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Not gonna lie, this part was quite difficult due to the sheer amount of words Zoe says in such a short time frame! I'm still not fully satisfied with the animation and will have to tweak some things a little more before including this part in a more polished playblast by the end of the month! For now I wanted to give you another small preview of the banter between our vixen and the hero, which is ever so slightly breaking the 4th wall! But who knows, perhaps both are already aware they're in a videogame. After all there's a larger story arc behind this!

I'm considering to decrease the animations speed by roughly 10% and might make some adjustments to that last expression, which to me seems a little off. The character animation was done to the voice clips I got from Gen, so I might have to slow down that particular line as well, which was likely a little too fast in the first place. Oh well, February is short, so apologies for things still being a little rough, I'll make sure to have this part improved by the end of the month and some more dialogue added to the end!




Cinder Flash

I love that line so much

Michael Lee Vogel

I think zoe is having lots of fun breaking the 4th wall.

Simone Wolfeh

The lipsyncing, even without hearing the dialogue, looks fantastic! Keep it up!

Khaki Chan

You had posted during or just after developing the Zoe Noms U 2 project where you had said that because hand-animating the mouth movements for the talking scenes had taken so long and was so complicated, you'd do less of them in future animations. Despite that, aside from the few shorts which had very limited or no talking, you've been gradually adding increasingly lengthy dialogue scenes with each new project. Now, I'm not complaining; It just struck me as odd that you made this statement and then very quickly spun around and did the polar opposite.


Personally, I think it's good that there's a story in those animations. If it wasn't there, it would still be about Zoe eating someone. And that would get tired in time.


Thanks so much! I'll make sure to post it with the dialogue later this month, once it's a little more polished. (:

Miyagawa Ketsueki

I didn't think it could get any better than "How DARE you skip my cutscene!?" lol


Oof, I hate to be "that guy" but this line doesn't seem to make sense to me, are there other lines that make its meaning more clear? Also, I STILL really like the Halloween animation, for what that's worth lol.


In videogames, characters usually T-Pose off-camera shortly before they appear in a scene, and this is basically a nod to that. There's a larger arc to why they're seemingly aware of being in a videogame, but that's something I haven't planned on revealing until the final episode. Also glad to hear you liked that animation! Maybe one day I'll do another more spooky one, hah!


Welp! New playblast will be posted in 2 - 3 days! Had to pause animating for a few days last week to make a deadline on another project. Guess I'd have just made it during a regular month, but February is always a bit short. Many apologies for the delay! ;-;


Just out of curiosity, when do you think you'll have the whole project done? I'm not very good at finding estimates when people write them places. Sorry to be a bother.