! The dainty nipple so thinly sheathed began to stiffen in Mary Jane's cupping palm, Sable's arms trailed slowly around Mary Jane's neck. 

One thing girls understood instinctively—a nice slow buildup made a piece of ass so much more thrilling. Very few men took the time to work a girl into a fever of anticipation. In fact, other than Peter, Mary Jane had never found one yet.

Sable felt herself growing damp. A new, sexy girl was after her! The whole plan had seemed very filthy, at first. Felicia had not fucked her for two whole days, claiming the rest would do Sable good, and she was ready. The 'surprise' Felicia had promised for that evening really was a surprise.

She had liked Mary Jane right away, but of course Felicia had dominated the fun scene, and Sable had naturally promised not to cheat as long as she was living with Felicia. And if Felicia said she could enjoy a new thrilling experience, it had to be right, filthy or not.

She trembled as Mary Jane's tongue stroked slowly and voluptuously in her eager mouth. The hand on her tit was drawing thrills to her nipple, almost as sweet as Felicia could bring them…

Mary Jane finally broke the dreamy kiss and kept her hand on Sable's tit.

"Nice pair you've got, honey," Mary Jane smiled, her eyes shiny with lust.

"Tits that pretty are worth a fortune in my business," Felicia laughed. "Take a breather, you two, and have a highball. We don't want to rush this." Sable shivered again, her body aching for more touches, her mouth hungry for more of Mary Jane’s tongue. She had been tempted to play with her cunt before Felicia came home, but Felicia had a sixth sense about girls and pussy; she would know it immediately.

She remembered something Felicia had told her right off the bat. "Honey, if you have to play with that cute thing, let me watch. I like watching and you’ll like being watched too."

Well, Sable hadn't got around to that, yet. It was utterly dirty, but it might be fun, for a change.

Mary Jane gave Sable's tit a parting squeeze and reached for her drink. Their thighs pressed warmly together under the lip of the bar. Sable wondered who would fuck who first. Her fingers shook as she took her drink in her hand.

"Now I'll show you gals how my outfit works," Felicia laughed. She wiggled out from behind the bar, and Sable and Mary Jane turned to watch. Felicia posed with her long legs apart; she looked terribly sexy in that black, snug pants ensemble. Her hands lifted to her proud breasts, she undulated her beautiful ass and deftly removed two patches from her tits, leaving the peaks bare.

"Damn!" Mary Jane giggled.

Sable stared at Felicia's tits, the sweet stiff pink nipples, and felt another twinge of need in her crotch. What a clever top. With her ass still weaving in time to the music, Felicia reached, to her loins and moved her hands again. Another patch came away, exposing the white-haired cunt...

"I like it!" Mary Jane spread her thighs and tipped her crotch forward. "Want my panties off now?"

Sable had to admit that the contrast of the black suit with just three apertures framing Felicia's basic charms, white and alluring, was utterly compelling. Felicia was always dreaming up some new bedroom wear to light up the night life.

"Hell, your panties are crotchless," Felicia laughed at Mary Jane. "Spread out and show me your cunt."

"Oh, right," Mary Jane giggled, a quick squirm of her ass and thighs drawing the lacy halves of her panties apart. Her red thatch, parted down the middle to show her puffy cuntlips, surged Sable's interest. She reached for the band of her pants and Felicia nodded. In seconds Sable was bare to the bra. She returned to the bar stool and kicked her legs open, showing off her own cunt. She could feel more wetness gathering in her—her clit ached.

"Now I'm gonna have some pussy," Felicia smiled, moving nearer. "One for each hand."

"Sounds like fun!" Mary Jane exclaimed, winking at Sable. Their bare thighs touched, a warm aroma drifted up to Sable's nostrils. The redhead was turning on fast, her cunt was very swollen, leaking slick, eager juice. Felicia did not get excited very swiftly, but she was hell on wheels once she got that long clit rubbing against a hot pussy. Ohhhh, she could really fuck good! She turned a piece of ass into a production...

Felicia stepped in close, her left hand reaching for Sable's cunt, her right hand settling between Mary Jane's thighs. The soft touch of knowing fingers on Sable's pussy felt heavenly. She would get to watch a girl get fucked, she could do some making out herself. She had never taken the lead, she thought it might be fun for a change, even though every dame who looked at her with that old flame in the eyes figured she was the weak one, the fem. As butch as she could be, people could just sense that Felicia was too much for her.

