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It's your ursine disaster, ZoranTheBear, here to inform you about everything we're doing!

Holiday Break!

We are going on holiday break starting December 11th, 2022. So no new episodes will be coming out after December 10th's episode. We will be back in early January 2023 with more!

We've been busting our bums off every day, and we wanted to dedicate our Christmas holiday to our loved ones and rest our brains (and fingers), so next year, we're well-rested and ready to kick butt with all of you!

There will be a Rotgrind and Rotgoons episode in December, and the Abomination Vaults VODs will go out on Youtube throughout December(If I get em setup in time).

There will be two PDF releases for those wondering if there will be any PDFs coming out in December! So no worries on that front! If anything I will be releasing the assets and such from the Rotgoons campaign.

Podcast Update

For most people, you probably didn't notice anything change with the podcasts. Encase something did change for you, know that we've changed Podcast hosts and are currently getting the episodes on most of your favorite platforms to listen on.

You will also be seeing Rotgoons and the Abomination Vaults podcast versions uploaded soon, so be sure to check our master post or pay attention to our Discord announcements when it's all uploaded.

(Here are the current podcast pages that should link to where the podcast is hosted on their pages)

WarHams 40K
WarHams Fantasy
Abomination Vaults podcast will happen at some point I'm sorry I suck it takes so long ;(

If you see any listings look all messed up or the episodes don't align right, please let us know!

Early Access VOD Update

We asked people to vote if they would still prefer unlisted Youtube links for early access to the videos or if people would be okay with the new Patreon video player. 

The straw poll got few votes, but those who did vote leaned in favor of using the Patreon video player, so people who share the exclusive VODs can't do so anymore. So if you stop seeing the unlisted youtube links, this is why!

Thank you all so much for your fantastic support. We're kicking so much ass, and we here at Narrative Declaration are excited for the new year!

May your rolls forever be 20s, and your days always be a critical success!

- ZoranTheBear and the ND Team

I will be streaming on Twitch on and off in December. So feel free to stop by, say hi, and ask about the show if I'm in a position to do so!

Also, will be experimenting with some exclusive Patreon content for everyone who is a Patron! Super interested to see how folks like it!




More than earned the rest and vacation, lol!