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The Mandalorian S3E5 (Chapter 21) Full Length Reaction


Myles Away

What mode do you have D+ in? Mine shows a title and thumbnail

Myles Away

I don't want to come across as a hater. I give every series a chance. I didn't think Andor was going to be anything special and it turned out to be the best thing since Empire. However, this show is terrible. There is no forward momentum. The story is so random and the creators show zero restraint. Every episode has a monster fight, a space battle/aerial dog fight, or both. The overall story is badly written and the momentary dialogue within a scene feels like its written by 3rd graders. This episode would have made perfect sense if it was aired at 4:30pm on a weekday after school in 1995. The only thing masking that for most people is the VFX budget. That pirate ship exploding looked fantastic but I felt nothing. In Andor the siege of that city would have been 2-3 episodes worth of content. Instead we get 25 extras shuffling through the desert for 1 minute and then a 5-10 minute battle erasing everything that just happened. It's just not well done. It feels emotionally cheap and hollow.


It's only that way for the first few hours, which is usually when I watch it, after that it shows a title and thumbnail


For reference I LOVED Andor. I watched the first 2 episodes of this season of The Mandalorian and haven't kept up. I don't feel compelled to watch at all. I get that different shows can be different things but every part feels clunky and I can't help but compare it to the precision / writing / performance / plot choices of Andor. I think you nailed it: nothing feels like it has any stakes. A pulpier, more fantastical series could be great - if the writing is great! if the choices are great! Such a disappointment imo. The people who say that Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau should be in charge of all Disney Star Wars stuff, I really hope not.

Myles Away

Totally agree. Dave Filoni seems to be the reason The Mandalorian took such a nose dive in season 2. I was never a fan of the Star Wars animated series though. Looks like a bunch of Funko Pops running aorund. So I really don't see his appeal.