She wondered if adding Peter and MJ to the mix would change that, or if she wanted it too. She wasn’t sure—as much as she liked being the boss at Sable International, it seemed so glamorous to come home to Felicia, this rich and luxurious grande dame, and be romanced. Peter and Mary Jane could be fun, but perhaps they could be more. Perhaps he could give her a son…

Felicia's finger located Sable's tender clitoris and teased the little tip of her pleasure. Zingy darts of excitement ran up her legs, more wetness centered inside of her. She reached for the decorative bra and unfastened it, watching Mary Jane do the same. Sable's tits were becoming much more sensitive; Felicia really knew how to make them harden and tingle.

"Ohhhhhh!" Mary Jane giggled, watching Felicia's finger slip into her upcurved cunt. Sable watched, too. The new girl's tits were firming out, her nipples were dark and long, with wide bands around them. The view of Mary Jane's cuntlips pushing through the slit in the crotchless panties somehow made her pussy more fascinating.

"Tighten your cunt, honey," Felicia laughed, pushing her right middle finger deep into Mary Jane's pussy. "Your boyfriend will love that action."

"Why don't you get me a hot date with Peter?" Sable breathed, hunching up, her eyes fastened on Felicia's cunt.

"I can bang you better," Felicia laughed cozily. Her thumb pressed into Mary Jane's clit. Sable had felt that, the slide of Felicia's slender finger inside her own cunt. Delicious! But obviously Mary Jane was no stranger to being so felt.

"Sable, reach over and play with Mary Jane's tits, huh?" Felicia giggled. "She's gonna get her gun off soon."

Sable shivered, realizing she had been wanting to touch and fondle Mary Jane. The redhead's face was very flushed, her thighs were quivering; she hunched up on Felicia's finger. Her right leg trembled against Sable's extended left leg.

"Oh, let me lie down, honey!" Mary Jane breathed, arching her bare tits out, giving Sable a warm glance of invitation.

"You can have a nice little starter climax on the bar stool, sweetie," Felicia said, rolling her thumb on Mary Jane's clit. "Come on, you're getting there!"

Sable shot her right hand out to the sweet, full roundness of Mary Jane's breasts, thrilling to the warm, silky texture of her mounds, tickling a dark nipple. For some reason Sable thought of her lover before Felicia and her big, thrusting pair, very prominent even inside a blouse, and she knew she would love to play with those still. What a body that woman had!

Sable had also been considering another way or two to have fun when Felicia wasn't around. Recently she and a friend had gone down into Chinatown and visited a personal entertainment' store, where all kinds of artificial sex objects were on display, especially the pricks, of every size and length and description. The young attractive Chinese clerk had been very graphic in her sales pitch.

Neither girl had made a purchase, they had left giggling. Hell, if a girl wanted the feel of sliding cock, she didn't have to go for some guy...

"OHH, OHH!" Mary Jane panted, clutching at Felicia's extended right arm. "Ohhh, Felicia—come on!"

"Don't rush it, honey," Felicia giggled. "Just let it come real slow."

Mary Jane was in a frenzy. She was right on the edge of getting her fill, she loved the feel of Sable's hand roaming over her swollen, aching tits. Being in on a threesome was just wild! She could see the pink tip of Felicia's long clitoris peeking from between her juiced cuntlips, she wanted it against her sex in the worst way, even though she was fully enjoying the wiggling finger inside her pussy.

I want to fuck Sable too! Mary Jane thought. She's so beautiful and exotic and powerful! She knows how to fondle a pair of tits. I wish mine were shaped like hers! Ohhhhh, hell! Ohhhhh, here it comes! “OHH!”

She hunched furiously, she nearly slipped from the stool, she gripped the edge of her bar to keep from falling! The achy pangs of her need rippled through her loins and out to the tensing nub of her clit!

"Come, baby, come!" Felicia urged. "Have a big one, just for me!"

The room whirled a little as Mary Jane reached her throbbing crest! She wanted to show Sable how hard she could go off, and she was surprising herself instead! The quick, voluptuous beats of her satisfaction shook her tits and her opened thighs, her inner cunt twitched very lightly around the sliding finger, the rich glide-down shivers were some of the best she had ever known!

