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Render prep for the new animation is almost done, which means that I'm planning to start rendering tomorrow! Throughout the last weeks I've been improving the animation, revising the entire environment, got rid of all the remaining bugs, optimized the per-frame render times and exported a draft render version of the film for the voice actors and the sound design I'll be doing later on!

To my surprise, the time of the draft render version already clocked in at 7-minutes, already making this the longest running animation yet. Considering I'm still animating about six scenes for the extended version it's not unlikely that this one might end up somewhere around 10 minutes. Phew... guess there really wasn't a whole lot else to do during the quarantine. This run time sounds quite awesome in theory, though I'm afraid it might make rendering this film in a somewhat timely manner a bit of a challenge, especially so at 60FPS. Right now it's difficult to give a clear estimate on how long the total render time will be, but considered there are already over 25.000 frames to grind through it will likely be longer than anything before that. The lengthy Halloween animation for example only had a meager 7.500 frames in comparison, but that one was also rendered at only 30FPS. Should this film take over a month to render then I might do a little swap and push out a new mini animation next month to shorten the waiting time a little. That's only in case that rendering will take an obscene amount of time whatsoever!

Feel free to enlarge these 4K pictures and zoom in all the way, as the detail still holds up with everything completely blown up. I've replaced every photo-scanned asset in the close vicinity with its high poly source file. Of course I reduced their poly count a little to optimize the render time, as I realized that not every asset needs to necessarily have over a million triangles. These photo scans are all from the Megascans library by the way, which was also heavily used in the Unreal Engine 5 demo during yesterday's PS5 showcase.

In addition to better assets I've also made sure to completely rework the ground and cliff textures for the custom objects I've made, including an overhaul of the background landscape, which now has proper texturing, as well as efficient custom billboard trees that make it look a little less barren! Oh, and look at all this new vegetation as well!

The following target renders are quickly put together to show what Zoe looks like in the environment with her full fur density. I've made it so the quantity of her fur is reduced when she's a little further away from the camera to cut down the render time a bit. Sadly I didn't manage to implement the claws I've made for her, as it would have required to redo her entire hand rigs, which would've also required me to animate her fingers all over again for the entire animation. Ah well, something to do for next time. I've however managed to include paw pads that make a nice contrast with her furred parts whatsoever. At least one thing that worked without having to do any major changes!

As mentioned, rendering will likely start tomorrow! I have rented a RTX 2080Ti, and another RTX 2070S that is my own to get the job done, even though the later card will probably just sit around and do nothing during the first weeks, as the external graphics card box I've ordered for my laptop weeks ago was now delayed indefinitely, likely due to Corona O'Brien. As always, I'll let you know how things are progressing! Expect some render clips and possibly 60FPS sequences throughout the upcoming weeks. And once again, thanks for sticking around during these tough times! ;w;

Omnomnom! O:<




oof I hate waiting but for this it's so worth every day of waiting!!!


Maybe not quite there yet, but hopefully one day! ;w;

Daniel Sullivan

Cant wait! Also, for your next animation you outta do something simple like just have her gobbling up various things one after another (fruit, fish, random small critters).


Yeah, definitely going for something more simple after this! I have to admit that things have gotten a little out of hand with this film.


This is magnificent. I don't wanna pressure you or anything, but with optimal conditions, when is the soonest it'll be finished?


Here’s to wishing the best of luck to you :) And stay safe!


Huzzah! Can't wait to see the final product.


I swear I'm not a furry... But HOLY SHIT YOUR WORK IS AMAZING!!! Am I allowed to make this an exception?


Under absolutely optimal conditions I'd say 4 - 5 weeks! But even then it would mostly be a preview version that still has a few scenes, and maybe some audio missing.


Me neither actually! Putting these render targets together was already quite exciting~!


Haha, I think you can, but I'm certain it will start to corrupt you as well! :D

Pixel terabyte

Holy shit, this is why I love your content so much, the dedicated for details, story and the main vore content you put in is just so amazing,


Oh god, I don't know if I'm prepared for that! Definitely won't stop me from seeing work although, that's for sure!


Oh wow... Only one month to go! Maybe... But still!! I'm excited! It looks so damn good! All the little details... I'm shocked that you havnt been hired to make a legit TV show/movie! It's better quality then some shows I've seen, that's for sure!


Oh boy ! The quality thats INSANE !! It's devilishly so precise, very good job ! How is your health ? Take care of yourself^^


that maw~ uffh amazing

Jade B

Geez! Hoo boy, I can hardly wait!


"DAS BRIEFCASE OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE" Brilliant. XD Looking forward the finished product!


10 minutes long?! Jesus man you've been busy! I'm excited to see the finished product, hope you're well~

Mircea Kitsune

Looking great all the way ^_^


I am so excited for this