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Good news! I just received two messages about my page regarding the review and things turned out positive. I got a notice that my page is fully functional again and my ticket got a reply from a Trust & Safety member that everything is good to go! I'm still a bit uncertain what they've been investigating, but for now I'm happy everything is back to normal! (:



Thank the stars. You're still my favorite Patron and I'd hate to see anything get deleted!



Mircea Kitsune

What most likely happened was trolls spamming the report button because they don't like what you do. There are groups of people who organize those sorts of things, and establish a certain hour at which they massively flag someone's account. In most of these cases you also see hate comments... perhaps they didn't bother here, or didn't have an account on the site? I know this since the same was done to me and other animators on Youtube last year. They mass-reported us so badly that it broke Youtube's automated filters, most of us had our channels randomly deleted and I just narrowly escaped. Thankfully Patreon actually verifies the reports in such cases, since they're competent people who actually care for their community.


Still can't say what was the cause. Maybe someone tried to prank me for april fools? Seeing this happen today seems a little suspicious. O:

Signe (dcvfgb1234)

So nothing ended up having to be removed? That's great news!


Great news! Patreon went overboard with messing with their clients, at least this one is not going through any trouble.


Awesome! What a relief.


crisis averted! Nice try jerks spamming the flag button. As if you’re reading this.


I was really worried, glad I waited before posting any sort of stressed out Patreon rant though, since things were resolved impressively quickly.

Daniel Sullivan

Probably the stereotype that all furries are porn and just saw a fox girl and went "hmm...." Despite i havnt even seen other people do Zoe in that fashion.


Thank goodness. I can't imagine how stressful that must have been. Glad everything worked out.

Khaki Chan

That is certainly good news


Woooo!! So happy~


obviously they didn't want to displease mistress Zoe

Richard Blake

That's good. Though, I was wondering. Are you planning on making more erotic vore-videos and then destributing them some other way? Or are you gonna remain on the straight and narrow with the videos/animations?


Nice! Glad to see you were luckier than me XD cant wait to see some more content! Would love to see somthing same size or close to that in the future like your resent one. I know it wouldent be common but would love to see somthing similar some Time :3

Baz Yat

Think it was an april fools?

Vampire king

hey can i have link to the latest video libary,i havent been asble to find it

Vampire king

Hey what do you use to make these animations


Apologies, I'm currently revamping the page a bit and must have broken it, will put it back on soon though!


Heya, Cake! Just gotta ask how the animation is coming along :> I'm really looking forward to the finished product


Just posted an update! Apologies for the delay, currently juggling a couple things, but the animation is pretty much on track! (:


I get this sort of stuff a lot. I run an amino for macro/micro and vore stuff and the amino staff like to keep reviewing us from time to time. It's cause these sort of things are heavily fetishised or are very close to fetish content so it all sits on a blurry line. I'm glad to see the review came out good though :)


Probably some asshole that thinks that if someone can get off to something, it's automatically X rated and went on a report binge