"That's the way to fuck my finger, tigress," Felicia giggled, feeling her clit stiffen to its full, tingling length. Sable was turning on faster than usual. She was watching Mary Jane with rapt fascination; she liked the new dynamic.

"Wow, you sure hit it, Mary Jane!" Sable breathed. She was still fondling Mary Jane's big, smooth tits.

"Ohhhh—fun!" Mary Jane gasped, gazing fondly at Felicia, then at Sable. "Your turn now."

"Well, let's go in the bedroom where we can fuck better," Felicia smiled, drawing her fingers from Sable's sweet, puffing cunt.

"Oh, not yet, Felicia!" Sable breathed, her face pinked with excitement. "Give it to me right here—I'm ready!"

"I've never humped you on a bar stool, have I?" Felicia giggled. "Okay, push it up." She moved over in front of her gorgeous wife, staring at all the curvy charms. She was becoming bolder; after a few months of learning Peter’s cock, she would be a terrific fuck. 'Helping' Mary Jane get her gun off had really quickened Sable's responses, but of course Felicia was expert with her fingers.

She leaned forward, a hand on each side of Sable, gripping the lip of the bar. She fit her exposed cunt to Sable's dewy pussy, her own need rising faster than it generally did. As her tumid clit rose between Sable's soft, hot labia, the other girl shuddered, her heels rising from the floor, her velvety thighs sliding high on Felicia's legs.

"Ohhhhh!" Sable breathed, reaching for Felicia's magnificent breasts jutting from the black top. "Ohhhhh-wow!"

"Seeing Mary Jane come off brought you to a boil, huh?" Felicia teased, hunching.

"Ohhhh, yessss!" Sable exclaimed, squirming her juicy cunt out and upward.

"That’ll heat a girl up every time," Felicia said, tensing her clit. She drove herself in, grazing the delicate membrane where Sable met her. Sable whimpered, gripping Felicia's tits firmly, her pretty face starting to twist with her craving. There was just nothing like young, tender, eager pussy.

I'm going to make her wait a while for her come, though, Felicia thought. She's only good for about five or six. This is going to be a long, sexy evening.

"Well, don't just sit there, Mary Jane," Felicia laughed. "Work on Sable a little. Tit for tit."

Mary Jane nodded eagerly, left her stool and moved around on Sable's right, extending her hand to cup one of Silver Sable's breasts. This was all new for the lush redhead, too; she was going for the threesome in a big way.

Slowly, Felicia began to fuck...

Sable quaked as Felicia's pussy rubbed sensuously on her own needy cunt. The position of Sable's ass on such a firm surface brought her vulva out more than usual, and with her legs gripping Felicia's hips and waist, the coital thrusts were really doing it for her Sable's cunt.

The feel of Mary Jane's playful hands on her breasts added to the close excitement; her nipples hardened and tingled, her clit was ready to shoot! But Felicia was up to her old tricks, dragging out the pleasure, driving Sable frantic with anticipation.

"Ohhhh—please!" Sable gasped, trying to hunch into her enjoyment. Her ass nearly slid from the slick stool-top! This was too good to miss, she just had to finish!

"Oh, make her come, Felicia!" Mary Jane breathed. The scene was stirring the redhead, her ass was wiggling, her left hand sliding down to her cunt.

"The hotter the cunt the better the come, honey," Felicia giggled. "Go ahead, Mary Jane. Bang yourself if you want to."

Mary Jane gasped, she jerked her hand from Sable's swollen tits and staggered into a nearby deep chair. Her right hand shot to her opened thighs, her red cunt arched upward, her middle finger dived into her swollen sex! Her left hand reached for her big tits, she cupped the left one and began to hump on her invading finger, her face writhing with lust, watching avidly as Felicia fucked.

Oh, it was too bad that Mary Jane couldn't wait for her turn! But the view of the lush model playing with her box and breasts was more than stimulating for Sable. She had never seen anything like that. Girls in America were very secretive about masturbating, although everybody knew that they did it when no pussy or prick was handy.

"Ah, you like that, don't you, sweetie?" Felicia murmured, her narrow ass moving with more purpose, her rubbing drawing more thrills from Sable's slickened, quivering cunt.

