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Hey guys just thought I'd update you all real quick on a few things. Since several of the past few movies I've been reacting to have been 3 hrs or longer it got me a bit behind in recording/editing (it's my own fault for putting so many long movies in consecutive polls). But here's what you should be able to expect coming up over the next few days:

Tonight (late, around 2-3am): Breaking Bad Season 2 Episodes 9 & 10 full lengths

Tomorrow: Saving Private Ryan Full Length

                       It's Always Sunny Season 2 Episodes 2 & 3 Full Lengths

Saturday: Saving Private Ryan YouTube Edit

Late Saturday/Sunday: Goodfellas Full Length

Monday: Goodfellas YouTube Edit

After that I should be able to get caught up back to my normal schedule (and hopefully start releasing BB and It's Always Sunny full lengths early again), but wanted to let you know what to expect so you weren't worrying!



Dude, relax. Quality over quantity any day. Love your stuff! I', still waiting for the 4h:50min Das Boot marathon, so...


Everyone already said what I wanted to and then some. You have a lot of love from us, so no worries 😊