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Blue Velvet Full Length Reaction



Both looking forward to seeing your reaction and not looking forward to watching certain scenes again in this one


You would love Twin Peaks

Joshua Doty

the character in franks gang who kept repeating his name is actually jack nance who was in eraserhead! also i’m definitely looking forward to you checking out elephant man and/or twin peaks in the future


Twin Peaks!!!!!!!!!!!




Angelo Badalamenti (who just died last December) did the music in this and most if not all of his subsequent films plus Twin Peaks. His music for Twin Peaks is especially memorable. Badalamenti did cameos in both Blue Velvet, where he was the guy at the piano at Club Slow, and in Mulholland Drive, where he played the finicky gangster who spat out the espresso in that one scene.

Joshua Doty

RIP also i’m well aware of what he looks like how in the world did i never notice he was the espresso guy


Your comment that this film seemed kind of normal compared to Lynch's other films you've seen so far surprised me. It's definitely more straightforward than Eraserhead. But that one was considered an experimental art film. He went on to do the very well-received Elephant Man (I won't say more to avoid spoiling it) followed by the big-budget failure (depending on your point of view—I like it) of Dune. Blue Velvet seemed to come out of left field and was his most critically praised film up to that point. It's also the spiritual predecessor in many ways to Twin Peaks.

Joshua Doty

I don’t think his comment is surprising since the three lynch movies he’s seen are all very experimental and compared to those this is relatively normal


That's true. I've just never thought of BV as being anything like a "normal" movie. Maybe because of when I first saw it, which was before things like Mulholland Drive, etc.


I recommend Elephant Man 1980 and The Straight Story 1999 for more David Lynch films and obviously cant wait for Twin Peaks eventually

Scott Bennici

Pure Lynch. Fantastic Laura Dern

George Ray

CBS is notorious for blocking anything Twin peaks reaction type content, I speak from experience.