"Yesssss!" Sable panted. She gripped Felicia's tits harder, she managed to push her crotch out a little farther, and suddenly Felicia's expression changed. That familiar lust-gleam came into her eyes, her nipples peaked out. Ohhhh, Felicia was going to get off, too!

"Ohhhh—shiiiit!" Felicia gasped, looking over at Mary Jane. "Let's all go off together!"

"OHH, you better hurry!" Mary Jane cried, her fingers now fastened to her clit, her firm ass working up and down in the chair. "I just gotta come! Now!"

The words, the new sensations, the busy thrust of Felicia's cunt, beamed Sable's need into sharp focus. The honey began to steal along her thighs, her clit began to pulse! Her cunt lurched upward, Felicia went into her quick, short hunches, their dripping pussies squished hotly together, and the luscious throb, throb, throb of her clit in Sable's shivery cunt pulled the stinging thrills from her crotch!

"UGHHHHH—Jeeeeeesus!" Felicia whimpered, her ass flying.

Oh, shit! Felicia thought wildly. I didn't figure on coming off so fast! I started dreaming about Peter, I got a hell of a buzz and I just couldn't wait! Sable turns on lots better with another girl here, she's getting a big one! Ohhhh, fuuuuck! It hurts me when I get my gun standing up, but it lasts! This is the best part now! Holy fucking shit! UGHHHH!

The sweet, swift jerking of Sable's thighs, the heave of her pretty breasts, her cute face twisted with passion, her cunt actually quivering with the pounding of her girlish delight fed Felicia's need. She bucked through her finish and felt the delectable, almost painful, aftershocks of her relief. Her knees weakened, she nearly lost her balance! Right at the crest of her fun she had imagined she was finally being impaled by Peter…

"Oh, I sure love to watch you fuck, Felicia!" Mary Jane giggled, slumped in the chair, her hand cupping her sex. A flood of girl-juice oozed through her fingers, leaking down to her anus. The twinges of her aftermath were extra good! After all, she knew just how to draw the fun from her cunt -- she had done it often enough. But doing it with Felicia and Sable in the same room made it utterly far and away better.

"I love the way she fucks," Sable giggled, her feet now back on the floor.

Felicia smiled and drew her pussy from Sable's crotch, looking down at the dainty, wet flower of Sable's sex.

"My tongue's gettin' hard now, sweetie," Felicia said.

"Ohhh, let me rest a minute!" Sable breathed, struggling upright. She staggered and nearly fell. She stumbled to the big sofa and plopped her ass down. She slumped back, still breathing unevenly.

"One good pop and she's done for a while," Felicia laughed, turning to Mary Jane. Her pink tongue shot out, she wiggled the tip of it, gazing down at Mary Jane's moistened, flushed cunt.

"Oh, if you’re still hungry—" Mary Jane exclaimed, arching her crotch upward.

Sable trembled, watching Felicia drop to her knees between Mary Jane's spreading thighs. After-tingles still radiated out from Sable's well-used cunt, her legs twitched, almost in a cramp. The position on the bar stool had not been really comfortable, but she had made the scene and that was what being married to Felicia Hardy was all about.

Oh, we're rotten bitches! Sable thought. I'd almost swear Felicia was thinking about someone else when she got off! Ohhhh, she really fucked me good! I never saw her quite so turned-on. I never expected her to come nearly that fast. I hope she isn't tired of me already, she says I'm doing better. I want her to dream about me when she gets off...

Felicia pressed her breasts on either side of Mary Jane's thigh as she knelt, laying herself at Mary Jane's feet. MJ patted Felicia's head and assured her with warm green eyes that she could continue.

Immediately Felicia's hot tongue plunged into the crevice between Mary Jane's willowy legs. It fluttered wetly through the foliage of hair and licked at her clit. Mary Jane opened her legs wider and scooted downgrain on the cushion. Her body became even slicker as an even sweat broke out on Mary Jane's flanks and hips.

"Umm. You taste so good, baby," answered Felicia as her tongue slid in and out of the cavern in Mary Jane's gently rolling hips. "Spread your legs wider so I can get my tongue in farther. Ummm, ummmm."

