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And here's the new animation! This one is a continuation of the RAADD  Game Over animation mini series where we see Zoe gobbling up the game's  protagonist (or a look alike) in several ways! The environment stayed  the same, only that this time it's raining, causing Zoe's fur to be all  wet and shiny. While we saw Zoe enjoying herself in the first film, this  one instead focuses more on internal shots, accompanying the poor prey  on her journey down her gullet.

Unlike last time, Zoe's voice is provided by Hestia042  in this. She might be known to some for her vore audio clips over at  Eka's. Her voice is a bit more sinister, which I thought worked  extremely well with Zoe, but you can judge that for yourself!

1080p Quality

60FPS: Link 

30FPS: Link 

720p Quality

30FPS: Link  

Camera 2 with POV/close-up shots is coming in 1 - 2 weeks, stay tuned!  




Yes!!!!! Looks so good!




Love it, but I like laguna's voice better in my opinion.


60FPS versions will be added tomorrow! Encoding these takes a horrible amount of time, so I'll have to let this render over night.


Looks amazing! Looking forward to seeing the additional scenes too <3


Great stuff! The minute stomach wriggling/bumps at the end was a really great touch too, in my opinion. :D


omg omg omg... Haven't watched it yet, will do soon. I can't rush these things!


When I showed it internally most people thought they sounded really close to each other.


Happy you like! They might take up to two additional weeks, still a few problems I need to sort out before getting to the rendering, but I'll show some previews to pass the time! (:


Happy you noticed, wanted to have her tummy to displace a bit when she rubbed her hands together~


Your stuff is always worth the wait. Terrific, as always. =3


Compliments of the highest degree. Encore. Encore.

Daniel Sullivan

Such an amazing animation. You are going to be hard pressed to make a better or even decent alternate camera angle for this one as its awesome as it is! Also i love the open-mouth gulp!


This is absolutely breathtaking. The only thing I would suggest from here is to either invest in your assets (the voice actor) and buy her a better Mic, or suggest she buy a better one. The voice is a bit tinny at times, but listening through that, she does sound a lot like Laguna. I like her very much!


Of course you post this on the day I come back from the US. The animation is phenomenal like usual. I'm still being superstitious of how convenient you are posting these. Its too well,, every time I relax it gets posted. This is too perfect of timing.


After secluding myself in a closet away from people to watch the video by myself at night(still in the US), I have to say, the voicing does feel off. Although the animation was on point and fantastic, the voicing of "Zoe" just doesn't feel right. One thing is about the microphone, I can still here some sort of static or staleness in the voice when its being played. Because of that it breaks the immersion when it is heard with the interior mouth sounds. Second is voice itself, although in theory it would sound the same as the previous VA for Zoe, the VA for this one is much different with a different attitude. I really shows in this animation and it just doesn't sit well when you watch every other animation with Zoe. These are the opinions I have for this, otherwise, another great animation as usual.


The voice actress sent me a note that when she recorded the lines her computer accidently selected her build in laptop mic, rather than the professional microphone she had hooked up to the device. This obviously resulted in a huge loss of quality. Sadly the information came after the release of the film, so it was too late to have everything re-recorded from there. Note that Zoe was originally indended to have a lot of confidence and be rather audacious, which I think is translated very well from Hestia, I think it's just the low recording quality that keeps it from reaching its full potential.


Updated all files with new audio, including the high quality voice samples! (: