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Hello friends!

I'm interested in the question: what do you think if our games will be not only for PC and Mac, but also for Android / iOS? I had thought that it would be good to release demo version of the LS both - on PC and Android... But then I considered that I can spend this additional time for some new events... Or better testing. Or searching for additional sounds. 

In general, I want to know your opinion about:

How important is for you to play our games on the Android / iOS?

And options:

1. It's very important and must be done first;

2. It's important, but can be postponed for the future. Especially if you have opportunity to add new content instead;

3. It's not very important - it can wait for later;

4. It doesn't matter. Enough versions for PC/Mac.

Of course, your comments are welcomed!

Thank you for participating in this poll!
