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Preview with voice over: Link 

Here's a more polished playblast of the last sequence that has been extended with some more animation! Character lighting/shading are of course not final and were just quickly set up for this playblast. Also make sure to not pay too much attention to N64 world in the background, I'm using a lot of in-production for blocking and reference points. The entire stage will be replaced with the forest environment I showed last month for the final render. 

Thanks to my new graphics card I should be able to post previews with full fur shading a little more often. In this case I wanted to see how her new dynamic fur behaves with the wind controller when she's actually animated. So far it looks pretty well, but there's still some work to be done on her fur, as I'm aiming to give it a semi-wet look from the drizzle.

Note that we finally finished recording all the lines for this episode, so from here I'll just be animating until my hands fall off! As always, thanks so much for your incredible support during these harsh times! I'll make sure to have more previews next month! <3



Cinder Flash

Just saying 100% I love her voice

Gil Laboy

Anyone else in that situation wouldve said youre my gf😭🤣

Gil Laboy

I might have to be subbed in coacn🤣

Meddwynn Ravencroft

it's only a playblast, and yet you have me falling for Zoe all over again with that brief dialogue. &lt;3

Mircea Kitsune

She's being awesome as always.


Oh, he's gonna regret saying that lol.

Benjamin Jenyns

I love the dynamic these two have with each other all so can still see this as a insanely overly cumulated dating sim just saying


I am so looking forward to this! The animation, expressions, wonderful voice work- let's be honest Cake, you could easily build a movie at this rate!


You're art is amazing. Can't wait for this. The pov shots looking out from inside the maw are always on point. Hoping for some uvula grab play potentially

Brian Graham

As always, very impressive. Thank you for your hard work.


I adore that "aww", just the mix of surprise, disappointment a slight hurt at the flat no just really hits

Maxime Potier

There's so much happening with all the details in her facial animation, it's really impressive ^^ The head tilt, the eyes, the slight smile, the frown coming near the end with the eye focusing back to the "prey"... Anyone can tell there's hours of work and planning to make it look this good and expressive. ^^

Michael Lee Vogel

Loving this cake. Keep up the phenomenal work

Charles J Burgess

Did she get done terrorizing that village at 11? And what of the merchant? Did she spare him? I think I know the answer to the 2nd question 😁


Only a friend? You damn fool!


Can we get more of a evil side of Zoe, like she eats him but doesn’t feel like really letting him out she feels more like eating him for real cause of what she said


Can't say I like that idea. Perhaps 'teasing' rather than 'evil' is a better term. I like seeing her being playful but I know she could be horrible if hurt.


That’s more a less what I was getting at


Super happy you noticed! It's especially these little nudges that take a lot of tweaking, as it only takes being off by one or two frames for things to look strange and uncanny. (: