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Succession S4E6 (Living+) Full Length Reaction



And you are an ATN citizen

Joshua Doty

kendall drew a 1 in the sand. maybe referring back to logan calling him “my number one boy” in the s1 finale?


Matthew Macfadyen wow what a performance, everyone kills it in this show, but man those scenes with him and Sarah Snook are A+!


ok so i was so nervous and embarrassed for kendall but at the end i think he did great! somehow the pressure that karl and roman gave him ended up helping the presentation. i love the last scene!!! the show has shown that there's always a metophor/ subtext for every scene involving water and ken and here it feels like a baptism/being reborn


Kendalls just keeping his head above water, financially and emotionally

Scott Bennici

they were saying the presentation was well recieved even though it didn't really seem that way. I haven’t seen someone quite in tune with a character as Jeremy Strong is in a very long time.


For the first time in the show Kendall didn't break when his manic bubble burst, instead he powered though and got a win out of it. He did it without the help from his siblings who chickened out so Kendall drawing a 1 in the sand might signify that he now views himself as the only true successor to Logan, he's alone at the top. Just like Marina, I kinda saw Kendall diving into the ocean as a kind of baptism. Water has been a big component in Kendall's darkest moments but here he dives in and floats happily as if he finally conquered that part of him which usually brings him down.