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Kate managed to steel herself all the next day, that night, and the morning of yet another day. She had married an older man, not for love and certainly not for sexual desire, but for financial security. It was a good arrangement, very good. He barely even wanted sex so much as the prestige of having Kate Upton as his wife. After all, he could do the same thing with a two hundred dollar hooker as he did with her, and Kate was certain that a man with his pocketbook could find women that were every bit her equal, even in her chest.

But then there was her son-in-law. Chad was a sexual dynamo, and not afraid to show it with his wife, her daughter-in-law. By the afternoon of the second day of them all being under the same roof, she was ready to climb the walls. Hearing the sexual athletics of Emma and Chad in the adjoining bedroom two or three times a day didn’t help. Kate found herself staring at Chad’s crotch as he moved around the house. She envisioned his cock popping out of his jeans and into her mouth.

After lunch Emma and Chad started getting itchy and making their knowing glances at each other. When they casually left the room, Kate couldn’t stand it.

Kate got up and went to the door that separated their room from her own, pressing her ear against it. They’d lowered their voices, and it would be a while yet before their passion grew loud enough for them to be screaming and moaning their orgasms. But Kate could just hear their hushed voices going back and forth.



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