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I recently purchased The Boyz’ “Reveal” album and sat down to listen to the entire thing. I know some people were asking if I could do reviews or first listens to albums, but I don’t think I’m well versed enough in the technicalities of music production to make official reviews. So, I’m just going to put my thoughts here as a bonus for your subscription— especially since we’ve been watching Road To Kingdom. I may keep doing this as schedule permits with other albums :) Also format-wise, these are just random thoughts as I listened to the album for the first time.

Watch my album unboxing here. 



Overall Rating: 8/10

Disclaimer: I’m not a musician so I don’t review things from a technical perspective. I come from an artistic and consumer point of view.


  • Dramatic INTRO
  • SM Material??
  • Great use of Synth 
  • vocal is a great, smooth contrast to the harshness of the synth
  • Not a big enough bridge. It didn’t really go anywhere. Wish it extended somewhere. That last bit got too repetitive for me.



  • idk why but the vocals seem like they’re recorded too far back. It's not front and centre
  • great phrasing in the rap, great variation in delivery
  • I feel like I’ve heard this beat before though, not anything new?
  • The bridge was a bit of a let down. It was set up quite well but it didn’t push farther than I would’ve hoped for. There are some great vocals in there tho which is a shame. I feel like the instrumentation could’ve supported those more.


  • great pre-chorus
  • I like that whisper chorus shit going on—very chill. Great contrast to that darker rap tone. 
  • Vocals could be a bit more mysterious I feel like.
  • better story progression 
  • nice 'woohoo' falsetto parts near the end of the song


  • great smooth vocals
  • great drop
  • unexpected chorus (picks up a little bit) which makes this slower song not cheesy
  • love the conversation between the vocals and the instrumentation
  • Nice vocals!!
  • Didn’t mind the lack of a big bridge, had enough going on throughout the song to keep you engaged
  • Great variety in pace throughout the song


  • Nice cry in the vocals and harmonies
  • Nice change in the album. More of a vibrant feel, energy uplifting music
  • Quite normal story and music structure. More for easy listening
  • Can potentially be quite catchy cause of the chorus
  • Love the drop in pitch in the bridge
  • Very cool ending!


  • Have heard of this intro before. Very kpop
  • Something you’d get from Day6
  • Great falsettos
  • Easy listening as well
  • Very seductive vocals in the second verse
  • If it weren’t for the vocals, this would be a bit too generic for me
  • Great use of lower tones
  • Love that the vocals switched from falsettos to mixed chest voice


  • Yesss OST SHITTT type
  • GREAT BREAK in the album — adds versatility to the group
  • Their most vocally centric song on the album
  • Love the different layers in the vocals
  • Love the piano and simplicity of the instrumentation


  • Classy piano
  • Nice catchy melody in the melody
  • Second verse is quite generic — contrast to the originality of that chorus
  • Their saddest (emotionally) song on the album I feel like
  • OH DAMN THE RAP. NICE CHANGE. NICE journey into that last chorus
  • Oh damn that last bit of instrumentation. Ugh so classsyyy


Nice variety in music. It shows their craftsmanship and their skills are nicely shown off. Because if you’re gonna put out an album, you should showcase everything you’ve got. Every time. I like the different genres because these idols are not one sided. They have layers and layers in there. I like the latter half of the album more. Could be a taste thing. I do think that they needed a song with a bad-ass bridge and over the top latter half because if we're thinking of a group that can pull off EXTRA in their discography and performance, it's The Boyz. I feel like their concepts and choreography is an A+ but their song choices are more of a B+. They need to match their amazing concepts with their song choices. Nonetheless, I put a whole bunch of these songs on my playlist!

Visit my Spotify Playlist here. 



Condensed Milk

This album was as a whole very different for The Boyz, the first few tracks are a lot darker and heavier than the usual sound they go for. I highly suggest checking out their Dreamlike and The First albums if/when you get the chance!

mick mick mick

eric's verse in shake you down is the part that sells me the most. something about his voice on the "no wasting time, im on you la-la-like a brutal tiger" sounds amazing. I love seeing your thoughts on the album as a whole :) They have a couple live stages of salty, and scar / goodbye are unit songs! Scar is their more rap / hip -hop based with Sunwoo, Eric, Haknyeon, Juyeon and Changmin (Q) and Goodbye is their vocal track with the rest of the members :) ((Spring snow is easily in my top 5 favorites of the year though, its just... so good.))


OK but even in point form you're hilarious.