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(Option 2) Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CA8Wjq6gtoBS4rQelToIyLCIypbp7h2L/view?usp=sharing


True Detective S1E1 (The Long Bright Dark) Full Length Reaction







Man, I fell in love with this season, haven't really watched the others but this one is just so damn good.

Future Boy

They jump around in time a lot in this show, so it can be hard to work out when things happened. Those pictures they showed Rust at the end of the episode are from a recent murder that looks a lot like the Dori case they investigated 17 years earlier. So Rust is asking how can this be the same killer when they thought they caught him back in 95.

Future Boy

Dora, not Dori* Great 1st episode reaction, by the way. Can't wait for the rest of the season!


For every 3 minutes i watch, your video gets behind about 3 seconds so i have to stop every so often. Gets really annoying. Dont have that problem with Breaking Bad. Anyone else having that issue ?


Hmmmm, is it getting behind purely based on the timecode? Or do my comments start to come before something has happened? It might be that the fps of True Detective is different which would make the timecode slightly different, but as long as my comments are still matching up it'd hopefully be ok


Same here. It takes 5 seconds if I line them up perfectly for my video to be out of sync again (mine is moving faster)


I fixed it by downloading the reaction and playing it using VLC player then setting the playspeed to x1.04


I have that issue with every HBO show. Breaking bad and everything else works fine, but HBOs fps is slightly higher, which is annoying as hell.


Depends on the source a lot too. Hulu adds extra time in scene transitions compared to other sources.

Chas Addison

so happy you are doing this show. Hopefully if you enjoy it you can do season 3 as well. Season 2 is good but definitely a step down from the other seasons.

Carlos Hurtado

it seems like it depends on the streaming service you are using. I'm watching on HBO max and I'm having no sync issues.

Jeff I.

Hey Brandon, loving that you're doing this show! I watched along using iTunes (like usual), and did the 1.04 play speed in VLC like they suggested, but that got constantly out of sync. Turns out it works fine for me syncing up using iTunes to play the show while your video is next to it (they never get out of syn once I sync them up at the start), so maybe others could be using a source like Hulu or HBO that gives a slightly faster 'speed' for the episode than iTunes does. In other words, it's not your own video that needs to be adjusted as part of your own editing process, as much as Patrons needing to adjust for different sources playing the show running different speeds. That can still be corrected like that guy mentioned with VLC (free to download) to adjust the play speed of the episode. Just wanted to clear that up for you and anyone else who reads this. :-)

Carlos Hurtado

I love the lighting and cinematography in this show. You can tell a lot of work went into it.


This show has one of my all time favorite oner's and some truly incredible camera moves. Everyone has that piece of media where they start to notice the craft involved in filming a scene and this was it for me. Fun fact, other than the oner, the entire season was shot on Kodak film instead of digital.


Same, although HBO seems to buffer more when using the youtube reaction compared to the googledrive link...not sure why.

Connor Munroe

I didn't experience this, fyi. It sometimes happens with Breaking Bad but it's very subtle and easy to fix with the thumbnail in the corner


I am using hbo nordic (scandinavian hbo streaming service) and im getting out of sync just after a few seconds 😞


Oh hell yes, hell yes. It's been so long since I last watched this. One of the finest seasons of TV ever. Stoked to get into this.

Ian A

Awesome. Looking forward to this. Heard it's really good. Edit: In your words Holy Freak Dude! Matthew McConaughey is goood in this and totally agree Daddario is total 10!


This is such an amazing series with so many tiny, minuscule subtleties you can miss the first time you watch it. From the guy in prison being interviewed saying, "You know how we all want a wife but only half the time?" and Woody's character nodding quietly with his eyes closed and Matthew's character just letting it fall over him because he doesn't have the same experience to him showing up drunk at the dinner invite drunk for multiple reasons. Such an amazing experience and I envy anyone watching it for the first time.


I did not expereince this streaming HBO via Hulu in the USA. But I do experience similar lag watching Breaking Bad via Netflix. It's probably gonna be hard to get every upload just right for everybody, as long it's close, I don't have a problem personally.


This first season of True Detective is some of the best 8 hours ever put to film. Hard to figure what happened with the following seasons. They never quite captured this magic ever again, but that's sort of ok because it makes this season stand out even more imo. And as for sync issues, luckily it's always easy to sync up HBO shows cuz of that iconic tv static splash screen at the start lol


Honestly, the other seasons will most likely disappoint. They aren't necessarily bad, but they don't come close to this one.