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Hi friends!

Work over the 'Library Story' is in full swing! Now we are engaged in the system of changes of Belle's appearance depending on her parameters. Different breasts size, clothing, hairstyle, etc. This is a very interesting part of the game, but we are faced with quite predictable problem.

The fact is that if we change Belle's appearance in each scene, then it will take a long time for repainting of all this scenes. More exactly - veeery looong time. :D. And the more episodes will be added into the game, the more repaintings will be needed for all these scenes and hence the more amount of work will be spent for changing of clothes. Since we work with Latissa together, there are the next options: either to work out all kinds of clothing for each scene but it will automatically mean the less amount of new quests and art (because repainting of clothes in each scene will take lots of time), or to add new content (quests and art) but remain her usual clothes in big scenes and episodes (but other appearance stuff (breasts size, hairstyle or make up) perhaps will be changed).

In addition, the necessity to work out a different look for Belle in every scene, severely limits possible diversity, because in this case Latissa would have to deal with only costumes... Taking into account that these dozens of clothes are needed for every big scene!..

At the same time, we can easily make a huge variety of Belle's outfits (and not only Belle) in the dialogs. Because all dialogs sprites are all fitted to the same standard (unlike big scenes for each quest with different chars poses). But on the other hand, it is rather strange, if Belle in dialogue will be with huge tits and revealing dress, but in the scene for the same quest - with her standard dress and usual figure.

There is still another option - to make each scene in this way that it would be actual just for one kind of Belle's clothing. For example, at home she always wears her home dress, in the town changes another dress, in the forest - wears sweater, etc. But this is also not the best option, because not all scenes might be adjusted to such a format. Besides, we've conceived some changes of the appearance within the same outfit (for example, to her usual dress may be added necklines, cut-outs, corset, etc.)

In general, we are now in the thoughts about how to solve this problem related with great amount of work for outfit changes.

In fact, now there are 3 basic options:

1) Not change Belle's appearance within one definite outfit (means necklines, cut-outs, more short skirt, corsets etc.). So her outfits will be changed in such way that there will no situations in which her clothes may look different depending on various parameters. We believe this the worst option as it eliminates an interesting mechanic (but it's also the easiest option).

2) Change Belle's appearance just in the dialogs and status window. Big scenes will not be changed - considering this as conventionality. In our opinion this is the best option that most unties our hands. But, of course, it also has some obvious disadvantages. Perhaps, in this case, can be partial changes of Belle's appearance in scenes (eg - hair style, breast size, make-up...) But the complete changes of outfit (in big scenes) is not out of the question.

3) Change Belle's appearance in the dialogues, status, as well as in all big scenes. This greatly reduces the number of options for her possible outfits, also slows down speed of game development and reduces the number of big scenes in general. In terms of amount of the work it is the worst option. But Belle's views will be the same as all over the art in the game.

Perhaps we could first use the option number 2, and then gradually refine the art to option 3. But it will take tons of time and effort just for completion of ready-made and already viewed big scenes. Is it worth for such efforts?

In the near future we will decide what to do with this situation. But we are also interested in your opinion! What is more important for you: the number of Belle's outfits and her shape? Reality (coincides of Belle's view in big scenes and dialogues)? Or this is not so important at all, and the main thing is as much as possible scenes, quests and different situations? Vote, please, for one of the three options.

Thank you, guys!



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