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Howdy, folks! ToTellStories here on behalf of OnCallGM, who is currently indisposed with what might be a kidney stone! PRAY TO CRAWDADIMUS FOR HIM

Back in the early development days for Rotgrind, OnCall had the idea of including a Patreon incentive that would allow patrons to write bloodstain messages that the party could find on maps to interact with. While the idea didn’t work out (because your brilliant complications already derail the players enough, Storm bless ‘em), he still wanted to find a way to incorporate one of the iconic elements of the games into our Soulsborne-inspired setting. This way, the players can still Try Finger But Whole (but it might just eat them as a result).

Thanks for your ongoing support, patrons - it means so much to the whole team that you love what we do.

-- ToTellStories

You can find all of our content in our big master post thread!


In this post you will find all of our content! Either past content from previous campaigns we're legally allowed to share, an excel sheet of all the PDFs we've made(give it a bit to update when a PDF just released pls), and everything else in between!

If you ever have any problems or need assistance, please direct message us!

May your rolls be 20s and your life always be a critical success!

- The Narrative Declaration Team



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