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We did it because you have asked us many times.

We created the Discord server of our studio.

In fact, we are not even sure whether we need it or not. Would it be of any use? Would it help us to communicate with the players or just distract us from the work? Would we expand or just abandon it? Only the time and practical use of this thing could answer these questions.

And for now:


We decided not to create a whole lot of channels yet. But instead, in some kind of a poetic impulse we have given them the location names from “Iris Quest”. Hm… And now we probably need to explain what’s up here…


PALACE. That’s an epic name for a category dedicated to the work of our little studio and all its projects.

It has the following channels:

Royal Edicts. Here we’ll try to post the development news and announcements, and this is the place to discuss them.

Laboratory. The place for everything related to the projects in development. Now it’s the episode one of “Iris Quest”.

Harem.The proposals and discussions of potential heroines for our games (both the “guest starts” and original characters) is a very important matter. So, we decided to create a separate channel for that.

Gallery. As you might guess, it’s a channel for both official and fan art for the projects.

TREASURY. Here we’ll put everything we have completed. The names of the channels correspond to finished project parts. We think, you can figure them out yourselves.

MARKET SQUARE. Just like any other square, it’s the main public place. Here you can discuss anything not directly related to the projects of the studio.

For now, it has only two channels:

Tavern. Well, it’s a tavern. You can speak of anything you want here. Any topic is good. No limitations, just try to avoid knife fights.

Brothel. The place for in-depth discussion of the works of ‘adult’ genre. Both the games and everything else.

Make yourself at home.

Everybody’s here!

There is the second event which should have happened a long time ago. Our localization dept., aka press dept., aka QA dept., aka comrade Wolfcub finally created his Patreon page!

Maybe he won’t post beautiful art like our art dept. (DAHR). Or he won’t give you as many downloadable games as our tech. dept. (Xaljio). But he is the man who gives patreons not speaking great Russian language an opportunity to play our games, read our announcements, watch our streams and understand the streamer, participate in our events (e.g., in Russian part of the Discord server).

So, we’re asking our English-speaking comrades to value all his enormous work in a freaking dollar at least (in Russian rubles it would be… hm… one ice cream).

This is it for now. Enjoy.


Wolfcub is creating translations | Patreon

Hi there. My name is Wolfcub and I'm mostly creating translations for the good stuff produced by Snake Games Studio. Well, "studio" is rather strong word for it. It mainly consists of DAHR and Xaljio. And I'm translating the results of their collaboration from Russian to English.


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