Mary Jane widened her legs and let thoughts drift away through her mind. She felt like a seagull lazily flying above the ocean. Like a body of rolling water, Felicia's mouth sucked while her tongue twirled in Mary Jane's cleft and shocks of pleasure emanated through the girl like an electric bird.

The wriggling pink tongue cleft into the volcano of Mary Jane. The fires erupted and her orgasm started to build boiling up with her cum. Mary Jane began to hump her hips on the stool with increasing force. Soon her sweaty hips sang rocking off the slick leather and slapped back down again.

Felicia's liquid flame of tongue reamed the moist walls of Mary Jane's pussy. As each hot sparkle of fluid reached the hungry tastebuds, Mary Jane's juices were sucked into Felicia's molten mouth.

Mary Jane locked her legs around Felicia's silvery head and let the woman's tongue ravage her eager cunt. The ragged edges of her pink pussy held tiny bubbles of the joy juice up for Felicia's flicking tongue to lick off.

"Oh, it's so good," Mary Jane wheezed, tears of pleasure welling up in her eyes and causing the two-tone room to spin greyly.

Felicia ran her tongue like a channel beneath Mary Jane's slit. The turgid pink snake throbbed with the swift wet passage the channel had become. A river of cream raged its twisting way down the corridor of canyons of Felicia's tongue and thrilled the bud awake. The clit scooped out a passage against the grain of Felicia's plunging tongue and hot wet chills sang through Mary Jane's torso.

"Oh yes, Felicia baby, eat me! Mmmm... it's so very, very gooood." Mary Jane groaned in a rhythm to Felicia's lascivious tongue. Her hips thrashed up about the probing organ like wheels and she humped her pelvis around and around.

"Eat me, Felicia, eat me," Mary Jane snarled between clenched teeth. She pounded her hips down at Felicia's turgid tongue as if she were trying to plug it into herself, to complete some cycle of energy. Her body glistened with rainbows of sweat. Like a steamboat river wheel she churned her hips around the rudder of Felicia's tongue.

While her tongue flashed deeply into the hot pink walls of Mary Jane's love lips, Felicia began to gnaw on Mary Jane's clit. As she rubbed her teeth across the top side of the stub, her tongue glazed the lower half with saliva and cum. Shocked hot thrills echoed up in Mary Jane from where Felicia's lips and tongue and teeth were driving her pussy mad.

Her body writhed slipperingly across the leather cushion while shock wave after shock wave of tumbling riotous orgasm washed blindingly through her. She surfed and surfed, impaled on Felicia's tongue like an eel her body squirmed.

"Oh my God yes!" Mary Jane screamed in an agony of pleasure. "Cum, cum, cum, cum, cum!" Her voice ran downhill as it shook with her diminishing breath and she quaked like a ragdoll at the end of the delirious words. Finally after long spasms of passion had sung through her in deep crescendos, Mary Jane quieted and Felicia's licking tongue only cleaned and soothed.

"Did I please you, Mrs. Parker?" Felicia mewed coyly.

"Yes, pet, yes!" Mary Jane sighed contentedly. "Let me rest for awhile."

"As you wish," Felicia answered, toying with the ring on her feline collar. Her tongue ran incessantly back and forth across the pout of her full lips like a snake, wetting them and tasting the air for moisture.

Idly she stroked Mary Jane's cooling flesh while the girl lay back, relaxing against the bar. Her fingers trailed up and down the girl's tawny calf and thigh.


Annie was fast asleep by the time Peter pulled into the drive of their brownstone apartment, which suited Peter fine. There were only so many times he could listen to the latest in children’s music before he tested the car’s airbag with his face.

He picked up Annie, always a sound sleeper, and carried her upstairs to her bed, tucking her in with a father’s experience. He hadn’t met Mary Jane on the way in and he didn’t want to call to her for fear of waking his daughter. His spider-sense wasn’t giving him anything, but still, he toured the house just to be safe. Mary Jane must’ve heard him go into the master bedroom, because she called him from the adjoining bathroom.

"I'm in here, lover.” 

As Peter opened the door, Mary Jane slipped up from the bathtub like a mermaid coming ashore. She was naked, of course, nothing on but a smile, her damp hair running down her back and suds from her bubble bath cresting her bare breasts like she was Aphrodite freshly born. Peter found himself staring, struck after all this time by how beautiful she was, from her perfect hair to her pert, mischievous, ever-smiling face, to her body… God, her body. She looked better than ever, like she’d started some new diet since he’d been gone, taken up yoga… found the Fountain of Youth. Not that she’d been so gauche as to have a flaw or two before, but now she was simply radiant.

