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Greetings, comrades!

Right now, we’re actively working on the Iris Quest combat improvements (despite rapidly approaching holidays). Yes, we’re speaking of the combat from the first demo, which you’ve already seen… And if you haven’t, now is a good time: https://www.patreon.com/posts/snake-games-news-23242626

As usual, we have a whole lot of new ideas, plans, mechanics… Debates, discussions, and everything that follows. But we suddenly thought, that we’re adjusting this combat especially for you, patreon comrades. So why don’t we ask you what exactly do you want to see in it? Now is the best time for proposals, because once the work on the basic combat module is done, it will be harder to make any corrections.

So… That’s right, comrades, we’re waiting for your proposals about the Iris Quest combat. Anything: the mechanics of HP and defense (this question is on the agenda right now), boss system, UI remarks, skills, lewd content you want to see during the fights… Don’t hesitate in telling us.

Of course, we won’t necessarily use all these ideas. Or we might use their reworked versions. Or your idea will just help us to think in right direction. Believe us, all these things are very important too. In any case, it should be fun.

As usual, write your suggestions in comments, PM or post them to Discord. Let’s make IQ combat ideal together (or just have a good laugh instead ^__^).

Let’s go!




A fun idea would be some transformations like spells that makes your enemies breasts bigger so they can´t fight as well as before hand or other kinds like that.


after playing a few times, there needs to be some more control. With the limited paths, after playing it a couple times, it became a little boring rolling and watching each turn play out. It becomes a "roll the dice and see what our awesome engine does!", which I agree is amazing and I cannot imagine how difficult it was to code. But as a player, after the second playthrough, It is'nt fun to sit though a board game that the game has 95% of the control. It becomes a slightly interactive movie that I press "roll" on. If it only took 5 minutes to get through, i wouldn't mind as much, but it takes a while to get through a match. If you end up with the same ending 2 times in a row, you lose your will to try again since it took so long, and you have very little control over the outcome. Just my opinion


Ähem click the rocks?? Try it and have fun.