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The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Full Length Reaction.mp4



I had totally slept on this one. I knew it was good but holy hell did it blow me away. Since watching this yesterday I've bought the two remaining books and am very much looking forward to devouring those stories too! Watching these reactions is like watching amazing movies with a good friend. I can't get enough!


You won't regret it. The series is a fantastic read :)


Hello, Swedish person here! The story is the first part of a triology written by Steig Larsson. They made Swedish movies out of all three of them. This American one is almost a copy story wise of the first one so it would be repetative for you to watch, but maybe worth it if you want to se how the story progresses and Noomi Rapace is great as Lisbeth. I've read the books and watched all the movies. I think they didn't to an enough good job with delivering information to the audience so I understand that you were confused here and there. Alot happened and it kind of makes sense when there are more parts to the story, but as a stand alone movie the ending gets a little weird. I enjoyed rewatching it with you tho, and it's fun to se the mixture of American, Brittish and Swedish actors.