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The script for chapter one is almost done! And I've been having so much fun thinking about my characters and their designs.

The more the story progress the clearer the design! This is not final ofc but I'm getting closer and closer everyday!

Lots of lore here hahaha feel free to ask me anything 




Loving it. Omfg he like to kick it with Humans huh 😈


I have sooo many questions! I hope I don't go too much overboard with this. If Taz loses his memories after a contract ends, does that mean he is a blank slate every time a new contract is made; he doesn't remember what happened during previous contacts at all? How much does his character change between contracts, or is he basically always the same? Are there any clear limits to his inhuman strength and shapeshifting abilities? What can he do, and what is beyond his capabilities? From the way you draw Tazzi he seems to… enjoy his body a lot. 😉 Of course, shapeshifting fits him perfectly and being the only demon to get it on with humans, too. So what does he like, what is his motivation? Does he just try to have as much fun as possible while also fulfilling his current contract? Also, you mention humans, so there are at least two kinds of intelligent beings in your world: humans and demons. Are there other species?


Not overboard at all hehe I love when ppl ask questions cuz it help me with the lore! Sometime I even uncover things I don't even think about! Every questions are appreciated! So... 1st Question, there are many Demons. But the most prominent and powerful ones are the Nine, Taz is one of them. They're very powerful but they're bound by the curse that'll reset their powers and memories once the contract with their bearers ended. So yeah they started off with clean slate, but they can choose to remember 1 person by keeping 1 sentimental thing from the person they really don't want to forget. For Taz it's his nipple rings haha He got it from another Demon that he loves. You'll find them soon Portions of lost memories and abilities will be restored by 'The Rites', ancient Demonic ritual that allows the nine to regain their power. Basically it's a duel with another Demon, winner gets power back :) A Demon serves generations of bearers, mostly in times of war. Q2 About his strength I'd say...He could bench about 10 times his bodyweight and that could increase as he gets stronger down the line. For shapeshifting there's only a handful of forms he can do. I'd say some beast form, flying, aquatic, travelling like druids from WoW XD Q3 Yes he does enjoy his body XD In the Demonverse, a lot of folks revere Demons as gods. Taz is worshipped for many things such as strength, confidence, and fertility haha It's a blessing to get down with him. For his motivation he isn't really ambitious about it. The Demons live as long as the Earth...Practically immortal so Taz's motive is to gain his power and memories, along with training and helping generations of Demon bearers, while enjoy life as much as possible before he went into long slumber Q4 Right now there are currently Humans and Demons in the Demonverse but there will be some mentions of other beings that predates them XD Also the antagonists from another realm might bring in some new species :)


Down to get down with him. It would be an honor 👀 fertility you say. 🦦💦


It's really awesome to get a glimpse at the lore of the Demonverse. It seems there is a lot more to it than we currently know, which I enjoy a lot! If the memory loss can be prevented by serving generations of demon bearers, it also encourages the Nine to serve faithfully. Otherwise, the contract wouldn't be renewed and they lose all their accumulated power and influence. A really nice concept to keep them somewhat in check. That Taz keeps his nipple rings to remember another demon he loves is so sweet. And also really hot at the same time. So, is he as kinky as that makes him sound? 😈 Is there a reason why Taz is the only demon who gets down and dirty with those lowly humans, him being worshipped as a deity and all?


For kink and fetishes he's down for pretty much anything XD As for why he likes human I really don't know...yet hahaha