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Hi everybody! As you all know I lost my job a few months back. What you don't know is that  have been working towards a tribunal that is taking place tomorrow.

I have a very strong case for wrongful dismissal but these things are so very rarely black and white. I might win, I might not. It all depends on the frame of mind of whoever is handling the tribunal I guess.

If I win? Then my money worries are over as the payout will likely be at least 1 years salary. however if I lose I'll have to pay my solicitor's fees and costs. That will pretty much wipe me out.

It was a risk going to Tribunal but I can't let my employers get away with how they treated me without a fight. I'm just not the type of girl to let some fucker walk over me ;)

Needless to say this means this week has been emotional to say the least and try as I might I'm finding it hard to keep up with my updates so this is just a heartfelt request to bare with me.

I hope to get this week's updates out on the weekend as usual, I really do! I'm working as fast as my fractured little heart will let me but if I can't get it out on time, please bare with me just a couple of days longer as I finish off the workload

One way or another this will be over by tomorrow and I'll be able to move on and get back to making some more filthy femme-fight action for you lovely people!

Fingers crossed I'll be back to doing this to fun and sexual thrills! And not to make enough money to stay alive :p

Love to you all

Gemma Rox xxx


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