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Here's the free version of the animation! Phew... this one has probably been the most elaborate thing I've ever animated here. I've already had some small snippets of Zoe talking in one of the more recent animations, but this new POV project was done after a lengthy script and has Zoe talking for almost the entire animation! The film was planned to be released quite a bit earlier, which has me admitting that I've underestimated the time that goes into hand-animating speech quite a bit. There was certainly the point where I considered drastically cutting down the script, but in the end I managed to pull through with the entire animation!

1080p/30FPS: Link 

So far the feedback on Zoe babbling away has been pretty positive. I have to admit that I might still go back to smaller phrases in the future, mainly due to the amount of work that goes into animating these long sentences. Big thanks to Hestia for lending Zoe her voice in this animation! Think this film would've never been possible without her, so make sure to send her some love! https://www.patreon.com/voiceofHestia042 

Note that this is an extended version of the animation with a few additional scenes. I've been aware of the recent leak and always find it a little difficult to comment on these, safe for saying that it only adds more stress to an already swamped schedule and takes away a lot of the enjoyment of publicly releasing these animations. Since this is getting a little common, I'm preparing a few measurements for the future, which will likely result in copyright strikes. So there's a heads up for channels that have a lot of videos under their hood!



I like the idea :p


Dude what an upgrade! It's uncanny how Hestia's voice fits Zoey.


Amazing work mate! Keep it up.


Those freaking Yoshi sounds… XD


Great job keep up the great work

Mircea Kitsune

So wonderful and incredible once more. Thank you! I'm glad there exists someone in this world doing something so amazing in this genre.

Vampire king

I did it but i delted it a hour later,relizing im basicly causing you to lose money,im sorry

Baz Yat (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-18 18:13:47 I always report content like that. It stops people producing good-quality animations >.<
2019-07-25 15:56:10 I always report content like that. It stops people producing good-quality animations >.<

I always report content like that. It stops people producing good-quality animations >.<


Yo, I know I'm probably not a contributing Patreon, but perhaps I could suggest that the third Noms U involves indigestion? Zoe eats one too many minis and gets a stomachache.


Impressive. Althrough, in the minute 0:52 I will like that Zoe touch the glass with the finger. And, when I see the miniature that she grab the cup, (I think that she grab the camera) I like in the minute zero. I can't stop the watch more the hand that the mouth.


An excellent animation that is worth being complimented! Thank you for this animation of irreproachable quality, I did not expect such a video. Your work is sublime, and your performance is exemplary. :)

Buck Toothed Monkey

what is the death from above vore comic I saw at the end of the video.

Andrea Alviani

I Always wondered if the tiny was digested in the end