“What?” Mary Jane asked him. “No kiss?”

Peter rolled up his sleeves as he bent over to kiss her, reaching in to fondle a big, firm breast. He felt her stiff, stolen nipple and rolled it between his fingers.

"Ohhhh," Mary Jane crooned, "that feels good!" She put her hands behind her head and arched her splendid back to thrust her tits up and out. “Have I done a good job washing up?”

“No,” Peter said. “Terrible. Let me do it.”

“I love a man who’s not afraid to help clean.”

He got on his knees beside the tub. Taking the soap out of the dish, he rubbed up a good lather in his palms, then massaged both huge tits. They were slippery with soap and slipped back and forth under his hands. Mary Jane kept her back arched and her full breasts pushed to their fullest. She knew that Peter loved to see her show off one of her many best assets.

"Ummmmm, baby!" Mary Jane giggled. "Squeeze my tits. Play with my nipples! Oh, yeah! Pinch 'em, tiger! Pinch 'em hard!"

Peter complied, taking a big, stiff nipple with each hand and pinching and pulling on her distended nipples. Mary Jane's nipples grew even larger. The dark skin around them puckered, and the milky skin of Mary Jane's splendid tits tightened. Her tits swelled and a fire erupted once more in her pussy.

“Poor boy—“ Mary Jane pouted as he kissed her and caressed her, her lips flickering with a smile that she tried to act away. “All that time on the road and in some nasty hotel, far away from your loving wife. The shower probably didn’t have any water pressure or even good shampoo, did it?”

“Actually, the X-Men put me up. They were really interested in Annie—they’d be happy to have her, but I’m not sure…”

“Peter,” Mary Jane said plainly. “Get in here. And bring your cock with you.”

“Yes, ma’am.” But even as he stood, Peter froze, face painted with neurosis, eyes glancing at the bathroom door. “Not that I’m not loving the direction this is going, but there is a third party to think about…”

Oh, if he only knew, Mary Jane thought. “C’mon, a long car ride’s like horse tranquilizers on that kid. And you do have a spider-sense.”

“Not sure dying of embarrassment counts as a threat.”

“You could lock the door. Or web it shut.” Mary Jane grinned as she reclined back into the water, torturing Peter by hiding under the bubbly surface. “I certainly don’t plan on leaving for another hour…”

Every man had his limit. Peter shucked off his sports coat like it was on fire, then started on his buttondown shirt so fast that it was a superpowered miracle he didn’t fumble with the buttons.

“No, no, no,” Mary Jane said, rising up out of the water again, her breasts even more enticing with a fresh coat of bubbles obscuring them, but not their ripe shape, their great size… “Pants first.”

“Why?” Peter asked. Mary Jane consoled herself that it must have been a very long car ride.

“Because I want your cock,” she said frankly. "Let me suck you, tiger! Pull out your prick and feed it to me! I want to suck your big nasty cock!"

Peter was surprised. Surprised but pleased. Mary Jane had a fantastic body. There was no denying that. And she was good in bed. Peter had never suggested doing anything that she wasn't willing to try. Bat she normally didn't use language like that or act so forward.

"I guess absence does make the heart grow fonder," Peter joked as he unzipped his fly.

“If you think that, you’re less familiar with my anatomy than I’d thought.” She rose to her knees in the tub.

Peter held his stiffening cock out to Mary Jane. She came to him quickly and licked long and slow, starting on his hairy balls and working up his shaft to his swollen cockhead. Mary Jane spit on his purple knob and rolled the saliva around with her warm lips. When she had the tip good and wet, she ignored it, lowering her open mouth to his scrotum, then tilting her head upwards, letting his balls slide between her lips before she sucked.

"Aaaagh!" Peter exclaimed. His prick was fully hard now, and the little redhead's mouth felt great to him after far too long without. Moving as gingerly as he could to avoid dislodging Mary Jane, she stripped off the rest of his clothes, from his outerwear to his spider-suit, until all that was left was his webshooters. Those he used to barricade the door. He could’ve just locked it, but those were seven feet away from MJ he wasn’t at all keen on traveling.

