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Hello, Hulky here!

Today, I’m elated to get to bring you a new supplement that’s been in the works for some time. While I can’t pretend to be versed in starting monsters or GM-ing, as someone prone to getting lost in thought dreaming up every manner of beast and baddie, I was excited to get the opportunity to develop a whole supplement worth of things for Rotgrind! In the vein of previous releases like Baldric’s Guide to Guerrilla Alchemy, we wanted to have something themed to that arboreal amalgam, Rehua — a bestiary of the multitudinous environs of Tyne. Thematically appropriate for our current arc, this release is a bestiary of the Swamps of The Solitude, chock-full of creatures and items to terrorize your players with and help build your own stores in the world of Tyne and beyond.

For me? I’m a simple man. I love the mystery of undiscovered words — the unknown and unknowable, the idea of “strangers in a strange land”. This theme was the crux of this supplement, particularly so through the lens of a character so woefully virginal of his knowledge of society yet endlessly fascinated by the natural world beyond. I went into this with the hope of giving you a naturalist perspective on an otherwise terrifying word and building upon the fantasy with explorations of monsters as the animals they are at their core.

While these guides are intended to expand on the truly wide and wonderful world we’re creating in our travels and travails, they’re also love-letters to the elements of fictions and role-playing games we all have come to love, and now get the chance to bring that back to you, the supporters and fans.

Thanks to Thurston and Jamie, Zoran, and our incredibly talented artists who helped bring these wilderness denizens from mad scribblings on paper to fleshed-out and beautifully rendered creatures that can actually live (if you may call it that) in this world of our creation. I hope you will enjoy seeing and using them as much as I did creating them.

In the spirit of the holiday this weekend for our American friends and followers, we give this and a colossal thank you to all of you for your enduring support and enjoyment. 

Happy (late) Thanksgiving from the Narrative Declaration team, and we’ll see you all back in the Swamps soon. I’ll be comatose from roasted Ferroraptor and stuffing until then.  - Nick (@HulkyKrow)

You can find all of our content in our big master post thread!


In this post you will find all of our content! Either past content from previous campaigns we're legally allowed to share, an excel sheet of all the PDFs we've made(give it a bit to update when a PDF just released pls), and everything else in between!

If you ever have any problems or need assistance, please direct message us!

May your rolls be 20s and your life always be a critical success!

- The Narrative Declaration Team



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