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Greetings, patreon comrades!

Time for the weekly report from our team.

Tech Department

Remastered IQ demo is 80-85% complete. Now we’re polishing what needs to be polished and catching the most wicked and cunning bugs. And they are the most wicked and cunning for sure, as they managed to survive until this day! We even feel a little sorry, as we got used to them very much).

Of course, this isn’t the most interesting information. But these are the days of our tech department. As compensation, you can check out the header image for some cool outfits made by our art department. ^__^

Art Department

They’ll have a chance to check them in the game.) The main thing is they’re completed.

In fact, there was a lot of good outfit ideas for the remastered demo. Some of them were even TOO good. It would be a waste to use them before the full release. So, we just added an opportunity for Iris to wear the costumes already present in the demo.

Ah yes, also we added the combat sprite of Iris wearing ripped clothes to the game  (previously it has been shown only during dialogs). 

And that’s about it for now. See you!




Доброго времени суток. Среди нас очень много русского комьюнити которое не в ладах с английским, просьба пожалуйста переводите на русский язык новости. Заранее спасибо