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Wow, Zoe has no manners talking with her mouth full! :c

Here's the final playblast showing one of the last scenes, I still need to put the environment back in place, so apologies for the plain white background for now! I'm preparing to start polishing the entire animation, which I'm hoping to get done this weekend so I can move to rendering soon! I might be able to show the first early render playblasts late next week, so you can get an idea of how everything looks with fur and all the fancier effects rendered out. I still haven't checked what the runtime is, but it should come out somewhere north of 2 minutes! Can't provide an exact number yet since I tend to do a bit of editing later on in the process. I'm also considering adding another scene, which is more of an optional "if there's still time" thing though. While this renders I need to focus on another critical project, which I'm hopefully getting done exactly during this animation's rendering, fingers crossed!




You're doing great, either way!

michael brookins

I want to see this so bad, and id love to see more of zoes teading in later projects!


This scene makes me think of that one scene in 'Dragon Heart.'


I really wish there was audio on this gif 😢 oh well I'm sure time will fly by

Jade B

I can hardly wait! <3


will there be internal belly scene?


Also what's the progress on the discord idea?


My God i can't wait for this! No matter how long it takes it's always worth it. Take your time =D

Edward Parrish

It really is true what they say: “people don't know what they want until you show it to them.”

Khaki Chan

Oh my goodness gosh that is a view right there

Harvey White

Oh boy. This reminds me of the dentist scene in little shop of horrors. Awesome!


Ooo~ So excited!


"I'm also considering adding another scene, which is more of an optional "if there's still time" thing though" You seem to enjoy releasing some "bonus content" after each of your big animations; maybe it'd be easier if you save the extra scene for the "bonus content" rather than forcing yourself to choose doing it now or never? :3 Your work always looks fantastic and I'm really excited to see this as well!


When will the Animation be Finnished? I actually can't wait .YEEE:33


Somewhere within the next month! Still rendering the test pass for Hestia to do the voice over. And same here! ;w;