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Y'all I have so much fun with this guy hahahaahahah

Worshippers of Zeus, let me know your reaction XD 




It’s very accurate from a mythological standpoint. If it wasn’t for Zeus’ “activities” Greek mythology would be a lot more tame. And shorter.


There can't be enough Zeus! Great update! I'm voting for the top center expression to be his signature look, since it suits his playfulness so well, while still looking regal. I kinda miss some gold jewelry on him though, as the gods of the gods he should totally rock some gold. Also a cock ring, to emphasize that this is the part in which his true brain lies. Other than that you totally inspire me to write some fan fiction about this hunk. Can't wait to see more. You draw him so hot 😍 Btw as a bonus idea: If angry Zeus hair could turn black, like a thunder cloud upon bursting into thunder. Being the God of the sky and thunder it would fit him so well.


I love how every time you draw Zeus now it feels like its just premier meme content or a shit post and I'm absolutely always here for it lol