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Here's the extended version of the new animation! This one features an additional 3rd person gulp, as well as a post-credits scene. Both were originally planned for this animation, but scrapped for the initial release to get it done in a somewhat timely manner. I sadly didn't find the time to animate a burp, but I'll make sure to have that in a future animation. For now I hope you enjoy this extended version of the probably most elaborate piece yet!

1080p/60FPS: Link 

1080p/30FPS: Link 

Note that I read all the feedback on this current film and will try my best to improve on a few points for future films! I might not be able to bend myself to fulfill every request, but I'll certainly try to work on some fundamentals. For now I'm glad the animation was so well received, as I always stress out about all the imperfections and things that could've been improved on before the release.

60FPS versions are going to follow soon! Might take up to 24h, as I somehow can't remote login into my home workstation anymore and only have my laptop with me to encode these videos, so encoding might be a little slow! In addition to that I'll have all the MEGA links send out once all the versions are up!

Quality Info

1080p: h.264 (16 - 40Mbit/s); 1920x1080; 8-bit Color




That was a cute post-credits scene. I love seeing predators interact with their prey, especially when said prey is... less than grateful.

Vampire king

Yes the post credit seen was great,but i net someone will post this video there too

Vampire king

Also you forgot to add the last one to the video libary

Meddwynn Ravencroft

Wait, was that last bit of text at the end of the after credits scene an actual intention, or just a tease? o.O;


I don't think Zoe's prey liked that villain name that much. XP


nice digestion scene :D

Richard Blake

Don't think that's a Digestion scene, but I would've liked it there was one included.

Richard Blake

Still not entirely swayed by Zoe's choice of teasing in this one. But the animation is still very nice. What are your plans for Zoe Noms u 3? Different setting or including different themes of Vore?


The 3rd one is supposed to have a completely different setting, yas! Most likely outside in the city during rain like in that little back alley comic I did a few years back. But I'll share more on that later! (:


Very happy to see this! I hope you’re doing well regarding how busy you said you were previously.


LOVE the after credits scene! Her expression! To be honest, I could happily watch something that was focused mostly on that and be very happy


Don’t know why, but zoey looked like she had thinning hair up front. Maybe give her a slightly fuller or longer hairstyle? That being said, loved her dialogue and the end sequence. Also, would you ever consider doing more characters, or custom ones? Or is it just easier to focus on Zoe for the time being? (Who is an excellent character that I like a lot, and hope to see her in more content in the future)


I noticed a bit of audio corruption near the end of the in-stomach bit on the 60fps version; there’s noticeable crackling. Just giving a heads-up, but do whatever’s most important to you!

Samuel Martin

My god, the Marvel movie stinger at the end. Well now I won’t be satisfied until I see Zoe chowing down with seventeen other preds.