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Sorry for the type of ending with this episode. Odoroshi's apartment complex had a water main burst while Speaker D was visiting her apartment during his home move. They are now fine!

Thank you all so much for watching the first episode of Rotgrind!

For those who don't know and haven't read our previous big update posts, the first 5 Episodes will go out for free unrestricted until we reach the 6th. The 6th episode onward all VoDs and edited versions of the vod will be up here first as soon as I humanly can get to it.

It's explained in detail in our content guide post here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/61803644 

Attached you'll find the MP3 file of the episode as well. This is a slightly edited mp3 of the VoD. The highly edited version will be on podcast platforms later.

Thank you for your support!


Rotgrind Patreon Vod Ep 2


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