Why doesn't he grab my hair? thought Mary Jane. Why doesn't he hold my head and stuff his cock in with his hand? Oh, God. I wish he'd rub his prick all over my face!

She shoved the balls out of her mouth using her rough, wet tongue. The touch she used made her husband shiver in anticipation. She could sense his excitement mounting. His cock was jutting upward at a steeper angle. And the way it was shaking, it looked as if it would shoot out its creamy jizz at any instant.

If it did, she wanted to have her mouth pressed tightly onto the tip. She wanted something immediate, something now, not just the knowledge that she’d pleasured him. If he wasn’t even going to come in her face, she at least wanted the full taste of his jizz all to herself.

"Suck on the end of my cock. I want to feel that mouth of yours fastened on the tip of my prick again!"

She didn't answer him with words. Her actions were enough to tell him she was doing what he wanted. She kissed his balls one last time and worked her way down the length of his prick, biting, kissing, licking. She didn't miss a single square inch of his cock.

By the time she was back at the end of his cock, the entire prick gleamed wetly with her saliva. It was a shining shaft of delight for her. It was a man's cock.

That thought firmly in her head, she clamped her mouth hard to Peter's glans. The hooded club of his cockhead slipped easily into her mouth and she began giving it the full oral treatment. She tried to shove her tongue into the tiny slit at the end of his prick. It wasn't possible but it gave them both an incredible surge of lust and desire when she tried.

Tongue rolling around Peter's cock, she knew he was approaching the limits of his iron control. She could feel his cock expanding with excited blood pumping into his erection harder and harder. Her licking made his cock so stiff, she knew it had to be painful to the man.

If he didn't get off, he'd get a real set of blue balls.

She toyed with the idea of stopping, of not carrying through with the blowjob. It might make him mad. She loved the thought of him doing something while he was as full of rage as he was cum. Abusing her, treating her like a common slut—she knew now what she had been missing. She wanted to be ravished. She craved a powerful, merciless man with a big, thick cock, more than one, men and women who would simply use her for their own perverse pleasure.

Again, her own wanton desires betrayed her. She wanted to taste his come. She had to get him off to do that. She gulped Peter down to the root, until she gagged, and when he came, it was even better than when he burst between her legs. If possible, his jism seemed even thicker, hotter.

Mary Jane took Peter's cock out and stood up in the tub, stretching to show him all of her perfect figure. She knew he loved her mind, her personality, her humor, her devotion—everything about her, really. But some animal core of him wanted to fuck her, too, and it was this body that he wanted to fuck more than anyone else on the planet. This body that had bore his child. This body that had fulfilled him even before their wedding, and could until the end of time. She felt like she was holding some unspeakably powerful weapon, being in possession of a body that could command Peter’s lust the way hers could. 

"I want you to fuck me right here on the floor."

Peter was perplexed. In the past three years of marriage, he had never fucked Mary Jane anywhere but in a bed. Then again, in the past three years of marriage, he hadn’t been Spider-Man. And if this was one of the perks…

Mary Jane lay down on her back. The floor was hard, and the tile was cold. She closed her eyes, and for some reason pictured him in his costume as he got on top of her. He fondled her big, sleek tits for a moment and then shoved his prick into her pussy. 

"Go slow, baby," she cautioned. "Fuck me all night."

As Peter gripped her smooth shoulders and began to fuck, Mary Jane hummed with agreement, satiation, contentment. She was almost there, already. He was almost there, her dream lover, kind and considerate when she needed it and so much more when she needed so much… more.

She’d long thought that, among the infinite varieties of lovemaking, she and Peter were on close but nonetheless separate lovers. She always turned on fast, hard, volcanic, and then she smoldered. Peter was receptive and more than generous in giving, but he was patient, slow, always a little concerned about hurting her, even when she was sharing his power. It was considerate of him, but…

"How's this, Mary Jane?" Peter asked. He was fucking long and slow, making himself last.

"Good, baby. Real good. Thank you for letting me make it up to you.”

“Make what up to me?” Peter asked.

