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Oh boy, this almost looks like GoPro footage...

Second version of the animation will be done soon! Took quite a while its time, mostly because there had to be a lot of tweaks being made to the actual animation for the POV sequences to work. There's going to be quite a few first person shots in this, even though it didn't work that well for every scene, for which I used alternative 3rd person angles instead.

Few effects missing here, mostly the breath and color grading, but that's currently being worked on!



KenCougr (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-26 06:40:32 あけましておめでとうございます。 本年も宜しくお願いいたします。 ありがとうございます、検討してみます。
2017-08-18 02:03:06 She is so cute. Even when she's devouring us. :)

She is so cute. Even when she's devouring us. :)


This looks amazing


When is the first animation going to be made available to the $5 patrons


MY GOD I'm glad you exist. BTW, if I ever win the lottery I'll send you quite a nice amount. Obviously will never happen but I swear I would if it ever does happen, lol. You, and 2 other artists =D


Free version is usually released roughly a month after release of the early access version! Should be somewhere around the 10th of next month I think.


No need to waste that much money on silly pastries, haha! I appreciate the kind thought though! <3


I can't wait to see the POV animation! Going to be so awesome!


Update: Voice actress did a re-recording of the samples with a professional mic, re-editing the sound and everything caused a slight delay, for that I'll make sure to update all the files with high quality voice samples. Currently rendering the 60FPS upscale and hoping to start posting the second camera version in 1 - 2 days, after that I'll update the first version. Once everything is final I'll send mails out to all patrons as well!