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Greetings, our patreon comrades.

In the last newsletter we have asked your opinion on a couple of questions. And now we’re going to continue asking.

But first…

The summary

1) Well, now we can say for sure that the myth about a particular “pony” always outrunning the others in “The Goblins’ Curse” is busted!

The poll didn’t produce any obvious favorites. Moreover, Chel won it with minimal margin, and she has been complained about the least. And Velma known as ‘the cheater’ this time has finished the last.

So, now we can say it for certain. If one of the three beautiful runners always wins on your machine, this is the will of the Great Random (or some local settings of your computer). We have nothing to do with it!)

2) Thank you for your “guest-start” proposals for “Iris’ Quest”. Basing on them (as well as our memory and knowledge about pop-culture heroines), we have created a list of… give us a moment to count… 170 potential candidates!

It doesn’t mean, though, that you’ll meet the whole 200 characters within our game. It would be an insane amount of work for us! And the result would be an awful mess with each girl barely having a single picture and a few lines of text.

But now we have a long list of candidates, and we won’t hesitate using as much names from it as our resources allow!

And the new tasks

It is no secret that the action of “Iris Quest” (as well as “Princess Trainer”) takes place in some magic middle eastern city slightly resembling Disney’s Agrabah (© Disney)

And in Trainer that city was already filled with a number of peculiar locations. Taverns, palaces, pleasure houses, shops, dirty back alleys...

Obviously, we took that list into account and already slightly expanded it (and also changed it ‘a bit’). But, as they say, there’s no limit to perfection!

So, here’s a question for you, our fellow patreons and sympathizers.

Which new appropriate and interesting locations do you think would fit nicely into our game (of this particular genre) and our magic city?

We have already spent quite a time thinking about it and came up with lots of stuff. But you can never have too many good ideas. So, we’re eager to hear all your proposals.

Which low places and interesting hotspots do you want to visit in our “Agrabah”™?

*sits down and prepares to take notes*

To battle!

Our next work goal is the first episode of “Iris’ Quest”. But it doesn’t mean that you won’t have anything interesting to play before its release.

“The Goblins’ Curse” taught us a good lesson, so we’ll be scared of the idea to “create a small part of the game and release it to entertain the patreons” for a long time.

But because we are already working on the game combat engine, our technical department decided to tweak it a bit, add it to the very first “Iris’ Quest” demo (hey, old-timers, do you remember it?) and release it for you, dearest patreons, to check out.

Such an approach won’t hold the art department’s work on the first episode and would allow to improve and test the game combat before its release.

So, stay tuned!

That’s it for now. Have a good week!




Thanks for the detailed update! I look forward to hearing more about the progress! I think it would be awesome to incorporate the hiding place of the Genie Lamp or the Thieves Den from the Aladdin: King of Thieves movie, or perhaps Jafar’s Palace


I'm sad that you were deterred from releasing mingames! I'm sorry people can be so disagreeable. As for a new location, one thing I like the idea of is a goblin blacksmith who Iris can fool around with to get better prices...