Mary Jane smiled to herself. He could torture her with how slow he was going, pleasing her but only on his terms, taunting her with how he needed it so much less than she did. It had been one of the pleasant hallmarks of their sex life, seeing which of them would break first, or if they’d just go slow and steady—if she could tease him into fucking her hard or if he would wear her down with orgasm after orgasm. 

But she had her ways.

“I was so naughty while you were gone,” Mary Jane said, her repentant voice underlaid with the moans and sighs of the pleasure he gave her. “I touched myself… so much… I imagined I, oh God, that you were being held prisoner… and the only way to free you… was to give, give in…”

“Give in?” Peter asked.

Mary Jane wove her hips against him, dancing into his stroking cock, wondering if it was her imagination or if she could pick up a rising throb in it. “I imagined I had to fuck strange men… two, three, four at a time… huge men… almost too big for me… that the only way to save you was to let them use me however they wanted!”

Mary Jane moaned. She stretched her arms above her head and pointed her toes, trying to imagine how it would feel to be restrained in such a humiliating manner. Peter continued to fuck her.

"Squeeze my tits!" she pleaded to Peter. "Squeeze 'em really hard, honey. Don't worry about hurting me!"

Peter grabbed both her lusty tits as he continued to fuck her wet pussy. He was aware of how turned on Mary Jane seemed to be and wanted to do everything right for her. Little did he know that she was miles away in a filthy garage about to be gang-raped by a dozen tough men.

“Then… I imagined that I was fucking women!” Mary Jane breathlessly announced. “Only I didn’t want to cheat on you, so I fantasized that we were having a threesome… that I was putting on a show to turn you on. It really got me hot, Peter… imagining that I was undressing a woman, showing her off to you, even listening as you told me what to do to her. You told me to do such nasty things, Peter… but I did them, all of them!”

“Yeah?” Peter asked her, his eyes glazing over. He was fucking into her harder, the tiles creaking under her back as his thrusting spread through her.

Mary Jane kissed him hard, almost splitting his lip. The more he lusted for her, the more she wanted him. She imagined them as the perfect couple: going out on patrol all night, and if there were no crimes to stop, well, they’d just have to fuck. 

She guessed maybe they should leave Annie out of the superhero ranks.

“Then I… oh God… I imagined you fucking that other woman… I imagined watching, knowing there was no way she could keep up with you, and that as soon as you were done with her, I’d be your only woman again, your whore, your bitch, your wife… and when she was… overflowing with cum… Peter! You flipped me over… took me from behind… fucked… fucked my ass!”

Mary Jane screamed.

Peter stopped fucking her. "Did I hurt you?" he asked.

"No! No!" she gasped. "I need more! Don't you dare stop again! No matter what I say, don't stop! Fuck me! FUCK ME!"

His body felt more filled with hot, raging passion than ever before. Mary Jane’s breasts burned against his chest and her strong inner muscles gripped his ramming prick as he shoved it in all the way to the hilt, pulled it partly out, and shoved it back in again.

"Ohhhhh, tiger, you're fuckin' me sooo good!" his wife wailed.

Each violent lunge of Peter's cock sent jolts of ecstasy through her quivering cunt. Her clit trembled each time he pumped into her ass with his massive prick.

"Eiiiiiiigh!" the redhead cried. "Ohhhhh! Yessss!"

He had never seen her so wild. She was twisting and writhing under him like an animal. And when he shot his load into her, Mary Jane seemed to explode. She lost what little control that remained. She tore at Peter's shoulders and bit his neck. Great surges of violent pleasure whipped her body across the floor. She dragged Peter with her, locking her sleek legs around him.

When it was over—and for a moment, he doubted it would ever be over—he carried her to the bath and they sunk into the water together.

"Baby," Peter said as he rubbed shampoo into her scalp, "I don't know what got into you, but I hope it happens again."

"You got into me, tiger," Mary Jane responded. “And that will be happening again.” 

She stretched and admired her breasts in the glass of the shower stall overlooking the tub. Who loved them more, Felicia or Peter? She did have one for each of them.

Peter glanced to the side as his webbing began to dissolve, freeing up the door. 

"Hey, we'd better get supper going," Peter reminded her. "We’ve got a growing superhero girl to feed."

"Keep fucking me like that and we’ll have more than one," murmured Mary Jane.

That was one way to replace the heroes the Regent had taken out…


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